行政活动,administrating activity
1)administrating activity行政活动
1.Compromise in administrating activity that takes place frequently is not as it should be criticized.行政活动中的妥协现象是经常的,但并非所有的行政妥协都应该受到道义上的批判。

1.Jointly financed administrative activities合资办理的行政活动
2.Managed daily office operations and administer office activities.管理每日办公室的运作,及行政活动
3.The Effect of the Regulation of Southern Tibetan Area on Modern Administration Activity in Qinghai;青南藏区部落制度对现代行政活动的影响
4.Active resistance and terrorism against the state, as used by some anarchists.反政府恐怖活动一些无政府主义者进行的反政府抵抗或恐怖活动
5.Agency advisory activities take many forms.行政机关的咨询活动形式多样。
6.Several generals formed a conspiracy to overthrow the government.几名将军们进行颠覆政府的阴谋活动。
7.Approach to Issues in Administrative Supervision in Activity of Tender and Bid;对招投标活动中行政监督问题的探讨
8.Traditional the Analysis of the Conflict Between Culture and Administrative Oversight Practice Political;传统政治文化与行政监督实践活动的冲突分析
9.The activity of a sovereign state in the exercise of its powers or duties.行政国家在行使其权力或义务过程中的活动
10.Exploration of CPPCC s (Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference) Supervision on Administrative Law Enforcement;关于人民政协对政府行政执法活动实施监督的探讨
11.Some enemy agents infiltrated the government and bored form within.有敌特分子混入政府内部进行破坏活动。
12.* Reducing administrative costs and using the savings for development activities.* 减少行政开支,把节余的资金用于发展活动。
13.misusing its administrative powers and restricting the proper business activities of any operator;滥用行政权力,限制经营者正当经营活动的;
14.The authorities decide to damp down the dissident's activities by imposing a curfew.当局决定实行宵禁以抑制持不同政见者的活动。
15.There was a ban on political protests during the pilgrimage.朝圣期间有禁令禁止举行政治抗议活动。
16.Discharge of Government s Duty of Safeguarding Public Security in Large-Scale Public Activities;大型公共活动中政府维护公共安全职责的履行
17.On Position of Administrative Supervision in Enterprise Management;浅谈行政监察在企业管理活动中的地位
18.Review on commercial activities of China s government-run banks in Beiyang Government;北洋政府时期我国官办银行商业化活动述评

administrative support activities行政支助活动
3)administrative life行政生活
4)political activities政治活动
1.Research on Political Activities and Commentaries of Susan Sontag;苏珊·桑塔格政治活动及评论研究
2.This paper will give us an overall introduction of the ideas and theories on the geospatial choice in human political activities.该文总结介绍古今中外人类历史上政治活动对地理空间选择中出现的思想、理论。
3.The paper is aimed at tracing his (psychological) track in political activities, finding out his logic of thinking in throwing h.寻索陈独秀早年政治活动的心理轨迹 ,清理其投身革命的思维逻辑 ,诠释其斗争风格的形成契机 ,这对于陈独秀后来的革命事业无疑也是一种历史渊
5)Financing Activity财政活动
6)political activity政治活动

中国关于严禁行政机关为经济活动提供担保规定中国关于严禁行政机关为经济活动提供担保规定 中国关于严禁行政机关为经济活动提供担保规定 行政机关不具备代偿债务的能力,为经济活动提供担保有很大的危害性,如承担连带责任,只能扣划机关的工资和业务经费,否则便会引起大量的经济纠纷,甚至形成呆帐、死帐,影响正常的经济活动和经济秩序,不利于社会主义市场经济体制的建立。为此,国务院办公厅经国务院批准,于1993年2月23日发出《关于严禁行政机关为经济活动提供担保的通知》。《通知》规定:①各级行政机关一律不得为国内企事业单位间的经济活动提供担保。②对违反规定自行为企事业单位间经济活动提供担保的行政机关,要追究批准人的责任。对因提供担保而引起合同纠纷,造成经济损失的,要对提供担保的行政机关领导人和直接责任人员给予处罚,情节严重的,要依法追究其刑事责任。