道德运气,Moral Luck
1)Moral Luck道德运气
1.What s the Moral Luck? Is it possible? If it can, what s the meaning? In 1976, it is the first time for the conception to be put forward by Bernard Williams.何为道德运气?这个概念成立吗?如果成立那它指的是什么呢?伯纳德·威廉姆斯于1976年第一次提出“道德运气”的概念,虽然没有对概念本身予以界定,但他的论述肯定了概念的可能性,并侧重从行为者主观的角度来理解道德运气;随后,托马斯·内格尔立足现实生活,对道德运气进行分类论述,并试图将康德的道德理论与道德运气结合,当然结果是令人失望的;继威廉姆斯与内格尔之后,安东尼·肯尼在两位哲学家论述的基础之上,认为他自己也无力缓和康德哲学与道德运气的张力,但无意追随威廉姆斯和内格尔的步调,而是从亚里士多德哲学和中世纪基督教神学中探讨道德运气

1.Second, Bernard Williams on Moral luck.二、伯纳德·威廉姆斯对道德运气的论述;
2.Fourth, Anthony Kenny on Moral Luck.四、安东尼·肯尼对道德运气的理论追溯;
3.I don't know what I've done to deserve this stroke of good luck, running into you like this today, Miss Hsu-I must have had very virtuous ancestors!今天我不知道哪里来的运气,碰到了你徐小姐了,这是我祖宗积德!
4.He lacks moral fibre.他缺乏道德上的骨气。
5.Ethics Development Campaign [Independent Commission Against Corruption]道德发展运动〔廉政公署〕
6.Ethics of Economic Action:An lnner Agreement between Economic Action and Ethics;经济运行道德:经济运行与道德的内在契合
7.Ethnic-psychology-its impact on the study of ethnics and its application;浅谈道德心理学对道德研究及运用的意义
8.Discussion of for the Relationship of Sports Moral and Professional Athlete′s Moral体育道德与职业运动员职业道德关系的思考
9.Sports should be conducted honorably in an atmosphere of moral purity.(奥林匹克)运动会应当在一种坦率正直的方式和和道德纯洁的气氛中举行。
10.That way scholarship and moral virtue can be combined.这样,学问和道德可以融贯一气了。
11.cried Mrs. Meade indignantly. "Drat the woman!"米德太太气愤地大声嚷道:"讨厌的女人!
12.He demo trated enormous political co cience and morality with courage.他彰显了无比的政治良知和道德勇气。
13.The Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum from the Source Rock of Eogene in De Nan Depression;德南洼陷下第三系油气运聚成藏特征
14.Study on the Fluid Inclusions and Petroleum Migration of Denan Depression;德南洼陷流体包裹体与油气运移研究
15.But moral responsibility is not a luxury of the fortunate,但是承担道德责任并非幸运者的专利,
16.Bob's poor sportsmanship does not sit well with the coach.鲍勃不守运动道德,教练对此不以为然。
17.Campaign on Business Ethics [Independent Commission Against Corruption]商业道德推广运动〔廉政公署〕
18.Campaign on Youth Work Ethics [Independent Commission Against Corruption]青年职业道德推广运动〔廉政公署〕

On Luck and Moral Responsibility论运气与道德责任
3)moral in sports运动道德
1.That was from single theory toward to multi-theory concerning about the explanation of moral in sports.相对于运动心理学的其他领域,关于运动员道德价值观及运动道德行为的研究较少。
4)moral operation道德运作
1.The research on modern Chinese moral operation system;当代中国道德运作机制研究
5)Moral Operation道德运算
6)moral climate道德风气

运气按摩运气按摩 运气按摩   气功学术语。系功法。指气功医师运用体内之气,通过手指或手掌等部位发功,作用于经络、穴位或病变部位而治疗疾病。《灵剑子·胎息秘要歌诀》有“布气与他人攻疾”的记载。《抱朴子内篇》、《诸病源候论》等中也有较具体的介绍。