工具价值观,tool value concept
1)tool value concept工具价值观
1.Setting up the new faith tool value concept, with political faith as the cultural cornerstone of the contemporary political civilization constructing, effectively utilizing the political faith resources, will strengthen the governing ability of CPC powerfully, and will be helpful to the entire social civilization progress.树立新型诚信工具价值观,以政治诚信作为当代政治文明建设的文化基石,有效利用政治诚信资源,将有力地增强党的执政能力,并有助于整个社会文明的进步。
2)instrumental values工具性价值观
1.Base on the theories and methodology of Behavioral science and Psychology, Rokeach s "The value survey" is used to study the S&T talents identity on the terminal values and instrumental values.从科技人才最根本的隐性因素价值观入手,结合行为科学、心理科学相关理论和研究方法,利用Rokeach的"价值观调查"量表探析了科技人才对终极性价值观和工具性价值观之要素的认同程度,并深入分析科技人才价值观结构、实现路径,旨在为科技人才成长规律探析与科技人才开发提供理论借鉴。
2.The result shows that the contemporary Chinese adolescent students consider home security, freedom, self esteem and national security as the most important ultimate values, and ambition, broad mindedness, competence and honesty as the most important instrumental values.采用黄希庭等修订的Rokeach“价值调查表”对北京等六城市1 319 名青少年学生进行调查,结果表明:当代青少年学生认为最重要的终极性价值观是“合家安宁”、“自由”、“自尊”、“国家安全”;最重要的工具性价值观是“有抱负”、“胸怀宽广”、“有能力”、“诚实”。
3.The most important instrumental values are "the mind are broad","honestly","the intelligence","to have ability".采用黄希庭修订的Rokeach Value Survey对湖南省11所中学的506名中学生进行调查,结果表明:多元文化社会背景下中学生认为最重要的终极性价值观是"合家安宁"、"国家安全、"世界和平"、"自由";最重要的工具性价值观是"胸怀宽广"、"诚实"、"智力"、"有能力";年龄因素对两种体系的价值观都有比较明显的影响;女性比男性更具有情感卷入的特点。
3)material work values工具型价值观
4)instrumental value工具价值
1.The author described the system structure of the human society with historical materialism and then proceeded to interpret the theoretic connotation of “Three Representations”, then depicted its “system of instrumental value” and “system of ultimate value”and also expounded its elements, structure and function.并以此去解读“三个代表”重要思想的理论内涵 ,从而绘制出它的“工具价值系统”和“终极价值系统”,并论述其要素、结构与功能。
2.E curriculum in China showed the changes of the values from(focusing) on the instrumental values to that on the innate values,which exactly deomonstrated the ideal mode of reform of the P.通过对我国体育课程发展影响深远的4种价值观的追溯及解析,展现体育课程价值观由工具价值向内在价值的衍变过程。
3.The value of criminal procedure rights consists of instrumental value and intrinsic value.刑事程序性权利的价值可区分为程序性权利的工具价值和内在价值。

1.Natural Axiology:from Tool Value to Intrinsic Value从“工具价值”到“内在价值”:自然价值论进展
2.Business value of Web 2.0 tools hard to measureWeb 2.0工具的商业价值难以衡量
3.Research on the Application of Fair Value in Financial Instruments Measurement;公允价值在金融工具中应用问题研究
4.United Front in University,from Tool Reason to Humanistic Value Reason;大学统战——从工具理性到人文价值理性
