人格提升,eleva-tion of human character
1)eleva-tion of human character人格提升

1.Reflection on the Practice of Upgrading Principals′ Personalities and Constructing School Style with Dual Training Modes;校长人格提升和学校风格特色双重建构培训模式的实践反思
2.Teaching of the Chinese Language Aims to Improve Students Personality;语文教育的目的在于提升学生的人格
3.Induce student's emphasis on and lifting of their own discipline of Characteristic.3.二、发学生重视并提升人文素养以陶冶性情、格。
4.Each thing that we do adds a new dimension to our personality.我们做的每件事都会提升我们的人格魅力。
5.Strengthening the Education of Psychological Endurance Capacity and Promoting the Flexibility of College Students Personality;加强心理承受力教育 提升大学生的人格弹性
6.Self-Respect, Self-Discipline and Self-Improvement──The Self-Promotion of Personality of Enterprises Run by Private Citizens after that Private Property is Clearly Protected by the Chinese Constitution;自尊 自律 自强——“私产入宪”后民企“人格”的自我提升
7.The Promotion and Return of University Teachers' Personality Charm in the Teachers' Morality Construction高校教师人格魅力在师德建设中的提升与回归
8.Dolphin-whale or nature kingdom grid work cannot ascend human form.海豚鲸鱼或大自然王国的晶格层无法提升人类肉体。
9.The important point of teaching education in Mental and Moral culture lesson is developing collegian s character;“思想道德修养”课的教育教学重在提升人才的品格
10.How to Shape and Enhance Character Charm of Ideological and Political Theory Course Teachers in Higher Learning Institutions如何塑造与提升高校思想政治理论课教师的人格魅力
11.The Practical Research on Improving the State of Mental Health of College Student through the Personality Education.人格教育对提升大学生心理健康水平的实效性研究
12.A sovereign ascension means that I do not ascend others.一个自主的提升意味着我不提升他人。
13.competent lift worker合资格的升降机工人
14.Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor破格晋升某人为副教授
15.Morphological Lifting Wavelets, Adaptive Lifting Scheme and Their Application in Image Processing;形态学小波提升格和自适应提升格在图象处理中的应用
16.Some promoted to other battalions.一些人提升到别的营里。
17.o Drones will now level properly along with their owner. Existing Drones that are below your character’s level will automatically be raised to the correct level.现在机器人的等级将会随着主人的提升而提升。
18.…they would not be elevated to the status of a proposal without a green light from Reagan.……没有里根的同意,就不会升格为提案。

upgrading principals' personalities校长人格提升
3)lifting scheme提升格式
1.A compression algorithm of hyperspectral remote sensing image based on lifting scheme;基于提升格式的高光谱遥感图像压缩算法
2.Novel method of process data compression based on lifting scheme;一种基于提升格式的过程数据压缩新方法
3.Method and its application of on-line denosing of process data based on lifting scheme;基于提升格式的过程数据在线去噪方法及其应用
4)upgrade modular lattice提升模格
1.This paper inroduces the concept of the upgrade modular lattices and shows its some basic properties.引入了提升模格的概念,并证明了它的一些基本质。
5)Lift Scheme提升格
1.Multiresolution Color-Scale Morphological Filtering Based on Max Lift Scheme;基于最大提升格的多尺度彩色数学形态滤波
6)exceptional promotion破格提升

《关于高等学校教师职务名称及其确定与提升办法的暂行规定》  中华人民共和国国务院于1960年3月5日颁发试行的一项规定。目的是为了鼓励高等学校教师不断提高政治业务水平,努力做好教学工作和科学研究工作。    《暂行规定》规定,高等学校教师职务名称定为教授、副教授、讲师、助教 4级;教师职务名称的确定与提升,以思想政治条件、学识水平和业务能力为主要依据。《暂行规定》对各级职称的具体条件和审批办法等作了规定。《暂行规定》颁布后,对推动高等学校教学、科研工作,加强高等学校教师队伍的建设,起了一定的作用。但在"文化大革命"期间,高等学校确定和提升教师职称的工作中断。1978年 3月,国务院批转了教育部《关于高等学校恢复和提升教师职务问题的报告》,决定恢复高等学校教师职称,并开展提升教师职称工作。为了使高等学校教师提职工作经常化、制度化,教育部于1982年 2月又下达了《关于当前执行〈暂行规定〉的实施意见》,对《暂行规定》作了一些补充。