祭亲,offering sacrifices to ancestors
1)offering sacrifices to ancestors祭亲
1.Their view of filial piety embodied in supporting parents, offering sacrifices to ancestors and being faithful to the emperor,which was fully reflected in filial piety poems.唐人的孝亲观主要体现为善事父母的养亲观、居丧致哀的祭亲观和忠重于孝的忠君观,这在诗歌中有充分体现。
1.A Study of the Pronunciation and Meaning for “Ji”(祭) and “Si”(祀);“祭”、“祀”音义探源

1.A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirely by flames.燔用火烧的供品
2.Sacrificing as if present means sacrificing to the spirits as if they were present. Confucius said, If I do not personally offer the sacrifice, it is the same as not having sacrificed at all.如在,神如神在。子曰:「吾不与,如不。」
3."He made his burned offering and his meal offering and his drink offering there, draining out the blood of his peace-offerings on the altar."烧燔,素,浇奠,将平安牲的血洒在坛上,
4."These are the laws for the burned offering, the meal offering, and the offering for wrongdoing; and for the making of priests, and for the giving of peace-offerings;"这就是燔,素,赎罪,赎愆,和平安的条例,并承接圣职的礼,
5.The guilt offering is like the sin offering, there is one law for them; the priest who makes atonement with it shall have it.利7:7赎罪怎样、愆也是怎样、个是一个条例.赎愆赎罪的司、得这物。
6.The same law applies to both the sin offering and the guilt offering: They belong to the priest who makes atonement with them.赎罪怎样,赎愆也是怎样,两个是一个条例。献赎愆赎罪的司要得这物。
7.The trespass offering is like the sin offering; there is one law for them: The priest who makes expiation with it shall have it.7赎罪怎样,赎愆也怎样,两个是一个条例:用赎愆遮罪的司,要得这物。
8.The priest is to present them before the LORD and make the sin offering and the burnt offering.司要在耶和华面前献那人的赎罪和燔
9.You are to give the right thigh of your fellowship offerings to the priest as a contribution.你们要从平安中把右腿作举,奉给司。
10.joss stick(中国神用的)香
11.Altar of Zeus, Pergamon宙斯坛(帕加马)
12."and the priests and the Levites will never be without a man to come before me, offering burned offerings and perfumes and meal offerings and offerings of beasts at all times."司,利未人在我面前也不断人献燔,烧素,时常办理献的事。
13.With the imperial household of Qing, sacrifices were offered three times a day, in the In addition, offerings were also presented in spring and autumn and on other occasions. morning, at noon and in the evening respectively.清王室的祀分朝、日、夕三,还有春秋,季节等。
14.Every meal offering offered for the priest is to be completely burned: nothing of it is to be taken for food.司的素都要烧了,却不可吃。
15.But in the temple sacrifice," Liao sacrifice" lasted untilthe end of the Shang Dynasty.但在庙中,燎一直延续到商末。
16.A priest, especially of an ancient Roman deity.司尤指服侍古罗马神的
17.the latter, as a body, formed one of the Roman priestly colleges.全体司构成罗马司团之一。
18.A priestess of Apollo at Delphi.女司特尔斐城阿波罗神的女

1.A Study of the Pronunciation and Meaning for “Ji”(祭) and “Si”(祀);“祭”、“祀”音义探源
3)sacrificial dress祭服
1.The sacrificial dress in the Book of Songs was studied, in which the sacrificial dress, (man’s) sacrificial dress, the female sacrificial dress were further investigated.通过研究《诗经》中的祭服,对其中描写的“祭服”、“男子祭服”、“女子祭服”几个方面进行了初步探讨,特别是联系当时相关资料,对其中某些服饰作了新解,从而更进一步认识先秦时代的服饰礼制、祭服形制、用途,以及当时的一些风俗时尚、森严的服饰等级制度和人们的审美观念。
4)sacrificial rites祭祀
1.On the base of campestral investigation,the author mainly studies the characteristics and relations between Fengshui and sacrificial rites on the old lounge bridges in the east of Fujian province,and points out that the appearing signal of the old lounge bridges mixed together the bridges and the local village culture by means of their formal signal and their symbolic expression.在田野调查的基础上,主要考察闽东廊桥在风水与祭祀两个方面的种种表征,指出廊桥凭借自身外显的形式符号,借助象征语言将桥梁与村落文化融为一体;廊桥既具现实的利民渡涉的作用,又反映了闽东乡民观念中的趋福避祸的心理,具有丰富的文化内涵。
2.The words in Chuci come from the sacrificial rites of the chief of a tribe in the region of Yuan river or Xian river.《九歌》是一组具有国家祀典性质的祭歌,用于大型、重要的祭祀活动。
3.With historical development,ethnic Manchu developed into four social groups,who lived in different from each other geographical and cultural conditions,and thus their sacrificial rites underwent different changes in content and form.不同类型的满族群体在相异的地理环境和文化的影响下 ,其民间祭祀的内容和形式也发生了不同的变化 ,表现出满族民间祭祀的稳定性和变更性相统一的文化特点。
1.In Mongolian areas Tibetan Buddhism penetrated into the people s social and daily lives,and brings great changes to Mongolian folklore,especially in funeral and fete customs.其中佛教观念对卫拉特人的丧葬和祭祀习俗影响格外深远,体现在埋葬方式、丧葬礼仪以及对大自然、佛和各种神的祭祀等方面。
2.The paper studied the relation between the Manchu shamanism and fete through Eight Banners genealogy.本文运用八旗谱牒资料,对萨满教与祭祀之间的关系展开研究。
6)worm sacrif虫祭
1.The field investigation,taking the village in Chollanamdo of Korea as subject,exposed the double disasters caused by ecology and social culture in the 1960s when the urbanization was upgraded and the green revolution in agriculture invaded the village to cause the worm sacrifice ceremony to disappear.以韩国全罗道下沙溪村为田野调查对象,揭示了20世纪60年代10多年间,随着居民的城市化和农业“绿色革命”的深入,该村传统的虫祭仪式随之消失,并以此为突破口,展示了该村因此而蒙受的生态和社会文化“双重”灾难,希望唤起整个社会的反省,注意到技术的引进不能光凭该项技术是否贴上“科学”的标签,而是要看该项技术是否能与文化共同体和相处的生态系统相兼容。
