短期结局,Surgical Short-term Outcomes
1)Surgical Short-term Outcomes短期结局

1.The Relation of Metabolic Syndrome with Short-Term Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Gastric Cancer代谢综合征与胃癌患者术后短期结局关系的研究
2.Periods of apnea end with a brief partial arousal that may disrupt sleep up to hundreds of times a night.呼吸暂停周期以短暂局部觉醒结束,每晚可能干扰睡眠达数百次。
3.The river was covered with ice for a space.这条河曾短期结冰。
4.The hope of a short war went glimmering.战争无望在短期内结束。
5.Recent Effect of the Rural Taxation Reform and Limitation of the Institution;农村税费改革的短期效应及制度局限性
6.Application of Chaotic Forecasting Algorism to Network Traffic Forecasting混沌局域预测法在网络流量短期预测中的应用
7.Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Traffic Detector's Layout基于路段检测器布局的短期交通流预测模型
8.On Limitations of Enterprises Short-term Solvency Index and Amending企业短期偿债能力指标的局限性及其修正探析
9.Comparison between a GnRH antagonist and a GnRH agonist flare-up protocol on the outcome of patients who underwent in vitro fertilizationGnRH拮抗剂与GnRH激动剂短方案IVF-ET结局的比较
10.of long [short] duration长期 [短期] 的
11.Short commentary: termination of the post-war historical period in Europe短评:欧洲战后历史时期的终结
12.Effects of Short Day-light Length at Grain Filling Stage on Grain Quality in Rice灌浆结实期短日照对稻米品质的影响
13.As a result, prices would be depressed more in the short term than in the long term.结果,价格下降的幅度在短期内比在长期内大。
14.Stochastic Mean-Value Term Structure Model of Short-Term Interest Rate and Equilibrium随机均值短期利率期限结构模型与均衡
15.Clinical analysis of obstetric outcomes for one hundred cases with adolescent pregnancy100例青春期妊娠产科结局临床分析
16.Effect of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Pregnancy Outcome;妊娠期糖尿病对母婴结局影响的研究
17.A Study of the Happy Ending in the Post Yan an Literary Works;浅析后期延安文学中的“大团圆”结局
18.Relationship between the gestational impaired glucose tolerance and gestational results妊娠期糖耐量降低与妊娠结局的关系

Perinatal outcome围产期结局
1.Influence on perinatal outcome of ultrasonographic diagnosis in oligohydramnios in term pregnancies;超声诊断晚期妊娠羊水过少对围产期结局的影响
3)perinatal outcome围生期结局
1.Influence of oligohydramnios on perinatal outcome;羊水过少对围生期结局的影响
4)short-period structure短振周期结构物
5)short term短期短期
1.Analysis and visualization of the present situation of short-term external-oriented training of Chinese medicine;中医药短期对外教学的现状分析与设想
2.Study on short-term optimized dispatching for cascade hydroelectric stations on Shuoduogang River;硕多岗河梯级水电站群短期优化调度研究
3.Effects of short-term and long-term salt stresses on growth of new selections of warm season turfgrasses;短期和长期盐胁迫对暖季型草坪草新选系生长的影响

短期短期 短期   谓死期将近。《灵枢·终始》:“人迎与太阴脉口俱盛四倍以上,命曰关,关格者与之短期。”《素问·阴阳类论》:“请闻短期。”