1.On the Approval and Transcendence of Xiaotong and Xiaoyi towards the Theory of "Gentle";论萧统、萧绎对“文质彬彬”论的认同与超越
2.Guided by the soul of the Chinese traditional culture of be "gentle",the representation form,content,and existing problems product effect picture were analyzed.以中国传统文化中的精髓——"文质彬彬"为引导,对产品效果图的表现形式、实际内容和当前产品效果图中存在的问题进行分析,希望运用"文质彬彬"这一利器,获得一条改善当前产品效果图的途径,指导其创作。

1.He was urbane, courtly and honorable.他文质彬彬、谦恭有礼、正直体面。
2.Gentleman Ship-An Aesthetic Ideal of the Clothing Description in the Book of Shi Jing;文质彬彬—《诗经》服饰描写的审美理想
3.Literary characters of "Yi Zhuan";文质彬彬 经之羽翼——论《易传》的文章修辞之美
4.He is tall, good-looking, fine-boned, educated.他高高个儿,身材均匀,长得很漂亮,文质彬彬
5.Earnshaw was not to be civilized with a wish.恩萧不是靠一个愿望就能文质彬彬起来的。
6."What an elegant gentleman," commented Miss Baker.“真是个文质彬彬的君子人哪”,贝格小姐夸奖道。
7.On the Approval and Transcendence of Xiaotong and Xiaoyi towards the Theory of "Gentle";论萧统、萧绎对“文质彬彬”论的认同与超越
8.Respect human being and holding a gentle manner--The form and connotation of the city sculpture;以人为本 文质彬彬——漫谈城市雕塑的形式与内涵
9.Gentleness and Perfection;文质彬彬 尽善尽美——儒家美学思想及其当代价值
10."Perfect" and "Gentle"--On the Aesthetic Thought of Confucius“尽善”、“尽美”与“文质彬彬”——论孔子的美学思想
11."Wen Zhi Binbin":Historic Fate and Newborn Significance of an Education Topic“文质彬彬”:一个教育命题的历史命运与意义新生
12.Discuss on the connections between DU Fu s poems,poetry idea and the spirit of the balance of outward grace and solid worth in Center Plain literature;论杜甫诗歌及诗学思想与中原文质彬彬的文学精神之关系
13.She was a far cry from the elegant girl we used to know.和以前那个我们所认识的文质彬彬的女孩相比,她已是判若两人。
14.unrough youths that even now protest their first of manhood即使是文质彬彬的青年现在/也开始展示他们的阳刚之气
15.unrough youths that even now / Protest their first of manhood(Shakespeare)即使是文质彬彬的青年现在/也开始展示他们的阳刚之气(莎士比亚)
16."The owners are suffering from the depression too," said Stuyresant in his even, cultivated voice.“那些老板们也同样受到经济萧条的影响,”斯塔维桑文质彬彬地说。
17.Mrs White, the banker's wife, thought him scholarly and refined.银行家太太怀特夫人,认为他有学者风度,文质彬彬
18.Who needs to be told that a gracious smile will get you a better service in any store?谁都懂得文质彬彬地一笑会使你在任何商店得到较好的接待?

Gu wenbin顾文彬
1.The Myanmar government started moving its ministries offices from Yangon to Pyinmana on November 7th 2005.2005年11月7日,缅甸政府开始把政府机关从仰光搬迁到彬文那。
4)Zhou Wenbin周文彬
1.In this period, Zhou Wenbin came to China with his family and lived in Fuxing village located in Tongxian of Hebei.周文彬也随家人来到中国,定居河北通县(现北京通州区)复兴庄。
5)Hu Wenbin胡文彬
1.Hu Wenbin has made great achievements and published a lot of writings in his Redology study,and he has formed his unique style in his pursuit of Redology.胡文彬治红学,著述颇丰,成就卓著,形成了独具特色的治学风格。
6)WANG Bin-bin王彬彬
1.A kind of success in sociological criticism ——To understand WANG Bin-bin′s criticism;社会学批评的一种成功实践——王彬彬批评读解
