意识控制,conscious control
1)conscious control意识控制

1.Projection takes place with a minimum of awareness or conscious control.投射在最少的知觉或意识控制下发生。
2.The theory that the body is a machine whose functions are accompanied but not controlled by consciousness.机械行为论一种把人体比做机器,认为其功能由意识伴随但不是由意识控制的理论
3.On Influence of Active Consciousness Control upon Restoration of Limb Function in Rehabilitation Process for One Who Has Paralysis;偏瘫患者康复过程中主动意识控制对肢体功能恢复的影响
4.(physiology) without volition or conscious control.(生理学)不是有意识或有意识的控制。
5.He said that dreams come from a part of one's mind which one can neither recognize nor control. He named this the "unconscious mind."据他说梦来自于人无法识别和控制的那部分意识,他称之为“潜意识”。
6.On Risk Coasciousness and Internal Control in Construction Investment of Higher Institutes;高校建设投资的风险意识与内部控制
7.Significance of the Discovery of a Self-consciousness Controlling District in Human Brain;控制“自我”意识的脑部区域发现之意义提示
8.(physiology) controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious control.(生理学)由自发的神经系统控制;不是有意识的控制。
9.Most occupational stress boils down to a perceived lack of control,大部分职业压力的产生归因于缺乏意识的控制,
10.Patriot broadcasters are aware that mind control is happening.爱国者广播者们意识到精神控制正在发生。
11.This control is taken over from the powerful subconscious mind.这种控制是从强有力的潜意识那里接管过来的。
12.On Resistance of Control and Expansion of Consciousness in William S. Burroughs Textual Practice;论威廉·S·巴勒斯文本中的反控制和意识的拓展
13.On the problem of control right in the fields of ideology in the age of globalization;谈全球化时代我国意识形态领域的控制权问题
14.Strengthening credit consciousness and building credit risks control system;强化信用意识与建立信用风险控制体系的研究
15.Football Awareness of Players in Controlling and Making Use of Open Area;运动员的足球意识对足球空档的控制与利用
16.Directional Antennal Control Method Based on the Neighbors Awareness in Ad Hoc NetworkAd Hoc网络中基于邻居意识的定向天线控制方法
17.Overall, they consume fewer calories without consciously restricting their intake.总的来说,他们吸收了较少的卡路里,无意识中控制了他们的摄入量。
18.You need to be proficient in both consciousness raising and chakra control, but it is achievable.你需要精通意识提升和脉轮控制,但这并非遥不可及。

control-oriented awareness控制律意识
3)active consciousness control主动意识控制
1.Aim: to explore the influence of active consciousness control upon restoration of limb function in rehabilitation process for one who has paralysis.目的:探讨偏瘫患者康复过程中主动意识控制对肢体功能恢复的影响。
4)Ideology control意识形态控制
5)strong consciousness of controlling强控意识
1.It has something to do with Emperor Han Wu s strong consciousness of controlling.汉匈之间的矛盾并非到了用和平的方式无法调和的地步,而汉朝和匈奴双方都为这场战争付出了惨重的代价,这些都与汉武帝及其王朝的强控意识紧密相关。
6)self-control consciousness自控意识

反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control  于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。