赚钱,Making money
1)Making money赚钱

1.make some good [bad] speculations投机赚钱 [赔钱]
2.Money beget money.人挣钱难,钱赚钱易。
3.In the black营利,赚钱,有盈余
4.Earn before you spend.花钱之前必须先赚钱
5."No businessman will ever miss an opportunity to make money--the more, the better.做生意的人,都想赚钱,而且想赚得爽快!
6.make a market of把¥作为赚钱的机会
7.Making money is everybody's dream.赚钱是每个人的梦想。
8.Businessmen are out for the dust.商人们一心想赚钱
9.In the beginning he took many small jobs to make money.一开始,他靠干零活赚钱
10.earn, pay, cost good money赚、 付、 值很多钱.
11.He has earned as much money as I have.他赚的钱和我赚的一样多。
12.There's little to earn and many to keep赚的钱少,要养的人却多
13.He earns twice as much as he used to.他比往常多赚二倍的钱。
14.Rita earned twice as much money as I did,丽塔赚的钱是我的两倍,
15.She made a pile from her acting.她靠演戏赚了一大笔钱。
16.I only make a reduced profit.只不过是少赚了些钱。
17.He was very glad to pick up some money, old sport."他很高兴赚几个钱,老兄。”
18.He is going to Canada to seek his fortune.他去加拿大想赚大钱。

make money赚钱,挣钱
3)earn easy money赚易赚之钱
4)cash in on靠赚钱
5)coin one's brains动脑赚钱
6)fast buck投机赚钱

生意1.生机,生命力。 2.意态。 3.生计;生活。 4.活儿;工作。 5.境遇。 6.谓主张。 7.犹言感兴趣。 8.谓外加别的意思。 9.买卖;做买卖。 10.指钱财。