公共生活伦理,the ethics of public life
1)the ethics of public life公共生活伦理
1.The ethics of Confucianism placed the same emphasis on both the ethics of private life and the ethics of public life.孔子的伦理思想对私人生活伦理与公共生活伦理都予以了充分的重视。

1.Views on the Ethical Shapes of Public Life from Ethic and Politic Sturcture;从伦理政治架构看公共生活伦理形态变迁
2.Confucian Ethics and Constructing Ethics of the Current Public Life;孔子的伦理思想与当代公共生活伦理建设
3.Market Economy and Ethics in the Public life of Modern Society--Reflection on SARS;市场经济与现代社会的公共生活伦理——对SARS事件所做的一些反思
4.How is the Ideal Public Life Possible?--An Explanation of Political Ethics to "Public Reason";理想的公共生活如何可能——对“公共理性”的一种政治伦理学阐释
5.Between the Public Life and the Private Life:The Modern Condition of the Traditional Ethics;在公共生活与私人生活之间:传统伦理的现代境遇
6.Ethical Conflicts and Harmony in Daily and Public Life During the Social Transformation Period;社会转型时期日常生活和公共生活的伦理冲突与调适
7.From Ethical Life to Life Ethics --Prospects for Citizen Ethic Education in the 21st Century;从伦理生活到生活伦理——展望21世纪的公民伦理教育
8.Ethics Research on the Equity of Public Health Resources Distribution;公共卫生资源公平配置的伦理学研究
9.From virtue to right--The difference between the citizen ethic and the Confucian virtue and the way of accrete between them从美德到权利——儒家伦理与公民伦理的异质及其共生之道
10.Its ethic basis is integrity,coexistence and justice.它以诚信、共生、公正为其基本的伦理基础;
11.Ethical Reflection on Relationship of both Trendency of Health Policy and Public Health;卫生政策走向与公共健康及其伦理思考
12.A Study of Public Health Ethical Issues in Responding to Pandemic Influenza流感大流行应对中公共卫生伦理学问题研究
13.The Cultivation and Application of Ecological Ethics in Public Economic Policy生态伦理观在公共经济政策中的培育与运用
14.Changing in Public Governance and Foundation of Public Ethics;公共治道的转变与公共伦理学的建立
15.The public life of “Intersubjectivity” theory sight;“主体间性”理论视域中的公共生活
16.An Ethical Philosophy of Life一个伦理的生活哲学
17.The Integration of Ethical Theories and the Ethical Justification for Public Interest;伦理理论的整合与公共利益的伦理学论证
18.Pubic Administrative Ethics:The New Field of Ethics Study;公共管理伦理学:伦理研究的一个新领域

public health ethics公共卫生伦理学
1.By providing a rough conceptual scope of public health ethics through exploring the conception of public health and how it differs from medicine and health care,it refered that the key element of public health is the role of the government which power and obligation are to take coercive measures to eliminate the threats to the public health.通过对公共卫生的定义,对公共卫生实践与临床医疗实践的区别的阐述,提出公共卫生伦理学概念上的大致范围。
2.Basic principles of public health ethics constitutes a framework to evaluate actions taken in the field of public health and are somewhat different from those of clinical ethics and biomedical research ethics.公共卫生伦理学的基本原则是评价人们公共卫生行动的框架,它与临床医疗生物医学研究伦理学的基本原则有所不同。
3)public health ethics公共卫生伦理
4)public ethics公共伦理
1.Community by Liang Qichao and the development of public ethics;梁启超的合群观与公共伦理的培育
2.One of the important reason causing corruptions is the lack of the public ethics.公共伦理的缺失是腐败现象产生的重要原因之一。
3.The construction of public ethics institutions,having profound theoretical background and practical significance,has become a worldwide trend.公共伦理制度建设有其深刻的理论背景和现实迫切性,且已成为世界各国公共伦理管理的普遍趋势。
5)symbiosis ethics共生伦理
6)life ethics生活伦理
1.Marx was thinking actively with extensive interests in his high middle school period and his thought reflected his original life ethics.马克思在中学时代思想活跃、兴趣多样,其思想在伦理视域中再现马克思中学时代思想的"原道"——生活伦理思想。
2.Life ethics in the 21th century requires that the traditional modes of ethical education should be given up, and a new mode of education in agreement with life ethics should be introduced: communication and interaction, dialogue and consultation, seeking common ground while reserving differences, self-perfection.2 1世纪的生活伦理要求彻底改变传统的伦理教育方式 ,代之以与生活伦理相适应的全新教育方式 ,即采用交往互动、对话协商、求同存异、自我完善的方

社会公共生活准则  人们在日常生活中应当遵守的并得到社会公认的最基本、最起码、最简单的道德准则。它主要维持和保障社会公共生活的正常秩序以及人们之间的互相尊重、彼此谦让、友好相处、协力共事。社会公共生活准则是人类在数百年、数千年来的长期社会生活实践中形成和发展起来的,它表现为一个民族以至整个人类相当稳定的传统风尚和行为惯例。因此,它往往为各个时代、各个阶级的人们所共同承认,从属于各个社会或阶级的道德体系。一般说来,这类道德准则对任何作为社会成员的个人都具有约束力。但是,在阶级对立的社会里,由于剥削制度及其所造成的各种丑恶现象的存在,不可避免地会产生破?岛臀シ瓷缁峁采钭荚虻牡仿倚形T谏缁嶂饕逄跫拢淙话鹘准蹲魑准兑丫穑诟鞣矫婊勾芯缮缁岬暮奂#蚨不够岵皇钡胤⑸シ瓷缁峁采钭荚虻牡仿倚形V挥械搅斯膊饕迳缁幔孀乓磺械仿倚形纳缁岣吹南迳缁岢稍辈趴赡芡耆肮撸⒆跃醯刈袷厣缁峁采钭荚颉?