5.On Separation and Conformity between Instrumental Reason and Value Reason;论工具理性和价值理性的分疏和整合
6.Study on Value Chains of Customer Relationship Management Based on KM Tools;基于KM工具的CRM价值链的问题研究
7.Fair Value--the Future Measurement Mode of Derivative Financial Tools;公允价值——未来衍生金融工具计量模式
8.Cause of Formation to Gym "Facility Argumentation" Value Orientation and it s Negation;体育“工具论”价值取向的成因及其否定
9.Study on Fair Value Measurement Models of Financial Devrivatives Instruments衍生金融工具公允价值计量模式研究
10.The Issues of Fair Value Measurement on Financial Instruments and Countermeasures金融工具的公允价值计量问题及对策
11.A Critical Study of Fictitious Value Image Based on Instrumental Rationality关于工具理性之价值意象虚构的批判
12.A derivative is a financial instrument whose value depends on the price of an underlying instrument, such as currencies, commodities or securities.衍生工具就是一种金融工具,其价值取决于基础工具的价格,比如货币、品或有价证券。
13.The Technical Value of Load Under Vision of Justice--The Confrontation and Choice between Rational Value and Rational Tool;正义视野下的技术价值负荷——价值理性与工具理性的对峙与抉择
14.On The Noumenon Value & Social Value of the Girls Education in Poverty-stricken Areas;浅谈贫困地区女童教育的本体价值与工具性价值
15.The Integration of Public Administration's Instrumental Value and Ultimate Value公共行政工具性价值和终极性价值的整合与统一
16.A derivative is a financial instrument whose value is derived from an underlying asset.衍生工具是一种其价值是衍生自待敲资产的金融工具。
17.Industrial heritage consists of the remains of industrial culture which are of historical, technological, social, architectural or scientific value.工业遗产是具有历史价值、术价值、会意义、筑或科研价值的工业文化遗存。
18.Prospecting also involves locating mineral deposits that may be commercially valuable.找矿还包括测定具有工业开采价值的矿床位置。

instrumental values工具性价值观
1.Base on the theories and methodology of Behavioral science and Psychology, Rokeach s "The value survey" is used to study the S&T talents identity on the terminal values and instrumental values.从科技人才最根本的隐性因素价值观入手,结合行为科学、心理科学相关理论和研究方法,利用Rokeach的"价值观调查"量表探析了科技人才对终极性价值观和工具性价值观之要素的认同程度,并深入分析科技人才价值观结构、实现路径,旨在为科技人才成长规律探析与科技人才开发提供理论借鉴。
2.The result shows that the contemporary Chinese adolescent students consider home security, freedom, self esteem and national security as the most important ultimate values, and ambition, broad mindedness, competence and honesty as the most important instrumental values.采用黄希庭等修订的Rokeach“价值调查表”对北京等六城市1 319 名青少年学生进行调查,结果表明:当代青少年学生认为最重要的终极性价值观是“合家安宁”、“自由”、“自尊”、“国家安全”;最重要的工具性价值观是“有抱负”、“胸怀宽广”、“有能力”、“诚实”。
3.The most important instrumental values are "the mind are broad","honestly","the intelligence","to have ability".采用黄希庭修订的Rokeach Value Survey对湖南省11所中学的506名中学生进行调查,结果表明:多元文化社会背景下中学生认为最重要的终极性价值观是"合家安宁"、"国家安全、"世界和平"、"自由";最重要的工具性价值观是"胸怀宽广"、"诚实"、"智力"、"有能力";年龄因素对两种体系的价值观都有比较明显的影响;女性比男性更具有情感卷入的特点。
