从一而终,"follow unique until end"
1)"follow unique until end"从一而终
1.He adhere to "follow unique until end" for love and beauty.他对爱对美的"从一而终"的信念,他以生命作为对爱对美的献祭,迫使我们每一个人沉思反省。

1.They mate for life, you know.你知道这种鹅的伴侣是从一而终的。
2.A Modern Psychological Sense in the Traditional Mode--A discussion on Jin Yong s view of love in his A Story of Books and Swords;众星拱月与从一而终——从《书剑恩仇录》看金庸的情爱观
3.It also revealed that older women were less inclined to think that marriage should mean one partner for life than younger ones.另外,与年轻女性相比,年龄较大的女性对“从一而终”看得较淡。
4.I asked her what she was going to do now. She said she had to find him, that they were mated for life.我问她现在的情形,她说她得找到他,她得从一而终
5.Each and every man bears an everlasting shadow,internal or external,light or heavy,which mutely stares face to face with him.每一个男子都会负担一个影子。寂寞地对望着。由里及外,由轻到重,从一而终
6.Hence people who began by beholding him ended by perusing him.所以人们从随便看一看他开始的,都要以仔细捉摸他而终结。
7.A small resistant mocking American voice has never quite died in her.一个微弱的反抗而嘲弄的美国声音始终没从她心头完全消逝。
8.The younger generation may rebel against convention but they usually end up by conforming to society.青年一代可能起来反抗传统,但他们的反抗往往以顺从社会而告终。
9.Here at last was the imagined but never fully realized place leaping into real life.一个想象中存在而从未得到充分实现的地方,终于在这儿一跃而为活生生的现实了。
10.In administration since June, debts have continued to grow and solutions to come and go.自从6月份接受监管以来,其债务一直不断地增加,而接二连三的解决方案却都无果而终。
11.Through such procedure,th e final result of loans risk classification can be got.从而得出了最终的贷款风险分类等级。
12."Some persons do first, think afterwards, and then repent for ever"有些人做了再思考,从而悔恨终身
13.This movement from place to place has made me realize that, in the end, home is not a place at all; home is a memory that's being built every day.从一个城市迁移到另一个城市,我终于意识到,家并不是一个地方,而是每天积累起来的记忆。
14.it may end with the annihilation of the tribe, but never with its subjugation.这种战争可能以部落的消灭而告终,但从没能以它的被奴役而告终。
15.Combined with extensive practical experience of test bed operations, this provides both ourselves and you with the necessary reassurance that consistently high quality standards can be expected from each of our products.通过必要的再确认工作,从而确保我们每一件产品的始终如一的高品质高质量。
16.This provoked the Boston Tea Party incidents, which was one of the factors that eventually touched off the War of Independence.从而挑起了波士顿茶党案事件,这一事件成为最终触发独立战争的因素之一。
17.The morning will surely come,the darkness will vanish,and thy voice pour down in golden streams breaking through the sky.黎明一定会到来,黑暗也终会消隐,你的声音将划过,从金色泉涌中倾泻而下。
18.One day would see him back in his radio store with his foot set firmly on the first rung to millionairedom.终有一天他会回到他的无线电商店,为将来成为百万富翁而扎扎实实地从头干起。

Jumped out of bed.从床上一跃而起
3)cong er从而
1.The conjunctions yin er and cong er in modern Chinese onginated in pre-qin period but they were not the conjunctions but the cross-combinations at that time.现代汉语中的因果连词“因而”“从而”产生于先秦,不过那时的“因”“从”是动词,“因而”“从而”是跨层非短语结构。
4)Where from?从何而来?
5)up to down从上而下
1.The text introduces EDA is applied in autodoor control system, through the up to down design means, use VHDL language describe system, the system design is independent of arts and crafts, thereby design thought more wider, design ’s time is greatly curtailed, system use and amends are more tally with fact.EDA技术是一个比较前端的技术,本文主要介绍了EDA技术在自动门控制系统中的应用,通过先进的从上而下的设计方法,用VHDL硬件描述语言描述系统,使系统设计与工艺无关,从而使设计思路更广,设计时间也大大缩短,系统的使用和修改更符合实际。
6)slaved terminal从属终端
