伦理要求,ethical requirement
1)ethical requirement伦理要求
1.Harmonious society,as the importantly ethical value orientation of Communist Party of China,belongs to a basic value judgment and it itself is an ethical requirement.道德调节作为社会调节一种不可或缺的重要方式,以推动人们的行为和关系从"现有"到"应有"的转化为目标,本身就是一种价值导向;和谐社会作为中国共产党执政伦理的重要价值取向,属于"应然"的基本价值判断,本身也是一种伦理要求

1.Ethical Demand and the Professional Moral of Teachers;浅议新时期教师职业道德和伦理要求
2.At last, it concludes that seeking to the intact government creditability is the intrinsic and ethical demand of modern life of politics.最后得出结论 :追求完整的政府信誉是现代政治生活的内在伦理要求
3.Public Governments Trouble in Requirements of Ethical Improvement and Their Explorations;公共政府伦理治理要求的困境与探索
4.Ethical requirements for the main body in harmonious society of socialism;社会主义和谐社会的主体伦理性要求
5.Value Orientation and Responsibility Requirement of Information Ethnical Principle;信息伦理原则的价值取向与责任要求
6.The basic demands and norms of both business ethics and traditional ethical ideas ought to exist in conformity with each other.经济伦理学和传统伦理思想的基本要求和准则应该说是一致的
7.Requirement of Ethics and Learners Ethics Cultivation in Modern Distance Education;论现代远程教育的伦理道德要求及学习者的伦理道德培养
8.The Necessary Requirement of Medicine Ethics:enhancing pediatric perioperative pain management;加强小儿围术期疼痛管理——医学伦理的必然要求
9.Early Buddhist ethics calls for practitioners to cultivate four mental states早期的佛教伦理学要求佛家弟子培养四种情感
10.Impact on Traditional Pension Ethics and Demand of Development of Market Economy;论传统养老伦理与市场经济发展要求的冲突
11.A Right Role for General Education to Play--"Discussion with Professor Zhang Ru-lun";通才教育要寻求合理定位——与张汝伦教授商榷
12.He asked him to send the story.他要求杰克?伦敦交故事。
13.Again, sound economic reasons compel China to opt for an ethical culture.我们有足够的经济理由再次要求中国选择一种伦理文化。
14.Ethical research always seeks a dialogue with a variety of sources of relevant facts.伦理研究总是要寻求与相关事实来源进行的多方对话。
15.However, they must also explain that ethical behavior demands a respect for the environment.但是,他们也必须解释伦理行为所要求的对环境的尊重。
16.Unity of Moral and Good Fortune is the Necessary Need of Social Justice--Concurrently on the value foundation of the administrative ethic construction;德福统一是社会公正的必然要求——兼论行政伦理建设的价值基础
17.Mental and Moral Science: A Compendium of Psychology and Ethics心理学和伦理学纲要
18.Responsibility Theory:Necessary Resort of the Ethics of Contemporary Society;责任伦理:现代社会伦理精神的必然诉求

ethical principle and requirements伦理原则和要求
3)ethical demand伦理诉求
1.Because of the influence of social transformation in our country,the ethical demand in political legitimacy of construction of CPC is becoming increasingly strong,which requires us to seek more ethical reasons for the origin of political legiti.由于受我国社会转型的影响,我党政治合法性建设的伦理诉求越发强烈,它迫切要求我们的政治合法性来源寻求更多的道德依据,以适应社会治理的需要。
4)the search for ethics伦理追求
1.The article aims to elucidate the search for ethics of educational administration.教育管理对伦理追求是必要的,也是可能的,教育管理应追求明确的目标。
5)ethics of difference求异伦理
6)Ethics Need伦理需要

发包人要求承包人按时开工和按要求施工的权利发包人要求承包人按时开工和按要求施工的权利:承包人应当按照合同的约定做好开工前的准备工作,负责作好施工场地的平整,施工界区内用水、用电、道路、以及临时设施的施工:编制施工组织设计或施工方案;按照约定作好材料和设备的采购、供应和管理;向发包人提供应由发包人供应的材料、设备的计划,承包人应按照合同约定的开工日期按时开工。在施工中,承包人须严格按照施工图及说明书进行施工,承包人不按照施工图和说明书施工而造成工程质量不符合合同约定条件的,应当负责无偿修理或者返工。《民法》第一版 第515页 魏振瀛 北京大学出版社