生态诚信,ecological honest and credit
1)ecological honest and credit生态诚信
1.Through in-depth analysis we find though there are many reasons of ecological crisis, we has to admit that the destroy and discarding of ecological honest and credit that mades human’s behavior extreme ,and breaks the balance between humane and nature is a in-depth and essential reason.然而不能不说“生态诚信”的失落是其中一个重要且深层次的根本因素。
2)Attitude on faith诚信态度

1.A Study on Attitude Towards Honesty and Its Effects among Middle School Students Postgraduate of Psychology of Development and Education;中学生诚信态度及其影响因素的研究
2.The Impact of Different Expression of Information on the College Students' Faith Attitude不同信息表征方式对大学生诚信态度的影响
3.I believe in being candid and open to different points of view.我信奉以诚实坦诚的态度对待不同的观点。
4.He spoke with an earnestness that carried conviction to his students.他的诚恳态度,使学生都很相信他。
5.reverent attitude恭敬的态度,虔诚的态度
6.His sincerity touched me.他的诚恳态度感动了我。
7.There was a cordial candour in his manner这人态度又真爽又诚恳。
8.In an honest manner.诚实地,正直地态度诚实地
9.conference loyalty regime班轮公会忠诚信约制度
11.Good faith principle and the construction of its legal system;诚实信用原则与诚实信用法律制度的构建
12.On Issue of Credibility and Construction of Faithful Legal System in Chinese Society;论我国社会的诚信问题与诚信法律制度建设
13.The social trustworthiness system to development s important meaning of business enterprise trustworthiness;试论建立诚信制度体系对企业诚信建设的意义
14.A Probabilistic View of the Research on Undergraduates Examination Integrity State;大学生考试诚信状态研究的概率图景
15.The Dynamic Game Analysis of Life Insurance Agent s Bad Faith;寿险代理人诚信问题的动态博弈分析
16.We'll always keep improving our before/after sales service with our honesty and sincerity,and create good business future with our clients and customers.我们将始终保持诚实守信的态度,完善售前售后服务,与客户共同创造美好未来。
17.A genuinely friendly and helpful attitude on the phone, identification of company and callee, offers of help or message taking,在电话中展现出真诚友善及助人的态度,先行介绍自己跟公司,提供对方协助,为对方留口信,
18.The city council has done its best to restore our belief in their honesty, but many people still have their doubts.市政委员会竭尽全力让我们重新相信它是诚实的, 但仍有许多人持怀疑态度。

Attitude on faith诚信态度
3)examinee trust考生诚信
4)student honesty学生诚信
5)life honesty and trust诚信生活
6)college student credit大学生诚信
1.Discussion on construction of college student credit education system;关于构建大学生诚信教育体制的思考

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