郭象,Guo Xiang
1)Guo Xiang郭象
1."Definition and Analysis":On the Method for Feng You-lan s Explanation of Guo Xiang s The Exegesis of Chuangtse;“辩名析理”:冯友兰对郭象《庄子注》的解读方法
2.The Differences and the Similarities in the Views of WANG Bi s and GUO Xiang s about the Universality and the Individual;试析王弼与郭象“一”“多”论之异同

1.The Differences and the Similarities in the Views of WANG Bi s and GUO Xiang s about the Universality and the Individual;试析王弼与郭象“一”“多”论之异同
2.The Identical Speciality and Value of "Take Theory Alone" of Guo Xiang;郭象“独化论”的同一性特质及其价值
3.Suiting Ones Nature Is Being Free and Unfettered The Gist of Guo Xiangs Philosophy of Life;适性即逍遥——郭象人生哲学的旨归
4.The Ontological Study of Guo Xiang s Theory of Changing for Itself;也谈郭象“独化论”的本体之学问题
5.The Comparison of Guo Xiang and Cheng Xuan-ying s Thoughts on Independent Growth;论郭象与成玄英“独化”思想的异同
6.Contributions of Guo Xiang to interpretation of Mencius by paraphrasing论郭象对孟子“言意观”的继承与发挥
7."Definition and Analysis":On the Method for Feng You-lan s Explanation of Guo Xiang s The Exegesis of Chuangtse;“辩名析理”:冯友兰对郭象《庄子注》的解读方法
8.Freedom·Nature·Norm: An Exploration of the Argumentation Logic of Guo Xiang s Idea of Freedom;自由·自然·名教——郭象自由思想之论证逻辑探析
9.From "Solo-growth" to "Norm is Nature"--Logical Evolution of Guo Xiang′s Metaphysics System;从“独化论”到“名教即自然”——郭象玄学体系的逻辑演化
10.On the Authentic Issue of Introduction to Zhuangzi--On the reasons for the lack of reaction to Guo Xiang s "Theory of Automatic Development";也谈《庄子序》的真伪问题——兼论郭象“独化论”在当时缺乏回应的原因
11.That cavalry feels not like Guo Ziyi, but Song general.那骑兵感觉不象郭子仪,更象宋将。
12."Guo Moruo s Phenomenon"in the Discourse Diversion of Modern Chinese Literature;现代文学话语转型中的“郭沫若现象”
13.Analysis on speech of borrowings in Lao Tzu of Chu State Bamboo Slips of Guodian;郭店楚简《老子》中假借字的语音现象分析
14.A New Study of Aesthetic Thought in Guo Xi s Linquan gaozhi;大象大意 可游可居——郭熙《林泉高致》美学思想新探
15.The Imago of the Fire and Culture Prototype in the Poetry "Goddess " by Guo Moruo;试论郭沫若《女神》中“火”的意象及其文化原型
16.Yi,the Man Who Shoots the Suns--The Image Prototype of Guo Jin in Jinyoong's Novels射日的羿——论金庸小说中郭靖形象的神话原型
17.Converse Phenomena in the Height--Check-up of the Contradictionary Phenomena in Guo Mo-ruo s Literature Creation;高峰中的逆现象——郭沫若文学创作的矛盾现象检索
18.Adverse Phenomenon in the Climax of Historical Plays --Retrieval of Contradictory Phenomenon in the Creation of GUO Mo ruo s Historical Plays;史剧高峰中的逆现象——郭沫若历史剧创作的矛盾现象检索

1.Comparison between Jikang and Guoxiang s Epistemology;嵇康与郭象认识论思想之比较
2.Content Summary Guoxiang s "the Moral Rules are Indication of Nature" theory ——concurrently discuss how the conflict between humanism and naturalism was resolved in Wei-Jin metaphysics;郭象“名教乃自然之迹”论——兼论人文原则和自然原则的冲突在玄学中的解决
3)Guo Xiang's Xuanxue(Dark Learning)郭象玄学
4)Guoxiang's philosophy郭象哲学
5)the figure of Guo Wei郭威形象
6)study of Guoxiang郭象研究
