伦理考量,Ethical Consideration
1)Ethical Consideration伦理考量
1.Ethical Consideration on the Spirit of Enterprise Innovation;企业创新精神的伦理考量

1.The Ethics Consideration on the Administrative Compulsion in the View of the Responsible Government;责任政府视域下行政强制的伦理考量
2.Compassion:An Ethical Standard in Packaging Design for Medicine;“恻隐之心”——药品包装设计的伦理考量
3.The Ethical Way to Study the Meaning and the Circle of Corporate Social Responsbility;企业社会责任的内涵与外延的伦理考量
4.The Value of Social Work Research Intervention and Social Research Ethics;社会工作研究中的价值介入与社会研究伦理考量
5.Conflict and Harmonization between Virtual Reality and Reality:Essential Characteristics of Virtual World with Ethical Considering;虚拟与现实的冲突及融合——虚拟世界的本质、特征及其伦理考量
6.An Analysis of Doctor-Patient Relationship's Models,Ethical Essentials and Institutional Rationality医患关系的模式考量、伦理分析和制度理性
7.Risk Considerations and Ethical Stipulation of Sports Technologilization;竞技体育技术化的风险考量与伦理规约
8.Improvement of Ethical Supervision on Biomedical Research;提高生命科学研究中的伦理审查质量的思考
9.From Land Ethics to Ethical Holism:A Study of Callicott s Ecological Ethics;从大地伦理学到伦理整体主义理论——克利考特生态伦理学研究
10.Columbia Mental Maturity Scale哥伦比亚心理成熟量表
11.The Significance of Buddhist Ethics in Modern Times佛教伦理的现代意义——全球伦理视域下的考察
12.The Ethical Thoughts on Practical Problem for Institutional Review Board on Organ Transplantation;器官移植伦理审查委员会实践难题的伦理思考
13.Harmony and ethics--Some thoughts on web, life and environmental ethics;和合与伦理——关于网络、生命、环境伦理的思考
14.A Narrative of Modern Ethic──An Eyeshot of Weeds;一种现代伦理的思考──现代伦理视野下的《野草》
15.Some Meta-Ethical Remarks on Conditions of Possibility for a Universal Ethics;关于普遍伦理的可能性条件的元伦理学考察
16.Rational Reflection on Ethics of Technology--On Aristotle s Ethics of Technology via His "Mean" Idea;技术伦理的理性思考——从亚里士多德的“中道”观思考技术伦理
17.The Ethical Dilemmas and Ethical Autonomy of Judicial Discretion法官自由裁量权的伦理困境与伦理自主
18.Study on Internet Ethical Problems Resources and Solution;网络伦理问题的理性思考与对策研究

Ethical reflection伦理思考
1.The Combination of Morality Education and Filial Piety Culture——An Ethical Reflection on Medical Students' Filial Piety Practice during Vacations德育与孝道文化的接轨——医学生假期亲情体味实践的伦理思考
2.Ethical Reflection on the Influence of Healthcare Human Resources Distribution on Medical Service Fairness卫生人力资源配置对医疗服务公平性影响的伦理思考
3)ethical thinking伦理思考
1.The Ethical Thinking of Legitimate Self-defense during Social Transformation;社会转型中正当防卫法律制度的伦理思考
2.This thesis attempts to apply Ethical Literary Criticism to analyze by rereading the texts in detail in order to explore the ethical thinking embodied in Woolf’s major novels.虽然伍尔夫通常被认为是一个典型的现代派的意识流小说家,主要关注人类的内心世界和内在思想而忽略了外在的物质世界与现实社会,但她的文学作品其实含有丰富的伦理意识和伦理思考。
4)ethics of examination考试伦理
1.The ethics of examination is protected by both honesty and justice.考试伦理是由公正和诚信共同维护的道德体系。
5)quality ethic质量伦理
1.The quality ethic means a kind of national economic competitiveness around the world and it has a canonical effort on how to avoid freakish economy and high level life standard economy.质量伦理在当代社会经济中不再仅仅是附属于商业的职业伦理,它是当代经济活动或企业活动不可缺少的内在伦理机制,是经济制度创新和发展的重要动力。
6)the ethics of amount量的伦理
