仁内义外,Benevolence-internal and justice-external
1)Benevolence-internal and justice-external仁内义外

1.The Doctrine of “Benevolence-internal and Justice-external” of Pre-Qin Confucianism: from the View of Guodian Texts;从郭店楚简看先秦儒家的“仁内义外”说
2.The core of the Confucians' political ethics thought of chu bamboo slips is "outside justice in the benevolence".《郭店楚简》儒家政治伦理思想的核心是“仁内义外”。
3.The Modern Ethical Significance of the Confucian Contention of "Ren and Yi are Inner or Outer"儒家“仁义内外之辨”的现代伦理意义
4.On Two Theoretical Dimensions of Ren and Yi as in an Outer-inner Structure and Public Life Morality论“仁义内外”的两个理论维度对公共生活道德建设的启示
5.Wholeheartedly welcome user both at home and abroad to our factory for business negotiation.竭诚欢迎国内外同仁,来人来函洽谈。
6.The Origin and Development of Kindness,Justice, Etiquette, Wisdom and Faith and Their Connotations;“仁义礼智信”的由来、发展及其基本内涵(下)
7.The Origin and Development of Kindness,Justice,Etiquette,Wisdom and Faith and Their Connotations;“仁义礼智信”的由来、发展及其基本内涵(上)
8.The Connotation Impact and Practical Significance of Confucias' Thery about Benevelence孔子仁学思想的内涵、影响及其现实意义
9.Although she was intimidating in aspect,she was warm and affectionate beneath the surface.虽然她外表令人畏惧,但内心却温暖仁爱。
10.The Domestic and Foreign Trades of Xinjiang Under the Control of Yangzengxin and Jinshuren;杨增新、金树仁统治时期中国新疆的内外贸易
11.Expound Little Village Bao--Between the Benevolence;解读《小鲍庄》——在“仁义”与“仁义”之间
12.Since 1998, SOEs have raised nearly 500 billion yuan of funds by listing abroad.盛华仁说,自1998年以来,国有企业通过境内外上市共筹资近5000亿元。
13.We sincerely invite customers home and abroad to contact us seeking for future cooperation.我们真诚希望和国内外各界同仁竭诚合作,互利双赢,共创美好明天!
14.The boss always appears kind and sympathetic but in fact rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove.老板总是似乎很仁慈和富有同情心,但实际上他是外柔内刚。
15.The "rite" and "benevolence" in the Analects is the relationship between external standard and inner consciousness.《论语》中礼与仁的关系是外部规范与内心自觉之间的关系。
16.External Standard and Inner Consciousness--On the Relationship between “Rite” and “Benevolence” in the Analects;外部规范与内心自觉之间——析《论语》中礼与仁的关系
17.The Concept of “Benevolence” in the Analects and the Connotation of the Doctrine of Confucian Benevolence;《论语》中的“仁”与孔子仁学的内涵
18.On the Taoist View of "Kind and Justice;论道家的仁义观——兼论道儒仁义观的区别

On the Discrimination of Ren and Yi as in an Outer-inner Structure试析仁义内外之辨
3)Internality of RenYi仁义内在
1.An Analysis on Mencius Internality of RenYi;孟子“仁义内在”说浅析
4)Respect inside and Righteousness outside敬义内外
1.Yamasaki band together the "Soilmetals" and the "Respect inside and Righteousness outside" of Chutsi in Shinto of Siaka.山崎暗斋在垂加神道中把"土金传"与朱子学的"敬义内外"思想相结合,把儒家"敬"的观念神化并提升到政治统治的高度,通过宣扬对神的敬来达到敬畏最高统治者的目的。
5)benevolence conduct and government仁义仁政
1.Having the greatest esteem for Mencius,Hanyu puts up important demonstrations on Mencius theory of Qinshou,virtue and ethics besides the famous theory of DAOTONG,which is helpful in understanding Menciusian.韩愈对孟子的推崇是明显的,除了著名的“道统论”以外,韩愈还对孟子的“禽兽”、“仁义”、“道德”进行了重要的证明和展开,它对于全面而深刻地把握孟子思想是十分有帮助的。
2.This paper aims to expound on Han’s and Meng’s views on virtue, humanity and their Yangqi theory as well as their ideology.文章通过韩、孟的仁义观、人性观和养气说对韩、孟的思想观念作了一些探讨,认为韩、孟在仁义观上的一致性体现的不仅是做人的道德原则,而且是政治理想。
