职业良心,vocational conscience
1)vocational conscience职业良心
1.The education should highlight the cohesive force of patriotism education, emphasize the impelling force of vocational conscience education and bring into play the close cooperation of family, school and society in the education.公民道德教育应突出爱国主义教育的凝聚力,重视职业良心教育的感召力,发挥学校、家庭、社会在教育中的合作力。

1.The Teachers Professional Conscience of Ancient Chinese Educators;中国古代教育家的教师职业良心思想研究
2.Talking about Training Professional Conscience of Police from the Point of Ethnics;从伦理学视野谈人民警察职业良心的培养
3.Strengthen nursing students' vocational conscience education in fundmental nursing teaching在“护理学基础”教学中加强护生职业良心教育
4.Hard working .have the strong responsibility and professional mannerism.工作认真,责任心强,有良好的职业道德。
5.A strong sense of responsibility, prudence seriously, a good professional quality.责任心强、踏实认真、有良好的职业素养。
6.Have a strong sense of enterprise, take initiative and have good occupation ethics.有强烈的事业心,工作积极主动,良好的职业操守。
7.The Unhealthy Psychological Factors Affecting Secondary Vocational School Graduates Employment and Precaution;影响中职毕业生就业的不良心理及防治
8.Adjusting Psychology to Meet Challenges for Successful Employment;调整心态 迎接挑战 成功就业——高职毕业生应树立良好的就业心态
9.vocational maladjustment职业适应不良 职业适应不良
10.Having sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit.综合素质高,责任心强,具备良好的职业操守和团队合作精神。
11.You don't want to miss a promising career opportunity in the call center management sector in an economy increasingly focused on service, do you?您想把握全球呼叫中心客服时代带来的职业发展良机吗?
12.On Establishment of a Good State of Mind for Students of Vocal Music Major in Vocational Colleges of Art论高职艺术院校声乐专业学生良好心理状态的建立
13.Benign Adaptation of Higher Vocational Education and Industry Cluster;高等职业教育与产业集群的良性适配
14.A Research on the Learning Disabilities of Secondary Vocational School Students中等职业学校学生学业不良问题研究
15.You resigned the place from conscientious scruples.您辞去那个职位是出于良心上的不安。
16.Inherent Responsibilities,Reason and Conscience--On Soldiers Disobeying;天职、理智与良心——论士兵的不服从
17.Good career planning can lead to a satisfying career.良好的职业规划可以使你有一个满意的职业。
18.Strong communication skills. Self motivated and driven。Personal character of patient, chary.具有良好的团队沟通技巧,职业素质和学习能力。具有耐心,细致的个人性格。

The teachers work conscience教师职业良心
1.The teachers work conscience is one of the basic factors of their work ethics.教师职业良心是构成教师职业道德的基本因素之一。
3)professional moral of police人民警察职业良心
4)the standards of teachers professional conscience教师职业良心标准
5)On Teachers Work Conscience论教师的职业良心
6)enterprise conscience企业良心
1.An enterprise must have a mature and perfect enterprise conscience when it seeks the greatest profit with the smallest input by engaging itself in tense market competitions so as to become a powerful long-lasting enterprise.企业要以最小的投入取得最大的利润,参与激烈的市场竞争,建设强势的百年企业,则必须要具备成熟完善的企业良心。
