和谐相融,harmonious combination
1)harmonious combination和谐相融
1.It is imperative to adopt \!simplified\" developing model with the development of the combination of agriculture and tourism so as to strengthen the \!harmonious combination\" of both agric-culture and modern culture.开发我国乡村旅游资源 ,要注意农耕文化的灌注 ,提高其文化品位 ;进行亦农亦旅、农旅结合的复合性开发 ;采取“做减法”的开发模式 ;加强农耕文化与现代文化的“和谐相融”。

1.The Ci Garden in Jiangxi exhibition area has gathered together rural and village houses and ceramic workshops merging into one organic whole, and shows a simple and unsophisticated sentiment of man and nature in harmonious coexistence;江西“瓷园”,融村居野里、陶瓷作坊为一体,再现人与自然和谐相融的古朴田园情调;
2.a moBile community.一个和谐交融的社区
3.Construction of a Harmonious Finance and Functional Innovation of Financial Auditing;论和谐金融构建与金融审计职能创新
4.Living Together in Harmony, Making Common Progress和睦相处 和谐共进
5.The public believe that human and nature are closely linked and they use kinds of activities to reach the aim to "control or monopolize the intercommunion between nature and earth"and be in harmony with nature.民众相信,人与自然界息息相通,并通过各种活动来达到“绝地天通”,与自然和谐交融的目的。
6.The surroundings are harmoniously decorated.环境布置相当和谐。
7.To be in agreement, harmony, or conformity.一致一致、和谐或相配
8.We got along beautifully.我们相处得非常和谐。
9.They had been a childless couple by choice. Their lives had been so full and rich. They had been content with busy careers and with each other.他们选择不要孩子.但他们的生活充实而且丰富多彩。他们对繁忙的工作心满意足,相处和谐融洽。
10.Research on the Scientific Financial Decision to Construct Harmonious Financial Order;构建和谐金融秩序加强金融决策科学化的研究
11.Study on Regional Financial Development in Xinjiang from the Perspective of Harmonious Finance;和谐金融视角下新疆区域金融发展研究
12.Constructing University Harmonious Education with Fusion of the Humanities and Science;构建人文与科学融合的高校和谐教育
13.On the Integration of Rural Migrant Workers into the Urban Society and Building of Harmonious Seciety;论农民工融入城市与和谐社会的构建
14.China Finance: Justice,Harmonious and western Development;中国金融:公平、和谐与西部大开发
15.On the thought of beauty of harmony in traditional Chinese aethetics integrating Confucianism, Daoism and Yi --Simultaneously on the fusion of Confucianism , Daoism and Yi;论易儒道交融的中国古代和谐美思想
16.A Journey of Reconciliation: On the Ethical View of Harmony in the Joy Luck Club融合之旅:论《喜福会》中的和谐伦理观
17.Harmony, Integration, Pacifism in Maxine Hong Kingston's the Fifth Book of Peace和谐,融合,和平在汤亭亭《第五和平书》中的体现
18.Nature-human Integration and Harmonious Society:Mankind s Harmonious Existence with Nature;“天人合一”与和谐社会——兼论人与自然的和谐相处

harmonious finance和谐金融
1.Study on Regional Financial Development in Xinjiang from the Perspective of Harmonious Finance;和谐金融视角下新疆区域金融发展研究
2.Starting from the connotation of harmonious finance, this paper analyzes the basic framework system of harmonious finance, and advances some suggestions on the construction of harmonious finance.从和谐金融的内涵入手,分析了和谐金融的基本框架体系,并提出构建和谐金融的建议。
3)harmonious blending和谐熔融
1.No matter whether it is considered in theory or in practice,the peasant-workers should join the urban society harmoniously instead of "mechanically".影响农民工和谐融入城市的关键障碍是制度歧视与供给不足;深层次障碍是利益分歧与冲突。
5)Financial Harmony金融和谐
6)harmouions blending和谐交融

六相圆融  中国佛教华严宗的基本教义之一。也称六相缘起。印度佛教《华严经》认为修行过程的不同阶段具有六相,华严宗据此进一步提出一切缘起现象也具足六相。六相彼此圆融无碍,称"六相圆融"。    "六相"指总、别、同、异、成、坏。事物的全体是总相:事物的各部分是别相。事物及其各部分都由原因和条件会合而起是同相;各部分各自独存是异相。各部分会合成此事物,是成相;各部分若不和合,为坏相。法藏以金狮子为喻,谓狮子是总相,眼、耳等差别是别相。眼、耳等同一缘起而形成狮子是同相;眼、耳等各不相同是异相。眼、耳等诸根和合而成狮子是成相;眼、耳等各自独立而不和合为狮子是坏相。总、同、成、相,指全体、整体;别、并、坏三相,指部分、片断。前三相也指无差别,后三相则指差别。无差别与差别,相即相入,圆融无碍;离总无别,离同无异,离成无坏;总即别,别即总;同即异,异即同;成即坏,坏即成。    六相圆融说认为,众生在修持中,断灭惑障,是一断一切断;成就功德,是一成一切成,即通过个别法门,在念中而圆满成就悟解。    六相圆融说涉及部分与整体、同一与差别、生成与坏灭的矛盾,在论述宇宙现象大同一的唯心主义形而上学体系中,包含了辩证法的因素。论述六相圆融说的著作,主要有智俨的《华严一乘十玄门》、法藏的《华严一乘教义分齐章》和《金狮子章》等。