德性-解释性行政人,Person of Dharma-interpretability in the institution of public administration
1)Person of Dharma-interpretability in the institution of public administration德性-解释性行政人
2)Administrative interpretation行政解释
1.Judicial Review of Administrative Interpretation in Specific Area:An Example from Worker's Compensation Administration专业领域中行政解释的司法审查——以工伤行政为例
2.On Administrative Interpretation Localization: Return and Creation行政解释的再定位:回归与创造
3.Many problems exist in the aspect of administrative interpretation currently in our country, including problems of procedures and positioning of administrative interpretation; problems about antecedent establishment of administrative interpretation power, and problems about the standardization and restriction of administrative interpretation power afterwards.行政解释是一个在我国行政法学界尚未引起足够重视的问题。

1.Judicial Review of Administrative Interpretation in Specific Area:An Example from Worker's Compensation Administration专业领域中行政解释的司法审查——以工伤行政为例
2.`Accountability' is the current vogue-word in politics.`有解释责任'是当前政治上的流行词.
3.The Economic Explanation of Economic Intervention Behaviors of Regional Government;地方政府经济干预行为的经济学解释
4.On Requirement of Production and Existed Pattern ofInterpretation of Administrative Law;论行政法解释的发生条件和存在形态
5.Economical "Explanation" from Public Administration Supervision and Its Inspiration;公共行政监督的“经济解释”及其启示
6.The act or process of interpreting.解释解释的行为或过程
7.Expansionary Fiscal Spending among Chinese Local Governments:Observations and Explanations中国地方政府扩张偏向的财政行为:观察与解释
8.On the Interests Balance in Administrative Litigation;行政裁判中的利益衡量——以个案为基础对《若干解释》第58条的注释
9.The right to interpret these Rules resides with the administrative department for measurement under the State Council.本细则由国务院计量行政部门负责解释。
10.The Government s Entrepreneurial Behavior:an Explanation for the China Economical Miracle;政府行为企业化:中国经济奇迹的一种解释
11.A Politic Economic Institutional Explanation for State-owned Nonperformed Loan;国有银行不良贷款形成的政治经济制度解释
12.The Practical Situation of Legal Interpretation in Customs Executive Administration;法律解释在海关行政执法中的现实命运
13.Theorical and Empirical Explanation for Regional Financial Difference in China;中国区域金融差异与政府行为:理论与经验解释
14.On Judges Power of Interpretation of Laws in Investigation of Administrative Judicature;论法官在行政司法审查中的法律解释权
15.On Differences, Causes and Effects of Two Kinds of Interpretation of Administrative Law;论行政法解释两种形态的差异、成因与效力
16.IPO Discount of State - owned Enterprises: Interpretation Based on the Theory of Policy Signaling国有企业IPO发行折价:基于政策信号理论的解释
17.The Integrative Establishment of the Criminal Law and the Administrative Law--also on the Interpretative Function of the Administrative Criminal Law Theory;刑法与行政法的一体化建构——兼论行政刑法理论的解释功能
18.The Possibility of Reconciliation in Administrative Procedure in Legal Criterion--A Perspective of Legal Interpretation寻求行政诉讼和解在法律规范上的可能性——法律解释方法之视角

Administrative interpretation行政解释
1.Judicial Review of Administrative Interpretation in Specific Area:An Example from Worker's Compensation Administration专业领域中行政解释的司法审查——以工伤行政为例
2.On Administrative Interpretation Localization: Return and Creation行政解释的再定位:回归与创造
3.Many problems exist in the aspect of administrative interpretation currently in our country, including problems of procedures and positioning of administrative interpretation; problems about antecedent establishment of administrative interpretation power, and problems about the standardization and restriction of administrative interpretation power afterwards.行政解释是一个在我国行政法学界尚未引起足够重视的问题。
3)Administrative Explanation行政解释
1.During administrative lawsuit,the majority of administrative norms are non-source free explanations except a small part as administrative explanations.在行政诉讼中,除少部分法律、法规、规章授权制定的行政规范属于行政解释外,大部分行政规范是不具有法源地位的任意解释。
4)interpretation of administrative law行政法解释
5)qualitative interpretation定性解释
1.This paper introduces some qualitative interpretation methods through the relationship between the foundation parameters, such as porosity, permeability, oil saturation, etc.本文通过储层水淹过程中储层孔隙度、渗透率、油饱等基础参数与测井响应参数之间的变化关系,寻找一些定性解释方法;通过水淹层混合液电阻率的求取,从而基本解决了用阿尔奇公式计算剩余油饱和度的不足之处。
2.In this way,the aim of the qualitative interpretation of the lithologic character of the geological body can be attained.试以电磁测深的资料为依据,设计出地质体的地质特征,改变地体质的磁参量以拟合磁测数据,开展电磁测深与地面磁测数据联合解释,求取地质体磁参数,从而达到定性解释地质体岩性的工作目的。
6)lithology interpretation岩性解释
