语言学转向,linguistic turn
1)linguistic turn语言学转向
1.Linguistic Turn and its Significance in Philosophy History;西方哲学“语言学转向”的哲学史意义
2.A Study of Deviance of Narrative Language in Fictions Against the Linguistic Turn;语言学转向背景下的小说叙述语言变异研究
3.In early time,his critical theory is based on the comprehension of Husserl s and Schutz s understanding to lifeworld,and his later critical theory is based on the linguistic turn of the theory of lifeworld.他早期基本上是在综合胡塞尔和许茨生活世界理论基础上而形成自己关于生活世界的理解,而他后期的社会批判理论则奠基在语言学转向后的生活世界理论基础之上。

1.Linguistics Revolution and A Diversion of Linguistics in Literature Study;语言学“革命”与文学研究的“语言学转向
2.On Comparison between Language s Meaning and Linguistics Turn;“言意之辩”与“语言学转向”的若干比较
3.Linguistic Turn and its Significance in Philosophy History;西方哲学“语言学转向”的哲学史意义
4.Analysis on Linguistic Change of Modern West Philosophy and Aesthetics;现代西方哲学与美学“语言学转向”述评
5.A Study of Deviance of Narrative Language in Fictions Against the Linguistic Turn;语言学转向背景下的小说叙述语言变异研究
6.A Comprehensive Study of the Changes of Narrative Languages in the Setting of Linguistic Turn;语言学转向背景下的小说语言变异研究综论
7.Revolution in Literary Criticism Brought About by the Linguistic Turn;“语言学转向”给文学批评带来的革命
8.The Linguistic Turn in Western Philosophy and its Existential Significance;西方哲学的语言学转向及其生存意境
9.Two Trends of Contemporary Literary Theory Study and Two Deep Changes of the Linguistic Turn;当代文艺学研究趋向与“语言学转向”的关系
10.Linguistics Diversion of Law"and Its Inspiration to Methodology of Law Linguistics Research in Our Country;“法学的语言学转向”及其对我国法律语言学研究的方法论启示
11.From Linguistic Turn in Philosophy to Philosophical Turn in Linguistics;从哲学研究的语言转向到语言研究的哲学转向
12.The Linguistic Turn in Philosophy and the Philosophical Origin of Pragmatics;哲学的语言转向和语用学的哲学渊源
13.The Linguistic Turn or the Pragmatic Turn--The Linguistic Foundation of Translation Studies;语言论转向抑或语用学转向——翻译研究的语言学基础
14.The Linguistic Turn in the Contemporary Philosophy and Linguistic Relaxation on the Contemporary Economics;当代哲学中的语言转向与经济学的语言反思
15.Inquire How Transform General Speech into Literary Speech;探讨从普通言语向文学言语转化的途径
16.Significance of the Change of Direction of Philosophical Language to the Contemporary Language Study;哲学的语言转向对当代语言研究的意义
17.Transformation from Social Language to Language of the Mind: On Roland Barthes View of Literary Language;由社会语言向内心语言的转换──论罗兰·巴特的文学语言观
18.Fusion of Humanism and Science: Pragmatic Turn of Linguistic Philosophy;人文性与科学性的融合:语言哲学“语用学转向”

the linguistic turn语言学转向
1.Since the linguistic turn of philosophy entered into the fields of social sciences,language has become a new dimension in psychological research.从哲学的语言学转向进入社会科学领域以来,"语言"也成为心理学研究的一个新的维度。
2.In the late 1960s and early 1970s, there occurred in the western philosophy of history “the linguistic turn" under the influence of post-structuralism.20世纪的60年代末和70年代初,在结构主义特别是后结构主义语言理论的影响下,西方历史哲学领域出现了“语言学转向”。
3.It is "the linguistic turn" in the philosophy history.在20世纪初,当代西方哲学发生了一次根本性的转向,将哲学主题由近代哲学的认识论研究转向语言哲学的研究,这就是哲学史上的“语言学转向(the linguistic turn)”。
3)Linguistics Turn语言学转向
1.By Comparing and analyzing the internal relations between the debate on the language s meaning in Chinese tradition and “the linguistics turn”in the western philosophically cultural history of the 20th century, this paper seek something in common and makes a furthur research into the aesthetics significance of the realtions between the language and meaning.从语言与世界的关系、意义的多元性和诗学真理观三个方面 ,比较分析了中国传统的“言意之辩”与 2 0世纪西方哲学的“语言学转向”之间的内在联系 ,寻求两者的相通之处 ,进一步探索了言意关系的美学意
4)a linguistic turn to jurisprudential language法学语言转向
5)the linguistic turn in philosophy哲学的语言转向
6)The Linguistic Turn语言转向
1.So,the linguistic turn is a continuation of the traditional philosophy in logic,which discards the traditional method of induction and deduction,and adopts analysis.“语言转向”发源于20世纪初的逻辑分析学派,它的发生基于自然科学的发展,尤其是数学史上的罗素悖论与物理学史上相对论的提出;而古希腊哲学、近代哲学都与自然科学的发展密切相关,因而“语言转向”在逻辑上是对哲学传统的继续。

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