意图伦理,intention ethics
1)intention ethics意图伦理
1.The moral rationality of ruling is not only the interaction of ruling efficiency and rationality,but also the organic unity of party intention ethics and responsibility ethics.执政道德合理性不仅是执政的有效性与合理性的良性互动,而且还是执政党意图伦理与责任伦理的有机统一。

1.A Problematic Study on the Intentional Ethics in the Researches of Romanticism in Modern Chinese Literature: Re-discussions with Mr.YU Zhao-ping;浪漫主义研究中的意图伦理现象批判——与俞兆平先生再商榷
2.Buddhist Ethics:the Significance of Global Ethics Resource;佛教伦理:一种全球伦理资源的意义
3.Business Ethics and Ethic Meaning of the Market Economy;经济伦理学及市场经济的伦理学意义
4.Thoughts of Taoism's Ecoethic and Its Universal Ethics Meanings道家生态伦理思想及其普世伦理意蕴
5.The Significance of Buddhist Ethics in Modern Times佛教伦理的现代意义——全球伦理视域下的考察
6.Several Ethic Realms and Their Significance in Studies of Environmental Ethics;环境伦理学研究中的几种伦理境界及其意义
7.An Analysis of Ecotourists Ethical Consciousness and Principles;生态旅游者个人伦理意识和伦理原则探析
8.Feudal Legalized Ethics and Moralized Law and Their Significance;封建伦理法律化与法律伦理化及其借鉴意义
9.Significance of Marx s Ethnical Spirit to Construct of Modernity Ethnics;马克思伦理精神对现代性伦理建构之意义
10.Study On the Possibilities of the Universal Ethics & the Global Ethics of Consciousness;普遍伦理与全球意识伦理的可能性问题研究
11.On the Positive Significance of Chinese Buddhist Ethics to Chinese Ethics;简论中国佛教伦理对国民伦理精神的积极意义
12.On Plato’s Thought of Economic Ethics in His Work Republic;论柏拉图《理想国》中的经济伦理思想
13.Study on Ethical Thought in German Ideology;《德意志意识形态》中的伦理思想初探
14.On Ethical Conflicts in the Course of Library s Service;论高校图书馆服务过程中的伦理冲突
15.Kant s Ethics of Transcendentalism in the View of the Problem of Modernity;现代性问题图景中的康德先验伦理学
16.Study on the Ethical Problems of Oral History Work in Library图书馆口述历史工作的伦理问题初探
17.Research on Library Ethics--the Concept,Object,Content and Target图书馆伦理研究——概念、对象、内容与任务
18.The Idea of Self in Commentaries on Theorems of Ethics;《〈伦理学原理〉批注》中的自我意识

ethical intention伦理意图
1.Based on previous research, we find three factors of corporate ethical decision-making process, namely "ethical perception", "ethical judgment" and "ethical intention".根据西方学术界的已有研究成果,提炼出企业伦理决策过程的三个构成要素,即“伦理感知”、“伦理判断”和“伦理意图”,从理论上阐述了三者的关系并加以实证检验,说明三者构成企业伦理决策过程是可行的、正确的。
3)ethics significance伦理意义
4)ethical significance伦理意义
1.On the ethical significances of health services to the peasant workers;简论做好农民工医疗卫生工作的伦理意义
2.Learning Style Transformation:Reflections on Its Ethical Significance and Problems;学习方式变革:伦理意义及其问题反思
3.The ethical significance of sustainable development of science and technology lies in expanding the area where the traditional ethic works, managing to the unification of truth?kind and beauty during the development of science and technology and holding the direction from which people will benefit from the development.坚持科学技术可持续发展观的伦理意义在于 :拓展传统伦理道德的调节范围 ,达成科学技术发展中真善美的统一 ,把握科学技术造福人类的发展方向。
5)ethical implication伦理意蕴
1.On the historical evolution and ethical implication of the internal contradiction of the idea of“Dominating Nature” ──Review of William Leiss The Domintion of Nature;“控制自然”观念内在悖论的历史演进及伦理意蕴──莱斯《自然的控制》解读
6)Ethic meaning伦理意义
1.The ethic meaning of operation agreement letter is.治病救人、救死扶伤是其伦理意义,当现实与法律相悖或法律出现真空时,医方应从立法精神上考虑,实施特殊的医疗干预。
