本体思维,reality thought
1)reality thought本体思维
1.From "reality thought" to "ethics thought": an examination of the contemporariness of orientation of philosophical thought;从“本体思维”到“伦理思维”——对哲学思维路向之当代性的审查

1.UK Historical Revolution in “Ontological Thinking” by Marx;马克思对“本体思维方式”的历史性变革
2.From "reality thought" to "ethics thought": an examination of the contemporariness of orientation of philosophical thought;从“本体思维”到“伦理思维”——对哲学思维路向之当代性的审查
3.Zhou Dun-yi:On the Ontological Entrance of the Classical Confucianism;周敦颐:儒学本体论思维向度的开启者
4.Three-dimensional Thinking of Basic Principle of Socialism Education;社会主义基本原则教学中的立体思维
5.History of otology and mode of thinking is changed--Two improving in Marxist philosophy are linked degree;本体论和思维方式的历史转变——马克思主义哲学变革的两个维度
6.On Concrete Thinking--Series Ⅲ of the Research on the Natural Language Basic Thinking Method;论具体思维——自然语言基本思维方式系列研究之三
7.Practical thinking mode is a basic method researching the ontological problem of Marxist philosophy;实践思维方式是研究马克思主义哲学本体论问题的基本方法
8.basic cells of thinking思维的基本单位 思维的基本单位
9.Human Thinking Modes Embodied in the Semantic Features of Metaphor;论隐喻的基本语义特征所体现的人类思维方式
10.Cross-cultural Impact on Groupthink: A Comparison of China, America and Japan;群体思维的跨文化效应:中国、美国和日本的比较
11.Concrete Concept as the Basic Form of Dialectical Thinking;论具体概念何以是辩证思维的基本形式
12.On Levinas Thought of the Other and His Criticism of Ontology;莱维纳斯的“他者”思想及其对本体论的批判
13.Transition of Educational Ontology and Complexity of Educational Entity--Educational Ontology Study in the Context of Complex Thinking Pattern;教育本体论研究的转向与教育本体的复杂性——复杂性思维方式视野中的教育本体论研究
14.In economics, the thought of money is closely connected with that of rationality, and money itself bears the characteristics of secularity and usefulness.在经济学中 ,金钱思维和理性思维是密不可分的 ,货币本身自然也体现着世俗性和有用性。
15.On Systematic Thoughts(3):Combining Whole Thinking with Analysis Thinking;论系统思维(三):整体思维与分析思维相结合
16.Physical conception is the foundation of thought.概念是思维的基础,也是构成物理基本体系的重要组成部分。
17.I expatiate on this definition from object, structure and substance of critical thinking.本文从批判性思维的对象、结构和实质三方面对此定义作具体分析。
18.The Minben Thought of the Early Reformer--the Combining and Conflicting of Chinese Culture and Western Culture;论早期维新派的民本思想——中西文化纽结的统一体

ontological thought本体性思维
1.The two poems discussed here show that the substance of the poetry′s ontological thought lies in the thinking about.这两首诗显示了诗歌本体性思维的主旨在于对人类生存问题的思索。
3)the thought of ontology本体论思维
1.In this article the author explores the development of the thought of ontology and especially he criticizes the dichotomous ontology in terms of its negative impact upon the environment.本文拟就西方哲学"本体论"思维发展历程之异同特别是就"主——客"二分的本体论思维对环境造成的负面影响的角度对其进行批判,同时以探寻为如何遏制其对生态伤害而寻找一种合适的哲学"本体论"思维。
4)means of reality thinking本体思维方法
5)ontology thinking本体论思维方式
6)the thinking mode of ontology本体论思维范式
