家训文化,Chinese traditional family education culture
1)Chinese traditional family education culture家训文化
1.In the new historil era, it is essential, in the course of the national education, to abadon the dross and assimilate the essenu of the Chinese traditional family education culture with Chinese feature so as to train and bring up the socialist modernized allround developed successors.中国传统家训文化源远流长,无疑是中华民族思想文化的重要组成部分。

1.On the Traditional Family Education and the Structure of Modern Family Education with Chinese Feature;传统家训与构建中国特色现代家训文化
2.Parental Instruction Culture and Fostering of Contemporary University Students Moral Outlook;家训文化与当代大学生道德观之养成
3.The Thought of Virtue Rule in Family Precept Culture in Contemporary Perspective;家训文化中的德治思想及其现代审视
4.Traditional Family Educatio and Citizen Moral Ideology to Contemporary College Students;漫谈传统家训文化与当代大学生公民道德教育
5.The ways to make a living introduced in the traditional family-education of China --based on the investigation of family admonish literature of literati and officialdom in feadal china;中国传统家训文化视野中的治生之学——立足于封建士大夫家训文献的考察
6.On the Origin and Functions of the Family Instruction;家训的起源和功能——兼论家训对中国传统政治文化的影响
7.The Absorption of Buddhism Yan Zi-tui from Admonition for the Yan Clan从《颜氏家训》看颜之推对释迦文化的吸收
8.Cultural Aggression and Cultural Defence--On the value and of Confucians resisting foreign religions in late 19th century;文化侵略与文化守卫——论19世纪后半期儒家反洋教的意义及其教训
9.Pearl River Training Center is a non-governmental educational institution officially registered in Guangzhou.珠江文化教育培训中心为一家在广州注册的民营教育机构。
10.Gone with the Wind--Mental Contravention of Yanzhitui Telling from Family Lecture Yan's乱世沉浮中的挣扎——从《颜氏家训》看颜之推文化心理之矛盾性
11.The researching value of Admonitions for the Yan Clan in literary history and philosophy《颜氏家训》文史哲研究的文献价值
12.The Agricultural Ideology Reflected upon Explanatory of Chinese Characters in Shuo Wen Jie Zi.;《说文解字》文字训释中的农业文化思想
13.Tries to Discuss ″Yan Parental instruction″ to North and South Literature Thought Well Distributed;试论《颜氏家训》对南北文学思想的调合
14.On the Educational thought in Yan s Surname Parental Precepts;《颜氏家训》中蕴含的语文教育思想探析
15.ZHU Xi s Family Teaching: from Individual Cultivation to National Civilization;朱熹《家训》:从个人修养到民族文明
16.Human Morals and Modern Enlightenment of Yan s Remarks on Family Education;《颜氏家训》的人文关怀及现代启示
17.New Ideas Dispense with Culture:A Lesson Learned from Literature;新思想拒绝文化属性:一个文学的教训
18.With The Accurate Exegesis,To Write Splendid Writing;以精确之训诂 作古茂之文章——论《曾国藩家书》文论思想中的训诂观

family instruction literature家训文学
1.It was during the Han Dynasty that family instruction literature took form.汉代家训在家训史上具有承前启后的作用,对后世家训文学的发展具有重要作用。
3)school motto culture校训文化
1.It puts forward the approaches and channels to construct school motto culture,which shows the soul of college and university culture,conception of new education,classic using of words and study of western school mottos.从新的视角概括了我国大学校训文化的主要特性,有的放矢地提出了构建我国校训文化的思路和途径:提炼大学文化精髓、凸显新型教育理念、化用古今经典词汇、借鉴西方校训精华。
4)cultural assimilation文化训练
5)training culture实训文化
6)the family Instruction of yan颜氏家训.文章

家训【家训】 (杂语)小参曰家训,又云家教。禅林之语。(参见:“小参”)