个体实践,person praxis
1)person praxis个体实践
1.Although practice is an attractive concept,our academic field has not made improving researches on the patterns of practice for a long time,and refused to admit person praxis suggested by Sartre.尽管实践是一个备受人们关注的概念,但长期以来,对于实践活动形式,我国学术界却没有进行推进性研究,并且对萨特的“个体实践”概念持拒斥态度。

1.An Attempt to Analyze Person Praxis in the Frame of Practical Idea of Marxism;马克思主义实践观框架内的个体实践
2.Ontology of Emotion: A Dimension of Individual Existence in Aesthetics of Praxis;情本体——实践美学的个体生存论维度
3.Spirit of Yimeng-the Specific Embodiment for Fulfillment of Three Representatives;沂蒙精神是实践“三个代表”的具体体现
4.the body of individuals qualified to practice law.有资格去实践法律的个体。
5.Some Problems Needing Attention in the Multimedia Teaching Practice;多媒体教学实践中应注意的几个问题
6.The Practical Subject of the Idea“Three Represents;论“三个代表”重要思想的实践主体
7.Increase of Farmers Income is Practice of "the Three Representings;农民增收是“三个代表”的具体实践
8.Individual Poetics: Theory and Practice in Writing between Criticism个体诗学:在写作实践与理论批评之间
9.On the Creation Mechanism of Individual Subjectivity Based on Practical Materialism;个体主体性生成机制的实践唯物主义探讨
10.Doing Well the Work of Preventing and Controlling “SARS” is the Concrete Refle ction of Implementing “the Three Represents”;做好高校“非典”防控是实践“三个代表”的具体体现
11.From Subjectivity of Mankind to Subjectivity of Individual:the Notion of Subjectivity in Li Zehou s Practice Aesthetics;从人类主体性到个体主体性——论李泽厚实践美学的主体性观念
12.The Theoretical and Practical Investigation about the Effects of Personal Victimization Prevention on the Public Security;个体被害预防在治安中的理论与实践初探
13.Practice and Probe in Promoting the Harmonious Pioneering of Individual Businessmen;推动个体经营户和谐创业的实践与探索
14.Individual Participation and Practice in Teaching The History of Modern and Contemporary Literature;《中国现当代文学史》课程的个体参与实践教学
15.Practicing "Three Representatives" : the Concentration Reflection of Maintaining Advance of Communist;实践“三个代表”:保持共产党员先进性的集中体现
16.Study on Physical Education Teaching and Student s Personality Cultivation in University;高校体育教学与学生个性培养的实践研究
17.Colleges Are the Specific Practices of "Three Representatives" Important Thought;高校是“三个代表”重要思想的具体实践者
18.Mind and International Relations:A Study of Psychology Analysis on the Level of Individuals;心理与国际关系:个体心理分析的理论与实践

personal practice theory个体实践理论
3)individual p ractice个人实践
4)individual participation and practice个体参与实践教学
5)practical system实践体系
1.Guided by advanced educational ideas, to build a perfect practical system, to make full use of resources available, and to develop and reinforce students abilities of originality and practice are required for satisfying the demand of qualified personnel by current educational development.为了满足当前教育发展对教育技术学专业人才的需要,必须建立完善的实践体系,充分利用现有的资源,以先进的教育理念为指导,强化学生创新和实践能力的培养。
2.We want to be based on VTP model,and research the basic indexes of the harmony mentality educa-tion mode down to up,so as to build objectively and scientifically the theoretical mode and practical system of the harmonious-mentality education.立足于V-T-P模式,通过自下而上对和谐心理教育模式基础指标的调研,可以客观、科学地构建和谐心理教育的理论模式和实践体系。
6)practice system实践体系
1.The Talents Cultivating about Practice on Educational Technology and the Building of Practice System教育技术专业的人才实践能力培养与实践体系建设
2.This article identifies the essence of circular economy, illustrates the relationship between circular economy and sustainable development and analyzes the practice system in the construction of a circular economy in China.本文首先对循环经济的实质进行了界定 ,在此基础上分析了建设循环经济的实践体系。
3.This paper describes the basic principles and specific content of error theory and surveying adjustment practice system construction,which including teaching practice and production practice.阐述了误差理论与测量平差实践体系构建的基本原则和具体内容。

"实践"号卫星  中国科学试验卫星系列,已发射4颗。"实践"1号卫星于1971年3月3日发射。卫星重221公斤,外形为近似球形的多面体,直径1米。运行轨道参数为:近地点266公里,远地点1826公里,倾角69.9°,周期106分钟。这颗卫星在轨道上约工作8年,于1979年6月17日陨落。它的主要任务是考验太阳电池、镉镍电池、辐射式主动热控制系统和遥测系统长期工作的可靠性,同时在运行期间对空间物理环境进行探测。卫星上的探测仪器有红外地平仪、太阳角计等。"实践" 1号卫星的运行试验结果表明,太阳电池、镉镍电池、辐射式主动热控制系统和遥测系统能够经受长时期工作的考验,卫星还取得了空间物理环境的数据。"实践"1号卫星为卫星技术,特别是卫星的电源系统、热控制系统和无线电测控系统的研制提供了重要资料。1981年9月20日成功地进行了"一箭多星"发射,用一枚"长征"号运载火箭发射了 3颗"实践"号卫星:"实践"2号、"实践"2号甲、"实践"2号乙。"实践"2号卫星重257公斤,外形为八面棱柱体,其外接球直径为1.23米,高为1.1米。卫星的运行轨道参数为:近地点 237公里,远地点1622公里,倾角60°,周期103分钟。它的主要任务是探测空间物理环境、试验太阳电池阵对日定向姿态控制和大容量数据存贮等新技术。在卫星上安装的主要探测仪器有热电离计、太阳X射线探测器、太阳紫外探测器、磁强计、太阳角计、闪烁计数器、短波红外辐射器、长波红外辐射器、红外地平仪、半导体电子方向探测器、半导体质子方向探测器等。"实践"2号卫星的运行试验结果表明:太阳电池阵工作正常,卫星对日定向姿态控制的精度很高,大容量数据存贮系统工作良好,这颗卫星取得了有关地球磁场、大气密度、太阳紫外射线、太阳 X射线、带电粒子辐射背景和大气紫外背景等数据。"实践"2号甲卫星和"实践" 2号乙卫星借助探测仪器取得了重要的科学探测数据,这两颗卫星还获得了有关技术试验的数据,为空间科学研究提供了资料。(见彩图)