文学学,science of literature
1)science of literature文学学

1.ususlly a B.A. or B.Sc.通常是文学学士学位或理学学士学位。
2.study literature研究文学,学习文学
3.Existential literature is a literature of life and philosophy.存在文学是一种人生文学、学文学。
4.Philosophy in Literature:Theory of Literature History and Construction of Literature History“文学的哲学”:文学史观与文学史的建构
5.Bachelor of Arts [University of Hong Kong]文学士〔香港大学〕
6.Yanbian Literature (in Korean)延边文学(朝鲜文)
7.the humanistic study of language and literature.语言与文学的人文学习。
8.Bachelor of Arts [Chinese University of Hong Kong]文学士〔香港中文大学〕
9.Master of Arts [Chinese University of Hong Kong]文学硕士〔香港中文大学〕
10.Modern Literature or Literature during the Republic of China?;“现代文学”,还是“民国文学”?
11.CLSC (Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle)肖托夸文学与科学学会
12.She's a Master of Arts/Sciences.她有文学[理学]硕士学位.
13.Literary Ethics Criticism and Literature Reading Teaching in High School;文学伦理学批评与中学语文阅读教学
14.On the Literary Differences and Identities Between Students Studying in Japan and Studying in Europe and America;留日学生文学与留欧美学生文学异同
15.On the Relationship of Contemporary Literature with Middle School Students and Middle School Chinese Teaching;论当代文学与中学生及中学语文教学
16.On the Secondary Language Teaching Literature "History Infiltration";试论中学语文文学教学的“文史渗透”
17.Literary Criticism: Inside or Outside Literature;文学批评:在文学之内还是文学之外
18.Cinematic Literariness, Mass Culture and the Teaching of English and American Literature;电影的文学性、文化性与英美文学教学

1.The contradiction between the reform requirement of the literary journal and trend of the time cann t be in harmony .文学期刊与改革要求和市场大趋势难以谐调的矛盾日益突出;文学期刊面临生死挑战;文学期刊改革大势所趋,势在必行。
2.Three types of deviations exist in literary works.文学中的变异现象可以出现在三个层次上:其一是文本内变异(textual deviation);其二是互文性变异(inter-textual deviation);其三是语言层次上的变异(linguistic deviation)。
1.Discussion on the Relationship Between Chinese Landscape Architecture and Classical Literature;浅谈中国园林与古典文学的关系
2.The Literature Increases the Splendor for the Construction The Literature and the Building Relations Chats;文学为建筑增辉——文学与建筑关系漫谈
3.Discussion about Literature Rhetoric in Landscape Architecture Design;试论景观建筑创作中对文学修辞法的运用
1.Study and Conduct Oneself: Education of Chinese Thinks Carefully Dialectically;“学文”与“做人”:语文教育的辩证思考
5)literature teaching文学教学
1.Basic theory of literature teaching research should be emphasized in Chinese teaching reform——Specialized survey and thinking on Chongqing s mother tongue education resources;语文课改应重视文学教学研究的基础理论问题——重庆市母语教育资源的专题调查与思考
2.The Teacher s Roles in Literature Teaching in ESL Classroom;在英语课堂文学教学中教师的角色(英文)
3.On corpus construction of British and American literature and culture context "Three Sources" to improve literature teaching构建英美文学文化三源泉语料库改进文学教学
6)theory of literary history文学史学
1.An abundant practice of over a century gives the birth of the theory of literary history,which,as a new,promising subject that need to be developing urgently,reflects on or checks up the work of literary scholars,summarizes the course of its development and distills its principles.一百多年来丰富的中国文学史实践,催生着文学史学。

中国少数民族文学学会  研究少数民族文学的群众性学术团体。1979年 6月在成都成立。名誉理事长周扬,第一任理事长贾芝,副理事长马寅(回族)、马学良,王沂暖、额尔敦·陶克陶(蒙古族)、王松。秘书长杨亮才(白族)。第二任正副理事长及秘书长除增补副理事长黄铁(女)外,其余未变。第三任理事长王平凡、副理事长马学良、王松、黄铁、巴·布林贝赫(蒙古族)、黄勇刹(壮族)、买买提明·玉素甫(维吾尔族)。秘书长杨亮才(白族)。办事机构设在中国社会科学院少数民族文学研究所。目前有会员 400余人。学会的宗旨是团结中国少数民族文学研究工作者,开展科学研究,进行学术交流,促进少数民族文学的发展和繁荣。学会主持召开学术年会,和有关少数民族文学的专题学术讨论会。探讨少数民族文学发展的历史、现状和趋势。编辑出版有《中国少数民族文学研究通讯》和理论丛书《少数民族文学论集》等。