2)Subject-object relationship主客关系
3)the "subject object subject" relationship"主客主"关系
4)Relationship between Subject and Object主客体关系
1.Research on the Relationship between Subject and Object of Management by Objectives in Higher Education Institutions;高校目标管理中的主客体关系研究
2.The relationship between subject and object in the teaching process of cadres educatioon exhibites centain dynamic behavior because of the difference in the teaching and the form of teaching.在讲授式教学中,教学过程主客体关系较为符合传统的"双主体说";在研究式教学中符合"学生单主体说";在案例式、模拟式和体验式教学中符合"二因素说"。

1.On the Subject and Object of Virtual Society and the Relationship between Them;简论虚拟社会的主体、客体和主客体关系
2.Subject Territory:A New Perspective to Interprete the Relationship between Subject and Object of Education;主体域:解读教育主客体关系的新视角
3.The Relations between Deliverer and Accepter in Network Education Dissemination and Its Pattern网络教育传播的主客体关系及其模式
4.Husserl s Phenomenology and the Problem of the Relation between Aesthetic Subject and Object;胡塞尔现象学与审美主客体关系问题
5.A New Perspective of the Engineering Philosophy--The Existential Explanation of the Relationship between Subject and Object in Engineering Practice;工程实践中主客体关系的存在论解读
6.On The Figures and Relationship Between Subject and Object in Literature;文学中的人物形象与人类主客体关系
7.Rebuild the Relationship between Subject and Object Insist on Continuable Developing;重构主客体关系坚持可持续发展战略
8.The relationship between the main body and the object on the distance education and their adjustment;现代远程教育中的主客体关系及调整
9.The Major Points of View and Reflections on the Relationship between Subject and Object in the Educational Process;教育过程主客体关系的主要观点及反思
10.Considerations on the Theory of and Practice in the Relationship between the Subject and Object of Educaton;关于教育主客体关系的理论与实践思考
11.Studying of The Relationship between The Subject and The Object in The Distance Network Education System--To view the relationship between teacher and student in the system theory;远程网络教学系统中的主客体关系研究——从系统论角度看师生关系
12.A Study on the Relationship among Main body,Object,and Ontology of Traditional Chinese Paintings;论中国画的主体、客体、本体及其关系
13.The Interdynamic Relation of the Main Object is Studied to Propagate in Ideological Work;宣传思想工作中主客体互动关系研究
14.The Trend of Pedagogic Relation: From Subject and Object to Active Communication;师生教学关系的走向:从主客体到主体间性交往
15.On the Dialectic Relation between Management Subject and Object in the Knowledge Management;知识管理中管理主体与客体的辩证关系探讨
16.The Relationship between the Object and the Subject Is the Fundamental Problems of Philosophy;客体与主体的关系问题才是哲学的基本问题
17.On the Relationship Between the Aesthetic Subject and the Aesthetic Object in the Creation of Contemporary Poems;论当代诗歌创作中审美主体与客体的关系
18.Views on the Innovation of Undergraduates Studies from the Relationship between Subjectivity and Objectivity;从主体性与客体性的关系看大学生学习改革

Subject-object relationship主客关系
3)the "subject object subject" relationship"主客主"关系
4)Relationship between Subject and Object主客体关系
1.Research on the Relationship between Subject and Object of Management by Objectives in Higher Education Institutions;高校目标管理中的主客体关系研究
2.The relationship between subject and object in the teaching process of cadres educatioon exhibites centain dynamic behavior because of the difference in the teaching and the form of teaching.在讲授式教学中,教学过程主客体关系较为符合传统的"双主体说";在研究式教学中符合"学生单主体说";在案例式、模拟式和体验式教学中符合"二因素说"。
5)the subjectivity-objectivity relation主客关系论
6)relation between subject and object主客体关系
1.The relation between subject and object is directly related with the ecological ethics idea.主客体关系与生态伦理思想直接相关,主客体关系的嬗变必然会带动生态伦理思想的发展。
2.This paper discusses Zhuangzi s thought on the relation between subject and object, including the equal relation between subject and object, the object restricts subject, and on on.论述庄子的主客体平等、主客体相互联系及客体对主体的制约等关于主客体关系的思想,并认为庄子的主客体关系的思想有许多真知灼见。

主客主客zhu versus ke  ZhU一ke主客(功“versus左e)中国古代兵学;语。《孙子·九地》:“凡为客之道,深,则专,主人不克。”客,指进入敌境作战暇军队;主,指在本土作战的军队。后世兵奋则把战争中的敌对双方及其所处的态势,分别称之为主和客。一般说来,我为主,寻为客;防御者为主,进攻者为客;实为主虚为客;逸为主,劳为客;饱为主,饥二客;险为主,易为客;专为主,分为客;鹉为主,动为客;等等。故“兵贵为主,二贵为客”(《唐太宗李卫公问对》卷中)。理是,主客无定势,将帅指挥得法,可以反策为主,变主为客。如深入敌境作战的写军,虽有运输线长,补给困难等诸多不月因素,但可采取因粮于敌、围城打援、长l久困等原则和战法,调动敌人,使之失二原有的有利条件,这样,随着双方攻」防、劳与逸、饥与饱、动与静、被动与主王等的变化,主客之势就发生了根本性理化。所以,兵不拘主客,重要的是要善于仁利以制变,使作战行动符合客观实际。 (卑心田)