功能性内涵,connotations of functionality
1)connotations of functionality功能性内涵
2)connotational function内涵功能
3)Function and Contexts功能与内涵
4)Implication and Function内涵与功能
1.A Dialectical Ponder on the Implication and Function of Corporate Strategy——A Study with cross-cultural perspective企业战略内涵与功能的思辨——跨文化视角的研究

1.Analysis of the Concept,Connotation and Functions of Tourism Information Systems;论旅游信息系统的概念、内涵与功能
2.The Implication and Function of Cross-cultural Transmission of Martial Art on University Campus;论高校校园武术文化国际传播的内涵与功能
3.On the Essence and Goal of Physical Education on Campus;对学校体育的本质内涵与功能目标的探讨
4.A Dialectical Ponder on the Implication and Function of Corporate Strategy--A Study with cross-cultural perspective企业战略内涵与功能的思辨——跨文化视角的研究
5.Study on the Connotation,Structure and Function of School Organization Culture;学校组织文化内涵、结构与功能探讨
6.Connotation,Function and Construction of the Culture of Teachers Ethics in Higher Education Institutions;试论大学师德文化的内涵、功能与构建
7.On the Connotation,the Feature and the Function of Guiding Ideology of the governing party;论执政党指导思想的内涵、特征与功能
8.Connotation,Character and Function of the Communication of Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育沟通:内涵、特征与功能
9.Meaning,Feathers and Function of College Campus PE Culture;论高校体育文化的内涵、特征与功能
10.On Meaning and Practical Function of Architectural Feng Shui Culture浅论建筑风水文化的内涵与实用功能
11.Connotation,features and functions of modern urban community论现代城市社区的内涵、特性与功能
12.Function Orientation and Connotation Reconstruction of College Student Organizations高校学生组织的功能定位与内涵重构
13.Value Orientaton,Function and the Intension of College Campus Sport Culture;高校校园体育文化的内涵、功能与价值取向
14.My Humble Opinions about the Connotations,Functions and Forms of the Carrier of Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育载体内涵、功能与形态刍议
15.A Research about the Concept,Forming Factors and Political Functions of the Trust in Government;论政府信任的概念内涵、形成因素与政治功能
16.On connotations,function and construction approaches of road traffic safety culture;道路交通安全文化的内涵、功能与建设途径
17.The Connotation,Structure and Function of Property Rights on Human Capital of Entrepreneur;企业家人力资本产权的内涵、结构与功能
18.Talk about The Function of Social Control with Taboo and proterozoic religion of Kam-people;侗族禁忌与原生型宗教:内涵及其社会控制功能

connotational function内涵功能
3)Function and Contexts功能与内涵
4)Implication and Function内涵与功能
1.A Dialectical Ponder on the Implication and Function of Corporate Strategy——A Study with cross-cultural perspective企业战略内涵与功能的思辨——跨文化视角的研究
5)function of contain water涵水功能
6)function implication功能涵义
1.From the mere emphasis on symbolic meaning to that on function of architecture, still further to the extension of function implication in Post-modernism architecture, the essay helps to view the development of western architecture from the evolution of function implication.功能是建筑存在的物质需要,西方建筑在漫长的历史中,"功能"的作用也几经改变,从强调建筑的象征意义到强调建筑的功能原则,再到新现代主义建筑中功能涵义的深化,此文试图从功能涵义的演化理清西方建筑发展的脉络。

低促性腺激素性性功能低下低促性腺激素性性功能低下  指女孩由于缺乏促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)分泌,使促卵泡素(FSH)和黄体生成素(LH)分泌不足所引起的性征不发育。其原因可能为中枢神经系统疾病,如感染损伤,肿瘤,或先天缺陷;可能为单一促性腺激素缺乏,特发垂体功能低下矮小症,功能性促性腺激素缺乏等。