1.Goethe\'s assertion that "Beauty is indeed a kind of Urphnomen" is not only comparable to Socrates\' "Beauty itself" and Plato\'s "Idea of Beauty",but also quite approximate to Kant\'s aesthetic "Archetype" and Schelling\'s aesthetic "urbild".歌德所谓"美其实是一种本原现象",颇可比拟于苏格拉底、柏拉图对"美本身"或"美的理念"的称述,亦颇近于康德的审美"原型"和谢林的美之"初象"之说;它意味着人对可感事物从审美上向着其"本原"的成全,并因此而以某种可明证于心的理想的美为经验的审美提示一个可依循的标准。
3)fundamemtal phenomena基本现象
4)Plateau Phenomenon高原现象
1.Analysis of the Causes and Measures to Medical Students'Plateau Phenomenon in English Study;医学院学生英语学习“高原现象”成因及对策分析
2.A Study of Plateau Phenomenon in Vocabulary Acquisition from the Metaphorical Perspective;从隐喻观看外语词汇习得中的“高原现象”
3.The reasons and countermeasures of the "plateau phenomenon" appeared in the gymnastic technical exercises;体操技术练习中“高原现象”产生的原因及对策

1.The Study of Phenomenon of Altiplano in the Physics Study of Senior School;对高中生物理学习中高原现象的研究
2.Controlling Approaches to " Plateau Phenomenon" in Basketball Shooting Skills Teaching;篮球投篮技术教学中“高原现象”的控制
3.On the “Plateau Phenomenon” in the Development of Teaching Profession;浅析教师专业发展中的“高原现象
4.About the "Plateau Phenomenon"in the Quality Education in Rural Area;农村素质教育中的“高原现象”浅谈
5.The reasons and countermeasures of the "plateau phenomenon" appeared in the gymnastic technical exercises;体操技术练习中“高原现象”产生的原因及对策
6.An investigation in local institutes: "Plateau Phenomenon" and "Grade One Phenomenon";“高原现象”和“一年级现象”——一项来自地方高校的调查(英文)
7.The Survey and Analysis on Plateau Phenomenon of New Primary Curriculum Reform;小学新课程改革出现“高原现象”的调查与分析
8.The Plateau Phenomenon in the Composition Training of NMET and Suggested Solutions;高考英语写作训练的“高原现象”及应对策略
9.The cause of the English teachers'"career plateau" in their specialization development in higher vocational Colleges and the countermeasures高职高专大学英语教师专业化发展中“高原现象”的原因及对策
10.A Study of Plateau Phenomenon in Vocabulary Acquisition from the Metaphorical Perspective;从隐喻观看外语词汇习得中的“高原现象
11.Analysis of the Causes and Measures to Medical Students Plateau Phenomenon in English Study;医学院学生英语学习“高原现象”成因及对策分析
12.Career Plateau Phenomenon:The Study of Knowlege Employees;知识型员工的职业高原现象成因及其突破
13.The reason of "plateau phenomenon" in foreign students studing Chinese language and how to deal with the problem;留学生汉语学习中“高原现象”的成因及对策
14.The Analysis of and Measures to the Phenomenon of Professional Highland in University;高校教师“职业高原”现象分析与对策
15.Self-break of "Career Plateau" Phenomenon for Higher Vocational School Teachers高职教师“职业高原”现象的自我突破
16.A Discussion on University Students Learning Plateau and Its Overcoming;大学生“学习高原”现象的审思与跨越
17.Imported College Teachers Quit Their Files:Why and How;高校引进人才“弃档”现象的原因与对策
18.Deep Reasons of the "National College Entrance Examination Migrant" Phenomenon and the Countermeasures;“高考移民”现象的深层原因及对策分析

3)fundamemtal phenomena基本现象
4)Plateau Phenomenon高原现象
1.Analysis of the Causes and Measures to Medical Students'Plateau Phenomenon in English Study;医学院学生英语学习“高原现象”成因及对策分析
2.A Study of Plateau Phenomenon in Vocabulary Acquisition from the Metaphorical Perspective;从隐喻观看外语词汇习得中的“高原现象”
3.The reasons and countermeasures of the "plateau phenomenon" appeared in the gymnastic technical exercises;体操技术练习中“高原现象”产生的原因及对策
5)phenomenon's return现象还原
6)memory phenomenon复原现象
