道德自控,moral self-control
1)moral self-control道德自控
2)moral control道德控制
1.This system mainly consists of four parts,namely,policy and law control,organization control,market control and moral control.该系统由政策和法律控制、组织控制、市场控制和道德控制四个部分组成,这四个组成部分相对于整个系统来说是子系统,它们各有自己的特点、结构和功能,并且整个系统的运行还呈现出目的性、非线性和线性统一和可控性的原则。
2.According to the basic principle of crime control-comprehensive control of public security, the control of pick-pocketing can be summarized as the following three aspects: moral control, social control and judicial control.根据社会治安综合治理的犯罪控制基本方针,可以把扒窃行为的控制概括为道德控制、社会控制、司法控制三个基本方面。
3.To cultivate and perfect people′s moral emotion,under the present situation of moral life in our country,we must focus on the mainstream of moral influence,the overall optimum of moral enviroment and the appropriation of moral control.从我国目前道德生活的实际出发 ,要培养和提高人们的道德情感 ,必须着力于道德教化的深度走向、道德环境的全面优化、道德控制的合理适

1.The Chinese and Foreign School Moral Education Comparison on Moral Control Mode道德控制模式中的中外学校道德教育比较
2.On Ethical Control of All-over Constructing Well-off Society;试论全面建设小康社会中的道德控制
3.This article expounds the control countermeasures of pick-pocketing from moral control aspect, social control aspect and judicial control aspect.文章从道德控制、会控制、法控制三个方面,论述了扒窃行为的控制对策。
4.Research on the control mechanism of moral risk in stock market;证券市场中的道德风险控制机制研究
5.Change from Moral Modulation to Legal Modulation--Reflection on extrication of moral predicament under the market economy;从道德调控走向法制调控——对市场经济条件下摆脱道德困境的思考
6.The Research of Moral Risk Controlling on Chinese Fund Management Company;中国基金管理公司道德风险控制研究
7.The Research on the Moral Hazard Control of Commercial Medical Insurance;商业医疗保险中的道德风险控制研究
8.The Moral Hazard and Hazard Control of China’s Securities Investment Fund;我国证券投资基金的道德风险及控制
9.Moral hazard in the fundamental health insurance and controls;基本医疗保险中的道德风险及其控制
10.The Moral,Social and Judicial Controlling Treatment of Committing Crimes by Using Duty;职务犯罪的道德、社会与司法控制对策
11.On controlling and optimizing the moral environment of the enterprise s management;企业经营管理道德环境的控制与优化
12.The Research on the Moral Hazard Control of Commercial Medical Insurance in China我国商业医疗保险道德风险控制研究
13.The Moral Hazard in the Society Medical Insurance and the Way to Control社会医疗保险中的道德风险及其控制
14.The Research of Control Mechanism to Prevent Moral Hazard in Chinese Unemployment Insurance System中国失业保险制度中道德风险的控制机制研究
15.Moral Hazard in Social Health Insurance and the Scheme to Contain It;社会医疗保险道德风险及其控制机制研究
16.Study on Mechanism of Precaution and Control Against the Moral Hazard in Dynamic Alliance;动态联盟中道德风险防范与控制机制研究
17.Research of Settling Moral Hazard in Business Group Financial Control;企业集团财务控制中道德风险的解决机制
18.Moral Hazard in Social Medical Insurance and Its Precaution;社会医疗保险中的道德风险及其控制机制

moral control道德控制
1.This system mainly consists of four parts,namely,policy and law control,organization control,market control and moral control.该系统由政策和法律控制、组织控制、市场控制和道德控制四个部分组成,这四个组成部分相对于整个系统来说是子系统,它们各有自己的特点、结构和功能,并且整个系统的运行还呈现出目的性、非线性和线性统一和可控性的原则。
2.According to the basic principle of crime control-comprehensive control of public security, the control of pick-pocketing can be summarized as the following three aspects: moral control, social control and judicial control.根据社会治安综合治理的犯罪控制基本方针,可以把扒窃行为的控制概括为道德控制、社会控制、司法控制三个基本方面。
3.To cultivate and perfect people′s moral emotion,under the present situation of moral life in our country,we must focus on the mainstream of moral influence,the overall optimum of moral enviroment and the appropriation of moral control.从我国目前道德生活的实际出发 ,要培养和提高人们的道德情感 ,必须着力于道德教化的深度走向、道德环境的全面优化、道德控制的合理适
3)moral adjustment道德调控
1.A Discussion on Moral Adjustment in Community Governance;论社区治理中的道德调控
2.As a kind of moral phenomenon that can affirm moral responsibility, it is possible and matter-of-course to make the ethic judgment and moral adjustment to administrative monopoly since its substance is perishing the ethic principle of fair administration.行政垄断不仅是法律和行政问题,还是伦理问题,是一种可以认定道德责任的道德现象,其实质是行政公正伦理原则的沦丧,因而可以且应该对它作道德批判和道德调控。
3.To cultivate and construct healthy moral personality by moral adjustment we must adjust moral knowing construction, instruct moral experience, irritate moral asking.当前个体道德素质结构中存在着认知表层化、情感淡漠化、意志薄弱化、需求外在化、理想世俗化、信念缺失的倾向,必须从调整道德认知结构、引导道德体验、激发道德需求着手,通过道德调控,培养和形成健康的道德人格。
4)moral adjustment and control道德调控
1.A Research about Moral Adjustment and Control of Civil Servant Occupation Crime during Social Transformation of China社会转型期我国公务员职务犯罪的道德调控研究
2.As an important part of adjustment system for sports sustainable development,moral adjustment and control reflect the features of the sports industry and fully embody the value of sports spirits and culture.道德调控借助于风俗习惯、日常准则、公众舆论、社会宣传等手段,潜藏以价值观的新标准、新要求、新规律,使人们在不同的体育实践中接受体育道德规范的调节与控制,遵循体育道德的引导,实现价值观的良性回归与重建。
5)moral control道德调控
1.Professional crime bears obvious professional features, so the moral control over professional crime is supposed to be a very important subject of ethics.职业犯罪有非常强的职业特点,因此对职业犯罪的道德调控应该是伦理学关注的一个非常重要的课题。
2.In order to re alize the organic unity of economic and ethic goals,economic effectiveness and s ocial effectiveness,we must strengthen the ethical senses of the enterprises,en hance the moral control of the public opinions,strengthen .为了实现追求经济目标和伦理目标、经济效益和社会效益的有机统一 ,就必须通过强化企业伦理理念、强化社会舆论的道德调控、强化规范企业行为的制度化道德保障、强化企业人的道德素质和伦理责任等来克服企业行为中的伦理代
6)morality control道德控制
1.Many factors can affect the function of morality emotion as follows: fluctuating emotion, difficult communication, bad morality environment and broken morality control.人的情感是易变的 ,人际沟通是困难的 ,加上道德环境的恶劣和道德控制的失度 ,都会影响道德情感功能的正常发
