义利之辩,debate between Righteousness (Yi) and Profit (Li)
1)debate between Righteousness (Yi) and Profit (Li)义利之辩
1.The intense debate between Righteousness (Yi) and Profit (Li) arose in Song dynasty and Zhu Xi at that timefavorited the former, while Ye Shi, a leading figure of Yongjia School, criticized Zhu Xi for his disparaging attitude on commerce.从宋代义利之辩谈起,叙述叶适对朱熹“正其谊不谋其利,明其道不计其功”的批评。

1.A Study of the Original Meanings of Justice and Interest;“义”、“利”辨说——关于“义利之辩”的再认识
2.Distinguishing between Yi and Li and Reshaping Moral Value Orientation of Today s College Students;“义利之辩”与当代大学生道德价值取向的重塑
3.Debate between Righteousness (Yi) and Profit (Li) and Ye Shi’s Criticism on Zhu Xi in the Song Dynasty;宋代义利之辩与叶适对朱熹的批评——兼论温州商业社会与永嘉学派的关系
4.Wang Fuzi s Inheritance from and Dialectical Analysis of Traditional Standpoint of Righteousness and Gain;王夫之对传统义利观的继承与辩证分析
5.Solution to Lawsuit of Return Illicit Taxation in Australia;澳大利亚对非法征税返还之诉的解决途径——“分割主义”取代“转嫁抗辩”
6.Critical study on political philosophy of utilitarianism in Chinese modern times;中国近代功利主义政治哲学理论辩证
7.The Dialectical Thought about Marx s Subject of Right and Obligation;关于马克思权利义务命题的辩证思考
8.an unBlushing apologist for fascism;一个为法西斯主义辩护的无耻之徒;
9.People of our generation know the true meaning of the Three People's Principles quite well and there is no need to argue about it.三民主义之真谛,吾辈深知,毋须争辩。
10.Yi Hwang and Ki Myong-Yon s Dispute over "Four Origins and Seven Emothions" vs Its significance;退溪与奇明彦四端七情之辩及其意义
11.Oneness of Heaven and Man in Modern Mediatation;对“天人合一”观之现代意义的辩证反思
12.Dialectical Materialism Education in Mathematics Teaching;寓辩证唯物主义教育于数学教学之中
13.On the Aesthetic Mearing of Zhuangzi s Argumentation over Smallness and Bigness;论《庄子》“小大之辩”的审美意义
14.A Comparison between the Dialectics of Herakleitos and Yi Zhuan;《易传》与赫拉克利特辩证法思想之比较
15.Talk about the Outlet Where the Criminal Counsel s Right of Our Country Ensures;论我国刑事辩护律师权利保障之出路
16.A Dialectical Analysis of Traditional Views of Honesty and Socialist Outlook of Righteousness and Interests;传统诚信观与社会主义义利观的辩证分析
17.On Correct Commenton the Controversy between Practical Materialism and Dialectical Materialism;论正确评价实践唯物主义与辩证唯物主义之争
18.Utilitaristic value trend and its rationality defend of teachers behaviors;教师行为的功利主义价值取向及其合理性辩护

justice argument正义之辩
3)righteousness benefit differentiate and analyze义利之辨
4)conflict between justice and interest义利之争
6)Defense for Utilitarianism为功利主义辩

义辩【义辩】 (术语)菩萨七辩之一。智度论五十五曰:“说趣涅槃利益之事,故名义辩。”