1.Explorations on Integration and Conversion of ZHONG Chang-tong s Confucianism,Taoism and Metaphysics Thought;论仲长统、道、玄思想的交杂与转化
2.On the Consciousness of Confucianism,Taoism,Chan Sect in Wang Chonglü s Prose;论王充闾散文中的道禅意识
3.The Juncture of Harmony between Confucianism and Buddhism——Metaphysical Realm of Thought;佛相通——由境界形而上学谈起

1.A member of a race of dwarfs.侏种类中的一员
2.I did,@ said the dwarf.侏说:“是的。”
3.Zhang Zhi-dong and the Confucian Scholarism during the Late Period of the Qing Dynasty“臣”的应变与学的困境──张之洞与晚清
4.Confucianism:"Religious" or "Scholastic"?--on the View of "Confucian Religion" Held in China and Japan in Recent Years;“教”还是“学”?——关于近年中日两国的“教”说
5.Inquiry into the Tang-Confucians’ Transcending Han-Confucians and the Reform of Confucianism through the Pen-Conversation on the Analects从《论语笔解》看唐对汉的超越与学的革新
6."Business","Businessmen","Business theorists" and "Businessmen with Confucianism";“商”、“商人”、“商家”、“商”
7.relating to or characteristic of Confucianism.关于教的或具有教特征的。
8.Any of various small colorful birds of the family Pipridae, found in forests of Central and South America.侏鸟一种侏鸟科的体形
9.His conversion to dhyana and return to Confucianism had endowed him with many identities like a Confucian, monk, chivalrous person, official, etc.他“逃禅”又返,具有、僧、侠、官 多重身份。
10.The beliefs of the ancient Cynics.犬主义古时犬学派的信条
11.Confucian people-oriented thoughts was the practice of Confucian ideal of "Benevolent Governance".家民本思想是家“仁政”理想的实践。
12.The Position of Confucianism and the Development of Confucianism Research at the Cross-century Time跨世纪:学的地位及学研究的发展
13.Approaching the Primal Confucianism-On the Confucianism of Chu Bamboo-slips in the Warring States Period;走近原始家—战国楚简家思想研究
14.By "the Scholars" with the Confucianism Buddhism Taoism Thought Spirit;论《林外史》与释道思想的精神联结
15.A Comparative Study of Ancient Confucian Businessmen and Modern Confucian Businessmen;中国古代商和现代商的比较研究
16.The Self Understanding of "Ru":Xunzi s Speaking of Ru and its Significance;“”的自我理解——荀子说的意义
17.On Post-neo-confucianism and "Civil Confucianism";后新学及“公民学”相关问题之探讨
18.The Development and Innovation of Confucian School of Idealist Philosophy in the Song and Ming Dynasties;宋明理学的纳道入学的新发展

1.Confucianism: Li and Institute——Comment on the Gain and Heredity of " Li" of the Xian - qin Confucianists;:礼与制度——兼论先秦家“礼”的获得与承传
2.Although Mr Tang has seen where the special spirit of chinese art lies and also provided supplement to the discussion on the subject from Xu Fuguang,the position of new Confucianism made his conclution apppear to be false notions.虽然唐氏看到了中国艺术特殊精神之所在进而补充了徐复观对此一论题的探讨,但新家的立场也使其结论出现某种悖谬。
3.His personality of going into the society was made up by Confucianism and Chivalry Tang Yin admired heroes of ancient times.不过 ,在他人格系统中 ,家入世人格更为明显。
1.The Self Understanding of "Ru":Xunzi s Speaking of Ru and its Significance;“”的自我理解——荀子说的意义
2.Thus, debating of the similarities and differences of Mingjiao and natue based on the Ru and Dao, becomes a time topic which at that time was unable to avoid.代之而起的是黄老之学的复兴,由此,“”与“道”、“名教”与“自然”的异同之辩成为当时无法回避的时代课题。
1.On the Thought of Logotherapy in Confucianism;试论家的意义治疗思想
2.On Self-strengthening Personality in Confucianism and Its Cultivation;论家的自强人格及其培养
3.On Health Preserving Philosophy and Culture in Confucianism;家的养生哲学与传统养生文化
1.Variation tendency and assessment on sea environmental quality of natural reserve zone in Dugong of Hepu in Guangxi;广西合浦艮国家自然保护区海水环境质量变化趋势与评价
1."Unification between Human Beings and Nature "of Confucianism and Protecting of the Living Environment of Human Beings;学的“天人合一”与人类生存环境保护
2.Influence of Confucianism on the Ethics in TCM and Its Permeation;学对中医伦理学的影响与渗透
3.Correspondence between college students Sanitary personality and confucianism;大学生健全人格与学的契合

《儒门事亲》《儒门事亲》 《儒门事亲》   综合性医书。十五卷(一作十四卷)。金·张子和撰。撰年不详。张氏为金元四大家之一,善用汗、吐、下三法。书中详细介绍他用三法而赅尽诸法的学术见解和各科多种病症的临床实践。有不少精辟的论述和创见,并附较多治案。相传此书系张氏向麻知几、常仲明等讲学内容,由麻氏等整理而成(或认为前三卷系张氏自撰)。全书论述病症分风、暑、火、热、湿、燥、寒、内伤、内积、外积共十形,较系统地反映了张氏汗、吐、下三法的理论和实践,对读者多有启发。但作者过于强调三法对各科临床的应用,甚至提出:“汗、下、吐三法赅尽治病”,似不免于偏颇。现存多种明刻本、清刻本,1949年后出版排印本。