忠孝观,Views on loyalty and filial piety
1)Views on loyalty and filial piety忠孝观

1.Loyalty,Filial Piety,and the Revolution Predicament:A Case Study of Investiture of the Gods;忠孝观念与革命困境——《封神演义》中的忠孝与武王伐纣的合法性
2.The View on Loyalty and Filial Piety of GUAN Tian- pei;关天培的忠孝观——评《延龄瑞菊图》跋
3.A Research into the Social Foundation for Viewing the Difference of Chinese Culture and Japanese Culture from the Perspective of Confucian “Conception of Loyalty and Filial Piety”;中日文化差异的社会根源探究——以儒家“忠孝观”视角
4.Cultural Interpretation of Lao She's View of Loyalty and Filial Piety--A Case Study of the Three Brothers in the Qis of Lao She's Family with Four Generations老舍忠孝观的文化阐释——以《四世同堂》中祁家三兄弟的形象为例
5.Different Status of Loyalty and Filial Obedience in Traditional Ethical Ideas in China and Japan;“忠”“孝”在中日传统伦理观念中的地位
6.The last one is about“ loyalty and filial piety”. Its rank is very important in the experimental class.最后一个是关于忠孝,上过电影课的孩子们在忠孝这个价值观中排名是非常重要的。
7.He inculcated on(in)us the duties of loyalty and final piety他向我们灌输忠孝之道。
8.An Analysis on Different Filial Pieties of Book of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety浅析《孝经》与《孝论》不同的孝亲观
9.An Analysis on the Difference of Filial Piety of Book of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety解析《孝经》与《孝论》孝亲观的差异
10.as far as you yourself are concerned, this will be an expression of both loyalty and filial piety.就吾弟个人而言,可谓忠孝两全。
11.a devoted son, friend, supporter, etc孝子、 忠实的朋友、 不遗余力的支持者
12.Views on the Chu s in Wei and Jin Dynasties in Terms of Royalty and Filial Piety;从“忠”“孝”问题看魏晋时的褚氏家族
13.Value and Communication: Study of "Loyalty,Filial Piety,Propriety,and Justice"“忠孝礼义”研究的价值与传播问题
14.TAIPEI Store Located at the exit of MRT Chunghsiao-Fuhsing Station of Panchiao/ Nankang Line. The most convenient and fast shopping ground.「台北忠孝本馆」于捷运系统板南线忠孝复兴站4出口,出门购物快速方便!
15.Confucius said, "Approach them with dignity, and they will be reverent. be filial and compassionate and they will be loyal. Promote the able and teach the incompetent, and they will work positively for you."子曰:「临之以庄,则敬;孝慈,则忠;举善而教不能,则勤。」
16.From Individual Morality to Political Ethic;从个人德行到政治伦理——以贞、孝、忠为中心的考察
17.The Theoretical Gene and Actual Representation of the Contradiction between "Loyalty" and "Piety" in China;传统中国“忠”“孝”矛盾的理论基因和实践表征
18.Influence of the Quiet and Perceptive Religious Sect on Loyalty and Affiliation of Confucian School;论净明道对儒家忠孝思想的继承和发展

Faithful filial piety ethics忠孝伦理观
3)The Sense of Loyalty and Filial Piety in the Liao and Jin Dynasties辽金人的忠孝观
4)Loyalty and Filial Piety忠孝
1.Loyalty and filial piety is the important content of ancient Chinese ethic, it s also the composing portion of Chinese traditional culture.忠孝是中国古代伦理的重要内容 ,中国传统文化的组成部分。
2.Jingmingdao, its full name was based on loyalty and filial piety of jingmingdao, was one of the Taoist School which has based on faith of Xuxun in the period of Jin Dynasty, which has risen in Xishan Nanchang of Jiangxi between the period of Song and Yuan Dynasty.净明道,全称“净明忠孝道”,是指源于晋代许逊信仰,于宋元间在江西南昌西山兴起的一个道教派别,系由灵宝派分衍而成;该派尊许逊为始祖。
5)dutiful devoted孝忠
1.This article analyzed the dutiful, filial piety and fraternal duty, dutiful devoted and piety, brought to light the intension of filial piety culture and showed the charm of it.通过对“孝”、“孝悌”、“孝忠”、“孝廉”的分析,可进一步探索孝的概念与演进的过程,窥视中国特有孝道文明的历史轨迹,从而揭示孝文化的内涵,展示孝文化的无穷魅力,利用孝文化资源为社会主义精神文明建设服务。
6)On Zeng Guofan s Theory of Faithfulness and Fidelity论曾国藩的忠孝观
