秦印,Qin seal
1)Qin seal秦印
1.The academical circles disclosed the fact of Qin seals and build a evaluation standard.秦印的研究经过历代学者的努力和90年代西安秦封泥的大批出土与确认,学术界终于认清了秦印的真实面目,建立了秦印的客观标准。
2)Qin Seal and Characters on the Pottery秦印与秦陶文
1.Discussion on the Policy of “Feng-shan-Jin-Lin”of the Qin Dynasty;解读秦之“封山禁林”策
2.On the Lineage of Qin s Ancestors and its cultural construction ;论秦的祖先世系及其文化建构

1.The Dynastic Change from Zhou to Qin and Literature in the Qin and Han Dynasties:One of the Special Research Topics of Literature in the Qin and Han Dynasties;周之变与汉文学——汉文学研究专题之一
2.It's in your hands, Mrs Qin!拜托您啦,老师!
3.Qin Zhong was born when his father was over fifty.那业至五旬之上方得了钟.
4.Bamboo Slips Unearthed in West Hunan "Revive" History of Qin Dynasty湘西出土大量简“复活”代历史
5.Museum of Qin clay figures ( museum of Terra - Cotta warrior and horse at the tomb of Qin Shi Huang ) .俑博物馆(始皇陵兵马俑博物馆)
6.The Research of Gold & Silver Implements and Its Mading Crafts in the Period before 220AD of China;先汉时期金银工艺及金银器研究
7.Foreclosure of Qin Tomb s Letters--Reading Notes on Qin Tomb s Letters of Shuifu Mountain;简中的赎——睡虎地墓竹简研读札记
8.Characteristic and Influence of Qin Culture from Qin Hydraulic Engineering;从水利工程看文化的特点及影响
9.Research on the Scheme for the Qinhuangdao-Shenyang Passenger Dedicated Railway Leading to Qinshan Area;沈客运专线引入山地区方案研究
10.Approaching the Accurate Management of Qin Dynasty from Yunmeng Qinjian;从云梦简看国经济的精确化管理
11.An Analysis of Agricultural Economic Laws of the Qin Dynasty Reflected from Qin s Bamboo Strips;《简》所见农业经济管理法规试析
12.Review on Relations among Monarch,Heaven and Populace During Period of the Pre-Qin,Qin and Han Dynasties;先汉时期的天、君、民关系述论
13.A Simple Exploration of the Medical Ethics Thoughts in Pre-Qin,Qin and Han Dynasties先汉时期的医学伦理学思想初探
14.On the Life Pursuit of Period Officials in Pre-Qin Period--Taking Su Qin as an example先时期士的人生追求——以苏为例
15.Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty was a Heritage and Development from Xianyang of Qin Dynasty地文化:汉都长安与都咸阳的关系
16.Study on the Scheme of Leading Tianjin-Qinhuangdao Passenger Dedicated Line into Qinshan Area津客运专线引入山地区方案研究
17.On the Reason Why Qin People Values Trip by Analyzing Rishu on Qin Bamboo Slips从简《日书》分析人重出游的原因
18.The EQM can be subdivided into the northern and southern parts, which are separated by the Shangnan-Zhenping suture.东岭以商南-镇平缝合带分为东岭北部和东岭南部。

Qin Seal and Characters on the Pottery秦印与秦陶文
1.Discussion on the Policy of “Feng-shan-Jin-Lin”of the Qin Dynasty;解读秦之“封山禁林”策
2.On the Lineage of Qin s Ancestors and its cultural construction ;论秦的祖先世系及其文化建构
4)Qin Dynasty秦
1.Examples of the Official Communal Economic System of Qin Dynasty;秦官社经济体制模式典型举例
2.New View Point on the Relationship between Legalist′s Theory and the Downfall of Qin Dynasty;法家思想与秦王朝灭亡关系新论
3.The Study of Custom and Law from Qin Dynasty to the Middle Period of XiHan;秦至西汉中期的礼法研究
5)the Qin Dynasty秦
1.Changes of Historical Environment in the Qin Dynasty and Development of Traditional Sports in Guanzhong Area;秦历史环境变迁与关中民族传统体育发展
2.Whether Taiwei existed as a title of military officers in the Qin Dynasty remains in dispute.太尉是否为秦官一直存在争论,而邦尉一职也不见于文献记载,然而新公布的太尉与邦尉封泥却说明这两个职官在秦时的存在。
6)before Qin Dynasty and Qin-Han Dynasties先秦秦汉
1.A Study on the Military Music and Dance in the before Qin Dynasty and Qin-Han Dynasties;先秦秦汉是我国包括乐舞在内的各门类艺术萌芽和初步发展时代,军事乐舞也不例外。

秦印秦印  指战国末期到西汉早期流行的印章。字体小篆居多,白文的印面常有界格,风格苍秀。与汉印并为后世篆刻家所取法。