穷理,making a thorough inquiry into truth
1)making a thorough inquiry into truth穷理
1.Zhu Xi concluded the rule of White Deer Cave Academy after he rebuilt it and raised the academy idea about understanding human relations, by making a thorough inquiry into truth, practicing sincerely and cultivating one’s moral character.朱熹兴复白鹿洞书院后 ,在总结前人办学经验教训的基础上 ,订立了《白鹿洞书院揭示》学规 ,提出了“明人伦”、“穷理”、“笃行”、“修身”的书院理念。

1.The Essential Differences between the Newly Constructed Infinite Theory and the Classical Infinite Theory;新构建的无穷理论体系与经典无穷理论体系之间的本质性区别
2.Invoking form to paint spiritually,making a thorough inquiry into the principles of illustration--the analysis of the theoretical setting place of the realistic painting style in the two Song Dynasties;援形写神 穷理味道——论两宋写实画风
3.The End of the Classical Infinite Theory in Human s Science;人类科学中经典无穷理论体系的终结
4.The Basic Contents and Framework of Ferdinand Verbiest s Thorough Inquiry into Physics;南怀仁《穷理学》的主体内容与基本结构
5.Analysis on the Proposition about "Qiongli,Jinxing and Zhiming" of Zhang Zai and Brothers Cheng张载与二程的“穷理尽性以至于命”解析
6.Learning Through Inquiring into Everything--ZHU Xi s Daoxue Inherent Spirit of Nature Poems;格物致知 即物穷理——朱熹咏物诗的理学思想内蕴
7.Theorem 1 The sum of finite number of infinitesimal is an infinitesimal.定理1有限个无穷小的和也是无穷小。
8.Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network减少贫穷和经济管理网(减贫经管网)
9.This poor old Richards has brought my judgment to shame;理查兹这个穷老汉让我看走了眼;
10.Natural Resource Management for Rural Poverty Alleviation自然资源管理用于减缓农村贫穷
11.Applications of Infinite Dimensional KAM Theory to Partial Differential Equations无穷维KAM理论在偏微分方程中的应用
12.Moderate Deviation Principle for Infinite-dimensional Autoregressive Processes无穷维自回归过程的中偏差原理(英文)
13.A Theorem on C0 Semigroups Generated by Upper-triangular-type Infinite Dimensional Hamiltonian Operators上三角无穷维Hamilton算子半群生成定理
14.Boundary conditions for magnetic vector potential and infinity in physics磁矢势的边值关系和物理中的无穷大
15.Zhu Xi Explored Li Studies in Mount Sanqing──On the philosophical content of the poem“Du shu You Gan”;朱熹穷“理”三清山──兼论《读书有感》诗的哲理内涵
16.Caught by the shopkeeper for stealing candy, the little boy fell silent when having nothing left to justify himself.那个小男孩偷糖时被店主逮着, 他理屈词穷。
17.the dateless rise and fall of the tides; time is endless; sempiternal truth.永恒的潮起潮落;时间是无穷的;永恒的真理。
18.Around 1810 Fouriers, Gauss, and Bolzano began the exact handling of infinite series.在1810年前后,Fonrier,Grauss和Bolzano开始确切地处理无穷函数。

exploring thoroughly the logos and the intrinsic character穷理尽性
1.The doctrine “exploring thoroughly the logos and the intrinsic character to get the natural regulations” which once exerted a great influence in the history embodies the rich content.在历史上曾发生过广泛影响的“穷理尽性以至于命”的命题,蕴含着丰富的内容。
3)make a thorough inquiry into the Principle to illustrate the Way穷理味道
4)axiom of infinity无穷公理
5)jujing qiongli居敬穷理
6)Poor in expression and perverted in logic词穷理拙
