适度消费伦理,moderate consumption ethic
1)moderate consumption ethic适度消费伦理
1.We think that we must give up consumerism culture and advocate moderate consumption ethic.因此,必须摒弃消费主义文化而提倡适度性的消费伦理,但要使适度消费伦理真正成为人们的消费实践,仍需人们长期艰苦的努力。

1.A History Introspection and Contemporary Structure of Consumption Ethics--Five Aspects for Constructing Appropriate Consumption Ethics;消费伦理的历史反思与当代建构——兼论构建适度消费伦理的五个维度
2.The Evolution of Modernity Consuming Ethics and the Advancement of Ecological Consuming Ethics;现代性消费伦理的演变与生态消费伦理的提出
3.Symbol Consumption and Ethic Construction of Leisure Sports Consumption论符号消费与休闲体育消费伦理构建
4.The Change of the Consumption Lifestyle and the Restoration of Consumption Ethics;消费生活方式的变革与消费伦理的重建
5.Green Consumption: The Modern Consumption Pattern According with Ecological Ethics;绿色消费:符合生态伦理的现代消费方式
6.Anticipation of Shift in Consumption Ethic Paradigm of Consumption Society;对消费社会中消费伦理范式转变的期待
7.Consumption Alienation and Ethics Imbalance;消费异化与伦理失衡——现代西方消费观释义
8.Influence of Mozi′s Consumptive Ethics on Leisure Sport Consumption墨子消费伦理观对休闲体育消费的启示
9.Consumer perception and ethical and ethical and moral issues will need public debate and input as well.另外,消费者的认识,伦理,道德问题也增加了公众争论的激烈程度。
10.The Effects of Consumer Ethical Beliefs and Relationship Quality on Consumers Unethical Behavior;消费者伦理信念及关系质量对消费者非伦理行为的影响
11.The Essence of Consumption Ethics and the Transcend to Conventional Ethics消费伦理的实质及其对传统伦理的超越
12.From Traditional Ethics to Comsumption Ethics--A Point of View on Contemporary Ethics Reformation从传统伦理到消费伦理——当代伦理学变革中的一种立场
13.Research on Consumption Ethical Issues in China s Contemporary Transforming Society;中国当代转型社会消费伦理问题研究
14.Dreiser s Consumption Ethical Concepts in "Trilogy of Desire";论德莱塞“欲望三部曲”中的消费伦理观
15.On the Consumption Ethics of Technique Product and Construction of the Harmonious Society;论技术产品消费伦理与和谐社会构建
16.Ethics Thoughts on the Contemporary Personal Consumption in China;对当代中国个人消费问题的伦理思考
17.Constructing the Harmonious Consumption Ethics and Building the Ecological Civilization;构建和谐消费伦理 建设生态文明
18.Toward the Ethics of Consumption--To Huimin Jin,September 21,2007;走向消费伦理——致金惠敏(2007年9月21日)

consumption ethics消费伦理
1.The Transformation and Its Inspirations of Western Consumption Ethics in the Development of Market Economies——From Say to Keynes西方市场经济发展中消费伦理的转型及启示——从萨伊到凯恩斯
2.Frugal consumption ethics with saving as the core advocated by Mo Zi is the mainstream of China traditional consumption ethics,which has some reference significance to construct new consumption ethics in the new era.墨子所提倡的以节用为核心的节俭型消费伦理思想是中国传统消费伦理的主流,对建构新时代新型消费伦理观具有一定的借鉴意义。
3.From the traditional thrifty view to modern consumption,the change of consumption ethics has always accompanied with keen conflict of the consumption value.从传统的节俭观到现代的消费至上,消费伦理在变迁中伴随着消费价值观的激烈冲突。
3)consuming ethics消费伦理
1.These consuming notions had been exerting a great impact and shock on Chinese traditional consuming ethics.在中国20世纪90年代,广告业得到了很快的发展,很多广告通过塑造“消费偶像”的生活方式和倡导享乐至上的消费理念影响着人们的观念,其宣扬的消费理念对中国传统消费伦理产生了极大冲击。
2.The individual action in consumption decides the consuming ethics which has a great significance for the individual consuming action.消费的个体行为决定消费伦理在个体消费行为中有重要的意义。
3.Consuming ethics is why possible of the problem? The consumption ethics of main answer is increasingly theories foundation that highlight is with the actuality basis.消费伦理何以可能的问题,主要回答消费伦理日益凸显的理论基础和现实依据。
4)moderate consumption适度消费
1.There are different academic interpretations of the concept "moderate consumption" in China.阐述了我国学术界对适度消费概念的理解,在此基础上对已有的适度消费概念提出质疑:已有的适度消费概念存在模糊性、缺乏可操作性、与可持续发展战略并不完全一致等问题。
2.This paper discusses what more we people will have to pay besides money to meet the increasing need of human consump tion,and it comes to the con-clusion that moderate consumption a nd sustainable development shall be advocated.思考与探讨为了满足不断增加的消费,除了金钱我们还付出了什么,从而倡导适度消费与可持续消费的新观念。
3.The consumption policies should emphasize a moderate consumption mode which is compatible with sustainable development,and it.在消费政策上应强调建立可持续发展的、结构不断优化的适度消费模式。
5)appropriate consumption适度消费
6)optimum consumption消费适度

适度消费  与经济发展水平与个人收入水平相一致的合理的消费水平。适度消费要求按照从低到高的层次安排消费结构,较低层次消费需求得到满足后再进入较高层次的消费需求。适度消费还要求宏观上保持经济增长与消费增长的同步,保持总供给与总需求的平衡。