神道设教,instructing people by a spirit-like way
1)instructing people by a spirit-like way神道设教

1.The elevation of reasoning and educating through religion: use of religion as a means of education in "Xingshi Yinyuan Zhun;理性张扬与神道教化——《醒世姻缘传》的神道设教
2.The Strategy of Popularization of Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan in Its Use of Religion as a Means of Education;《醒世姻缘传》神道设教的民间性策略
3.Ideological Bias of Preachment in Conjugal Felicity to Awaken the World;《醒世姻缘传》神道设教中的思想偏见
4.Religeonization of Shendao under the Confucian ideas--On "Romance of Fate of Couple to Awaken Men" creation of religeon of Shendao;儒家理念统摄下的神道教化——论《醒世姻缘传》的神道设教
5.Superstition as Educational Means: The National Tradition of Narratives in Ming-Qing Novels;神道设教:明清章回小说叙事的民族传统
6.A new guess at the meaning of the He tu (River Map) and Luo shu (Luo Chart);“河图”“洛书”与洛邑之营建及神道设教——关于“河图”“洛书”的新揣测
7.Religious Ethics and the Spiritual Civilization Building of Socialism宗教道德与社会主义精神文明建设
8."Jinja: In the Shint religion, a place where a god is enshrined or to which it is summoned."神社:日本神道教祭神或参神的场所。
9.On the Relationship between Mythology and Daoism--from the angle of the influence of mythology on the the Daoist School神话与道教关系论——兼论神话与道家
10.Shinto gods, or kami, are worshipped at shrines .道教神,或叫纸神,在神祠被敬拜。
11.a believer in Shintoism.日本神道教的信仰者。
12.The Impact of Teacher s Morality on Socialist Cultural and Ideological Progress;试论教师道德在社会主义精神文明建设中的作用
13.Tracing the Spirit of Taoism for Writing, Studying the Sophisticated Reason for Education──The Differences of Science and Technology, Philosophies and Culture s between the West and Ancient China;原道心以敷章,研神理而设教──中西科技及其哲学与文化基础的差异
14.“God” and “Man” in Christian Hymn and Taoist Exhorting Poetry;基督教赞美诗与道教道诗中的“神”与“人”
15.The Influences of Taoist Culture on the Yuan Drama about Taoist Deities论道教文化对元代神仙道化剧的影响
16.The Cultural Feature of Taoist Culture and Operas of Making the Immortals Taotists道教文化与“神仙道化”剧的艺术特色
17.Shinto is the natural indigenous religion of Japan.日本之神道教是日本本土的自然教。
18.of or pertaining to the branch of Shinto recognized as the state religion of Japan.属于或关于日本国教神道教分支的。

1.Analysis of Shinto and the Japanese Militarism;试析神道教与日本军国主义
2.Ancient Chinese emigrants to Japan had not only produced a great impact on Japan s society, politics, economy and culture, but had also poured new vitality into Shinto s growth and development.东渡日本的古代大陆移民 ,不仅对日本社会、政治、经济及文化产生了巨大影响 ,也为日本神道教的成长和发展注入了新的活力。
3)Taoist spirit道教精神
1.And, the growth of this genre is inseparable from the influence of Taoist spirit.唐传奇中人鬼之恋题材的开发有一个从模仿六朝志怪到独立创造的过程;将志怪的荒诞审美情趣与传奇的细腻笔法相结合,突出人物形象的刻画,从而使唐代人鬼之恋小说具有了新的艺术品质;而这种小说艺术的成长,又与道教精神的影响分不开。
5)Taoist Immortal道教神灵
