1.In “The Critique of Judgement”, Kant, probed several basic problems pertaining to architecture and made penetrating analysis to uninterestedness of appreciation, purposiveness of architecture, the form proper and stimuli.德国哲学家康德在《判断力批判》一书中探讨了一些有关建筑的基本问题,就审美无利害性、建筑的合目的性以及形式本身和刺激因素等问题作出精辟的分析。
1.Kant defined "disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as fundamental and important characteristics in "Critique of Judgment",which was also seen as the "quality" in beauty."审美无利害"是康德在《判断力批判》中作为审美最基本也是最重要的特点进行阐述,并将其作为"质"的契机来规定美的。
2.Immanuel Kant defined “disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as the moment of “quality" in beauty.“审美无利害性”是康德作为“质”的契机来规定美的。

1.Not having a financial interest.无利害关系的没有财政利益的
2.On John Dewey s Pragmatic Aesthetics and the Principle of Aesthetic Disinterestedness;杜威实用主义美学与“审美无利害”原则
3.British Empirical Aesthetics in the 18~(th) Century and the Origin of Aesthetic Disinterestedness;十八世纪英国经验派美学与“审美无利害”的起源
4.The Thought of Aesthetic Disinterestedness of British Empirical Aesthetics and Aesthetic Modernity;经验派美学“审美无利害”思想与审美现代性
5.Shaftesbury s Thoughts on Aesthetic Disinterestedness and the Aesthetic Modernity;夏夫兹博里“审美无利害”思想与审美现代性
6.environmentally sound technology rights banks无害环境技术专利银行
7.Right of Innocent Passage through Territorial Seas无害通过领海的权利
8.Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.惟不求利者为无害,惟不求福者为无祸。
9.Why are you so upset? Either way, you can only gain.你为什么不高兴?这是有利而无害的事。
10.Who are the key stakeholders driving the use of wireless?谁是驱使无限使用的关键利害关系人?
11.Detoxification Processing and Comprehensive Utilization of Blood in Slaughter House屠宰加工车间血液无害化处理与利用
12.High Efficiency and Pollution-free Resources Utilization of Agricultural and Forest Biomass农林生物质的高效、无公害、资源化利用
13.If a gentleman can be free from temptation of profit at the cost of morality, no shame or disgrace will ever befall him.君子苟能无以利害义,则耻辱亦无由至矣。
14.Hence, whether we can fight or not, we have everything to lose and nothing to gain by talking about peace.故无论我能战与否,言和皆有百害而无一利。”
15.Therefore, it is to Hong Kong's advantage, not its disadvantage, for the Central Government to retain some power there.所以,保持中央的某些权力,对香港有利无害。
16.MPA Workshop on Environmentally Sound Technologies for Domestic Wastewater Treatment利用无害环境技术处理家庭废水讲习班
17.The assessment system for land utility of agricultural products under control of social effects of pollution;无公害农产品土地利用评价体系的研究
18.Developing non-polluted vegetable by utilizing the advantages of natural resource in cool summer and autum in Lijiang;利用丽江资源优势发展夏秋冷凉无公害蔬菜

1.Kant defined "disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as fundamental and important characteristics in "Critique of Judgment",which was also seen as the "quality" in beauty."审美无利害"是康德在《判断力批判》中作为审美最基本也是最重要的特点进行阐述,并将其作为"质"的契机来规定美的。
2.Immanuel Kant defined “disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as the moment of “quality" in beauty.“审美无利害性”是康德作为“质”的契机来规定美的。
1.He thought the satisfaction in the aesthetical was disinterested,which was the basis of the judgment of taste.康德在《判断力批判》中把“审美无利害”作为审美最基本也是最重要的特点,从而把审美愉悦与其它两种———由感官引起的快适和对善的追求所引起的愉悦区别开来。
1.Approach on the Utilization of Small Watershed Rainstorm Resource of Semi-arid Region in Dingxi;定西半干旱区小流域暴雨资源无害化利用的探讨
5)aesthetic disinterestedness审美无利害
1.But Dewey s pragmatic aesthetics derived from the experiential naturalism,criticized the principle of aesthetic disinterestedness.康德为美学所确立的“审美无利害”的原则曾是审美现代性的基石之一,而杜威的实用主义美学从经验自然主义出发,系统地否定了“审美无利害”的原则。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-