1.Monster s Quest for Identity in Frankenstein;《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物对身份的寻求
2.The monster,being ugly and against romantic aesthetics,is seen by his master as the "other" in Romanticism and therefore encounters exclusion and abhorrence.《弗兰肯斯坦》中的怪物因其丑陋而不符合浪漫主义审美观念,被其主人作为浪漫主义的他者形象加以排斥、憎恨,以此达到塑造自我、巩固浪漫主义话语的目的。
3.This paper has focused on what monsters the female author has created and how the monsters are related to the self of man and of the author herself,concluding that the monstrous characterization in male is a tragedy not only for male hero and female novelist,but also for the humanity of the whole world.玛丽·雪莱的代表作《弗兰肯斯坦》开了现代科幻小说的一代先河,以惊人的笔触揭示了一个现代悲剧的寓言式真理:不论是女人对写作的渴望,还是男人对孕育的渴望,都依靠生产怪物得以满足,两性都在怪物身上找到了自我的影子,一个怪物的产生都是由于对另一个的压抑。

1.Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your ally.魅惑怪物:使怪物相信自己是你的盟友。
2.A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Old Testament.海中怪兽《旧约》中提到的海中怪物
3.They looked like giant monsters.他们看来象巨大的怪物
4.He looked like Nature's error.他看起来像个怪物
5.It was greenish - black,“怪物的颜色浅绿带黑,
6.and a monster came out and chased me.一个怪物出来追赶我。
7.There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi,关于天池怪物的报导,
8.The monster didn't eat the children.怪物没有吃掉小孩。
9.they regarded the atom bomb as a monstrosity.人们把原子弹视为怪物。。
10.a family that had spawned a monster.生出怪物的一个家庭
11.He transformed into a monster.他变形成了一个怪物
12.Ten minutes later the monster appeared again,十分钟后,怪物再次出现,
13.They're bad monsters.它们是可恶的怪物
14.Is it a monster? Help!它是个怪物?救命呀!
15.When the girl's brother saw the monster,女孩的哥哥看到怪物
16.The monster flew away into the sky.怪物冲向天空飞走了。
17.Space Monster [Children's Adventure Playground]太空怪物〔儿童探奇乐园〕
18.His imagination transformed shadows into monsters.他把影子想像成了怪物

1.Pre-Qin demons was not god- After Qin and Han Dynasties, the necromaneers mixed celestial being and demons and ancestor god into an olganic whole, which became really the god in Inodern sense.先秦的物怪不是神,但秦汉以后,方士将仙人、物怪、祖先神融为一体,这才成了现代意义上的神。
3)A strange person, event, or thing.怪人,怪事,怪物
4)Game Eccentric Person游戏怪物
