道德向量,Moral vectors
1)Moral vectors道德向量
2)moral orientation道德取向
1.On the basis of a questionnaire completed by 7864 medical school applicants and students in Australia,Israel,Fiji,New Zealand,Scotland and England and by 84 Australian psychology students,the article explores the influence of moral orientation on profession,ethical criteria and ethical behavior.本文在对来自澳大利亚、以色列、斐济、新西兰、苏格兰、英格兰的7864名医学生或医学生申请者以及84名澳大利亚心理学学生进行问卷调查基础上,研究道德取向对职业、伦理标准、伦理行为的影响。
2.In this essay,the impact of economic globalization on the moral orientation of the contemporary young workers is elaborated according to the questionnaire answered by the young workers in five state-owned and private enterprises with some suggestions on strengthening moral e.经济全球化以不可阻挡之势向纵深发展,对我国道德领域产生着越来越深刻的影响,也对广大青年工人的道德取向产生了巨大影响。
3.To evade these moral risks, we must set up right moral conception and stick to justifiable moral orientation.当前我国社会保障制度建设面临多方面的道德风险,要规避这些道德风险,必须树立正确的道德理念、坚持合理的道德取向。

1.Moral Orientation of Wenchang Culture for Criticizing Dirty Books;论文昌文化挞伐淫秽书籍的道德取向
2.Moral Tendency of Hardworking and Honesty in the Chinese Traditional Culture;中国传统文化中勤俭廉正的道德取向
3.Moral faith:value orientation of moral education of realm in universities道德信仰:高校境界德育的价值取向
4.Social Transformation,Interest Subject,and Approach of Moral Education;社会转型、利益主体与道德教育的取向
5.Guidance on Choice:New Orientation of Moral Education for College Students;引导选择:大学生道德教育的新取向
6.A Research Report of the Current Status of Moral Values and Orientations Among Citizens in the Capital;首都市民道德价值取向状况研究报告
7.Intension, Characteristic and Value Orientation of Government s Moral Responsibility;政府道德责任的内涵、特征及价值取向
8.Moral Objects and justice Orientation in Environmental Ethic;环境伦理学中的道德客体与正义取向
9.Liquidation of the Private and the Founding of the Public--the Legalist Mentality towards the Public and the Private;废私立公——法家公私观的道德价值取向
10.Illustrating Illustrious Value: The Value Orientation of the Ideological and Moral Cultivation of the College Students;明明德:大学生思想道德修养的价值取向
11.The Integration of Morality and Law:The Value Standard of Socialist Moral Construction;德法相融:社会主义道德建设的价值取向
12.Humanity-utilitarianism:New Value Assumption of Medical Ethics;人道功利主义——当今医学道德的价值取向
13.Oakesshott s view of European Politics and Moralities--Orientation of Moral Value and Choice of Political Modes;奥克肖特论近代欧洲的道德与政治——道德价值取向与统治模式选择
14.On the Moral Implications of the System and the Value Orientation of System Ethics;论制度的道德意蕴以及制度伦理的价值取向
15.Distinguishing between Yi and Li and Reshaping Moral Value Orientation of Today s College Students;“义利之辩”与当代大学生道德价值取向的重塑
16.Person-based Education Is the Definite Orientation of Values for Moral Education;“人化”教育——道德教育价值取向的必然选择
17.Value Inclination of Market BusinessEthic and Principles of Moral Construction;市场经济伦理价值取向与道德建构的原则
18.Socialist Market Economy and Socialist Moral Orientation;社会主义市场经济与社会主义道德价值取向

moral orientation道德取向
1.On the basis of a questionnaire completed by 7864 medical school applicants and students in Australia,Israel,Fiji,New Zealand,Scotland and England and by 84 Australian psychology students,the article explores the influence of moral orientation on profession,ethical criteria and ethical behavior.本文在对来自澳大利亚、以色列、斐济、新西兰、苏格兰、英格兰的7864名医学生或医学生申请者以及84名澳大利亚心理学学生进行问卷调查基础上,研究道德取向对职业、伦理标准、伦理行为的影响。
2.In this essay,the impact of economic globalization on the moral orientation of the contemporary young workers is elaborated according to the questionnaire answered by the young workers in five state-owned and private enterprises with some suggestions on strengthening moral e.经济全球化以不可阻挡之势向纵深发展,对我国道德领域产生着越来越深刻的影响,也对广大青年工人的道德取向产生了巨大影响。
3.To evade these moral risks, we must set up right moral conception and stick to justifiable moral orientation.当前我国社会保障制度建设面临多方面的道德风险,要规避这些道德风险,必须树立正确的道德理念、坚持合理的道德取向。
3)longing for morality向往道德
4)moral tendency道德倾向
1.The paper,analyzing the heroine s(Sister Carrie s) crucial choices of life to illustrate the disillusionment of American Dream,pointed out that the moral tendency of Sister Carrie is influenced greatly by the social environment and concluded that the novel Sister Carrie is meaningful in reflecting the social problems of that very period.通过分析《嘉莉妹妹》中女主人公的几次重大人生抉择来论述美国梦的幻灭,指出嘉莉的道德倾向主要是受当时的社会环境影响而形成的,最终揭示该作品在反映社会现实方面所表现出的批判意义。
5)morality trend道德走向
1.The morality trend and the individual ethic responsibility in market economy;市场经济的道德走向与个人的伦理责任
6)moral orientation道德定向

Darboux向量Darboux向量Darboux vector L恤内.双向,【D山如扣x,“出万:八ap6y oe‘Topl 当一点M沿曲线L匀速移动时L的自然三棱形绕瞬时轴旋转的瞬时角速度向量占.Darboux向量位于曲线L的从切平面内,用L的切向量t和副法向量b来表示的公式是 占=了哥拜子(tcos口+bs谊。),其中:和。是L的曲率和挠率,0是Darbeux向量与L切向量之间的角.借助于Darboux向量,F泊妞公式(F悦netfo皿tdas)可写为: i=[占,t],血=[j,n],b二[占,b]、其中b是L的主法向量. G.Darbeux“11)最先指出了空间曲线自然三棱形的Darboux向量的几何意义.【补注】自然三棱形(由S.Stemberg(【AI])采用的名称)通常称为Fr6net标架(Fr色net加Ine),也称Fr白蛇t三棱形(Fr色net trib耐ron).【译注】E冶rbeux向量的表示式,在英俄文版中均有误,现予改正.在三维EucUd空间中,外积比,t1就是叉积占xt.