相与之道,communication spirit
1)communication spirit相与之道
1.Sports spirit and communication spirit in humanistic Olympics;“人文奥运”的“体育之道”和“相与之道

1.Sports spirit and communication spirit in humanistic Olympics;“人文奥运”的“体育之道”和“相与之道
2.Of or relating to a convent.女修道院的女修道会的或与之相关的
3.of or having to do with or belonging to an abbey or abbot, or abbess.修道士的、与之相关的或属于修道士的。
4.On Similarities between Chinese Tao and Western Ideology for Universities论中国之“道”与西方之“理念”的相通性——以“大学之道”与“大学理念”为例
5.A Daoism follower does not try to fight against nature, but lives in harmony with it.学道之人尽量不与自然冲突,而要与之和睦相处。
6.The Doctrine and Succession of Taoism and The Adaptation of Taoism to Modern Society道教教义、道教承传及与当代社会之相容
7.So what are personal relations? They refer to the ways to get along with others.人情是什么?人情就是人与人之间的相处之道。
8.Of, relating to, or suggesting a cloister; secluded.修道院的修道院的、与之相关的或指修道院的;隔离的
9.A Dialogue between Dao and Creation in Western Culture--On their Similarities道与创世说的对话——浅论道与西方创世说的相似之处
10.conforming her life to accord with her moral principles;调整她的生活使之与她的道德标准相符;
11.several small islands separated from the main land mass by a deep channel与大陆之间有一条很深的水道相隔的几个小岛.
12.On Sushi s Moral and Academic Influences on Qin Guan--A Comparison between Qin Guan and Sushi in their Style of Writing;师承东坡 技道两进——论秦观与苏轼词风相似之作
13.Issues Relevant to the Belonging of the Academic Schools of Tangyu Principle on Guodian Bamboo Slips;与郭店简《唐虞之道》学派归属相关的几个问题
14.Tentative Study on the Difference of Taoist School s the Way and the Taoist Religion s the Tao;浅析道家之“道”与道教之“道”的差异性
15.The Christian view and the Confucian sense of piety are somewhat similar and somewhat different as well.基督教孝道观与中国儒家文化中的孝道观既有相似之处,也有相异之处。
16.There are many similarities between humanistic psychology and the taoist theory of moral quality.人本主义心理学与道家思想的人格理论有很多相似相通之处。
17.In this paper the studies of the theory of value in the contemporary circumstances and the special way of affiliation of modernity are the theme.当代境遇中的价值论研究与现代性问题的相“与”之道是本文的主题。
18.Universality of internal contradiction in Taoism--About the Functions of Lao Zi s and Zhuang Zi s Taoism;道内之反与道行之周——老庄的道之作用论

The way to get along with people相处之道
3)weigh against与之相当
4)"He" and the Great State Strategy"和"与大国之道
5)Thoreau And Doctrines Of Confucius And Mencius梭罗与孔孟之道
6)Wushu and Tao of skill武术与技艺之道

道-道间寻道时间道-道间寻道时间(single track seek):指磁头从一磁道移动至另一磁道的时间,单位为毫秒(ms)。