道德分层,the levels of ethic
1)the levels of ethic道德分层

1.On The Ethical Levels of Socialism Market Economy;论社会主义市场经济条件下的道德分层
2.The Psycho-analysis of the Relations Between University Students’ Moral Cultivation and Moral Levels;道德层次与大学生道德养成关系的心理分析
3.Children's Moral "Deep Grammar" and "Moral Education"儿童道德的“深层语法”与“道德教化”
4.This is the moral side of the problem.这是问题的道德层面。
5.Try to Analyze the Feasibility to Carry out Moral Education in Universities by grading and classifying;分阶段、分层次进行高校思想道德教育的方法探讨
6.The layers of morality and the quality education reform in universities;“道”、“德”的层次性与学校德育改革
7.On Social Moralities in China;我国低层次的道德难题——社会公德
8.Analysis on the Moral Hazard Model of Multilevel Entrustment-agency Relation;金融机构多层委托—代理关系的道德风险模型分析
9.Social Gender and deep - level moral structure--Spouse - choosing and moral molds of sex;社会性别与深层道德结构——择偶、性的道德模式
10.moral level originate in moral essence and the law of moral development.道德的层次性根源于道德的本质和道德发展的规律。
11.On Kant s Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals;康德道德哲学的三个层次——《道德形而上学基础》述评
12.The contents of the accountancy morality must include both the inner level of the accountancy character morality and the outside level of the accountancy profession morality.会计道德建设的内容必须包括会计人格道德内层次和会计职业道德外层次。
13.On the"shi "Socil Class and the Spreading of Moral Education in Pre-Qin times浅论先秦时代“士”阶层与道德教育传播
14.The Deep Thinking of Building the Moral System of Honesty in College Students;大学生诚信道德体系构建的深层思考
15.A Comparative Study on Women′s Deuterogamy in the Tang and Song Dynasty from the Perspective of Social Ethics;从社会道德层面看唐宋女子再嫁问题
16.Morality,Trust,Credit and Credit Reporting;经济学层面上的道德、信任、信用与征信
17.On the Design of the ideological and Ethical Education in Different Administrative Levels Among College Students;师专生层次性思想道德教育内容设计
18.Distinguish morality from ethics and give examples of their difference.区分道德和伦理并举例。

moral levels道德层次
1.The article discusses the influ-ence of the forming sequence of morals and moral levels on the moral cultivation of university students and analyses the reasons why the moral cognition of university students cannot be transformed into moral behavior,which will be beneficial to the improvement of our work in.大学生的道德养成是一个从道德认知到道德行为的有序排列,并在道德实践中逐渐使之成为习惯的发展过程,它受到道德层次的影响。
3)moral level道德层次
1.The school educational objectives in thought and polities can be divided into the psychological level,the moral level and the political level.学校思想政治教育目标分为心理层次、道德层次和政治层次;三层次具有有序性、整体性和协调性的特征;当前需要进一步加强教育目标层次的细化研究和学生接受机制的研究。
4)Moral stratification plane道德层面
5)moral analysis道德分析
6)hedonic calculation道德微积分

垂向分层理论垂向分层理论stratification theory of grains in vertical direction ehuix旧ng feneeng Iilun垂向分层理论(stratifieation theory of grainsin vertieal direetion)对重选过程中矿粒群在介质中作垂向分层运动机理的阐释。在重选设备内堆置或铺置的动态矿粒群称作床层。借助介质的垂直流动、沿斜面流动或作回转运动使床层松散,是粒群发生分层转移的先决条件。分层是指矿物粒群按密度差形成不同的矿物层;颗粒的粒度以及形状对分层也有重要影响。对于分层的发生机理,曾经有过多种见解,但归纳起来不外两类观点。一类是动力学分层学说,认为分层是按个别颗粒在介质中的运动差异发生的(见自由沉降速度差分层学说、干涉沉降速度差分层学说);另一类是静力学分层学说,认为分层是粒群整体的内在不平衡因素引发的(见悬浮体密度差分层学说、位能分层学说和重介质分层学说)。前一类学说强调了流体动力对颗粒运动的影响,而忽略了颗粒间的静力作用;后一类学说的立论观点则忽视了流体动力对分层的影响,而将床层内颗粒或颗粒群间的静力差异视为分层的决定性因素。 (孙玉波)