3)material work values工具型价值观
4)instrumental value工具价值
1.The author described the system structure of the human society with historical materialism and then proceeded to interpret the theoretic connotation of “Three Representations”, then depicted its “system of instrumental value” and “system of ultimate value”and also expounded its elements, structure and function.并以此去解读“三个代表”重要思想的理论内涵 ,从而绘制出它的“工具价值系统”和“终极价值系统”,并论述其要素、结构与功能。
2.E curriculum in China showed the changes of the values from(focusing) on the instrumental values to that on the innate values,which exactly deomonstrated the ideal mode of reform of the P.通过对我国体育课程发展影响深远的4种价值观的追溯及解析,展现体育课程价值观由工具价值向内在价值的衍变过程。
3.The value of criminal procedure rights consists of instrumental value and intrinsic value.刑事程序性权利的价值可区分为程序性权利的工具价值和内在价值。
5)tool value工具价值
1.Conflicts are existed between interior value orientations of tool value,that is conflicts between Justice,benefit,freedom,o.刑事诉讼具备工具价值与独立价值两大类型价值。
2.The tool value of symbolical signs to the political practice is embodied mainly during the process of reaching its functions of political recognition, communicating, establishing the authority, legalizing decision-making and socializing politics, its center goal is building and constructing the power structure and authoritative order.象征符号于政治实践的工具价值主要在达成其政治识别、沟通、确立权威、决策合法化和政治社会化等功能的过程中得以体现 ,中心目标是建构权力结构和权威秩序。
3.In the present study of the Environmental Ethics in China, there exist somewhat great divergences in its research objects, the relation between tool value and inner value, three theories of human-center, life-center and environment-center. 当前在我国环境伦理学研究领域中,对环境伦理学的研究对象;自然环境工具价值和内在价值的关系;"人类中心论"、"生命中心论"、"环境中心论"等的理论研究,还存在比较大的分歧。
6)the SVS instrumentSVS价值观测量工具

长度测量工具:工具显微镜 以测量显微镜瞄準﹑能在﹑两个坐标内进行测量的通用光学长度测量工具(图1 万能工具显微镜 )。测量显微镜又称主显微镜。它的分划板上有供瞄準用的米字形﹑螺纹轮廓形和其他形状的标线。工具显微镜是20世纪20年代初期发展起来的﹐初期用於螺纹测量等﹐20年代后期出现万能工具显微镜。70年代以后﹐应用光栅测长技术后出现数字显示工具显微镜。80年代中期出现应用电子计算机技术处理测得数据的工具显微镜。 分类和结构 工具显微镜分小型﹑大型和万能 3种类型﹐其常见的测量范围分别为50×25毫米﹐150×75毫米和200×100毫米。它们都具有能沿立柱上下移动的测量显微镜和坐标工作台。测量显微镜的总放大倍数一般为 10倍﹑20倍﹑50倍和100倍。小型和大型的坐标工作台能作纵向和横向移动﹐一般採用螺纹副读数鼓轮﹑读数显微镜或投影屏读数﹐也有採用数字显示的﹐分度值一般为10微米﹑5微米或1微米。万能工具显微镜的工作台仅作纵向移动﹐横向移动由装有立柱和测量显微镜的横向滑架完成﹐一般採用读数显微镜﹑投影屏读数或数字显示﹐分度值为1微米。工具显微镜的附件很多﹐有各种目镜﹐例如螺纹轮廓目镜﹑双像目镜﹑圆弧轮廓目镜等﹐还有测量刀﹑测量孔径用的光学定位器和将被测件投影放大后测量的投影器。此外﹐万能工具显微镜还可带有光学分度台和光学分度头等。 用途和测量方法 工具显微镜主要用於测量螺纹的几何参数﹑金属切削刀具的角度﹑样板和模具的外形尺寸等﹐也常用於测量小型工件的孔径和孔距﹑圆锥体的锥度和凸轮的轮廓尺寸等。工具显微镜的基本测量方法有影像法和轴切法。影像法﹕利用测量显微镜中分划板上的标线瞄準被测长度一边后﹐从相应的读数装置中读数﹐然后移动工作台(或横向滑架)﹐以同一标线瞄準被测长度的另一边﹐再作第二次读数。两次读数值之差即被测长度的量值。图2 用影象法测量样板尺寸 为利用影像法测量样板的L 尺寸。轴切法﹕测量过程与影像法相同﹐但瞄準方法不同。测量时分划板上的标线不直接瞄準被测长度的两边﹐而瞄準与被测长度相切的测量刀上宽度为3微米的刻线﹐以此来提高瞄準精度(见螺纹测量)。