孝德,the filial piety
1)the filial piety孝德
1.But with the development of the feudalistic society,the filial piety headed for the opposition of the two meanings,and became unilateralism.孝德作为中国传统文化,从其起源看有两层最基本的含义:一是对生命的敬重;二是对父母长辈的孝敬,并且这种孝的特征是以“父义”为前提的,具有双向性。

1.Xiaode Primary School and Xiaode Middle School,Mianzhu City,Sichuan Province四川绵竹市孝德孝德小学、孝德中学设计
2.Just as filial piety being the most basic moral quality, filial piety education is the most basic moral education.孝是人最基本的道德品质,孝德教育是最基本的道德教育。
3.The Traditional Filial Piety Morality and Modern Citizen's Moral Quality Education传统孝德观与现代公民道德素质教育
4.Use the Filial Piety to Expand the Advanced Culture in Rural Areas--A Survey of the Practice of Filial Piety in Xiaoshun;以孝德文化建设拓展农村先进文化建设——对孝顺镇加强孝德文化建设的思考
5.Analysis of Cause of Declining of the Filial Piety in the Modern Age;中国传统孝德在近代衰落的原因探析
6.Enlighten the nationality with the filial piety and the morals--About Shun emperor s moral culture and home education brief discussion;以孝德化育民族——简论舜德文化与家庭教育
7.Some college students' faint awareness of filial piety caused by the lack of filial piety education is not negligible.由于缺乏孝德教育而致使部分大学生孝德观念淡漠,伦理道德水平不高的现象不容忽视。
8.Connection between Guanyin and Confucian Theory of Filial Duty;普陀山送子观音与儒家孝德思想的对话
9.Honorable Sir, I have an aged mother to support.大恩大德的老爷,我上有老母要孝敬。
10.Study on the Historical Development and the Modern Virtuous Teach Worth of the Filial Piety Culture;“孝”的历史流变及其现代德育价值研究
11.Filial Piety and the Moral Situation of Minors in Chinese Culture;孝与中国文化中未成年人的道德境况
12.Discuss Functions of Filial Piety on Promoting Personal Morals;论“孝”在提升个人道德修养上的价值
13.Filial Piety and Revenge --the Relations between Morals and Legal System in the Han Dynasty;孝与复仇:汉代道德与法制的关系表现
14.Enlightment of traditional filial piety to modern high school's moral education传统孝悌教育对现代高校德育的启示
15.Piety and Benevolence:Two Foundations of Moral论道德的基础——从仁与孝的角度出发
16.Comparison of Traditional Moral View of Filial Piety Culture with Contemporary Moral Values;传统孝文化道德观与当代道德价值观之比较
17.If parents are hateful and cruel, then it's truly to be filial.若父母亲憎恶我,还能尽孝,那才是真正贤德啊!
18.Concurrently, Edgar Snow was a devoted son.由此,埃德加·斯诺也成了家里的一个孝子。

theory of filial duty孝德思想
3)Modern change of filial piety孝德转化
4)Value of filial piety孝德价值
5)Construction of filial piety孝德建设
6)The Moral Education of Filial Piety孝之德育
