骨组织学形态,Bone histological morphous
1)Bone histological morphous骨组织学形态
2)Bone morphology骨组织形态学

1.The Experimental Study on Influence of JIANGU Ⅱ on Histomorphological Changes and Expression of BMP-2 in Bone Tissue in Ovariectomized Rats;健骨Ⅱ号对实验性骨质疏松大鼠骨组织形态学和BMP-2表达的影响
2.Effect of the Bone Mineral Density(BMD) and Date of Bone Calcium,and Pathological Changes of Chinese Herbs of Tonifying Kidney on Treatment in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Female Rats补肾中药对去卵巢大鼠骨密度、骨钙含量及骨组织形态学的影响
3.Effects of felodipine on the bone histomorphology in SD rats非洛地平对SD大鼠骨组织形态学的影响
4.Effect of the Method of Bu Shen Jian Pi on Bone Histoncorphometry in Osteoporosis Rats补肾健脾法对骨质疏松大鼠骨组织形态学影响的实验研究
5.Construction of Tissue Engineering Osteochondral Composites and Tectology Observations in Vitro and in Vivo;组织工程骨—软骨复合组织的构建及体内外形态学观察的实验研究
6.Histomorphometry and Biomechanics of Pharmaceutical Osteoporosis Bone Tissue Remodeling;药物治疗对骨质疏松骨组织骨重建的形态计量学及生物力学分析
7.The morphological study of two kinds of acellular basal Lamina tubes of sciatic nerve大鼠坐骨神经去细胞基膜管的组织形态学研究
8.The Morphological Study on Histocompatibility of Bone with Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) Shape Memory Alloy;镍钛形态记忆合金与骨组织相容性的形态学研究
9.The Histomorphologic Study of the Effct of BuGu Capsule on the Osseointegration of Dental Implants;补骨合剂促进口腔种植体骨整合的组织形态学研究
10.The histologic and morphologic changes of craniofacial sutures after trans-sutural distraction of midfacial skeleton面中份缝牵引成骨过程中颅面骨缝的组织与形态学变化
11.Effects of calcium-deficiency diet on bone histomorphometry and expression of osteoprotegerin in Shan-ma laying ducks钙缺乏对蛋鸭骨组织OPG表达及骨形态计量学的影响
12.Histomorphologic and Immunohistochemical Studies of Ligamentum Capitis Femoris in Developmental Dislocation of the Hip;发育性髋关节脱位中股骨头圆韧带的组织形态学及免疫组化研究
13.Effect of Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) on Morphology and Enzymic Histochemistry of Disused Muscular Atrophy;肝细胞生长因子对废用性骨骼肌萎缩形态学及酶组织化学的影响
14.Bone Resorption in Human Cholesteatoma: Morphological and Immunohistochemical Study;胆脂瘤周围破坏骨质的形态学和免疫组织化学研究
15.Effects of Jump on the Indexes of Bone Histomorphometry and Bone Biomechanical Properties of the Growing Period Mouse;跳跃对生长期大鼠骨组织形态计量学和生物力学指标的影响
16.Ultrastructure and Statistical Study on Osteoinductivity of the Calcium Phosphate;磷酸钙生物陶瓷骨诱导过程中超微结构和组织形态统计学研究
17.The Change Characteristics of Bone Histomorphometry of Female Rats during the Progressive Increasing Load Training递增负荷运动雌性大鼠骨组织形态计量学指标的变化特点
18.Changes of bone histomorphometry parameters in ovariectomized rats under different loads不同载荷环境对去势大鼠骨组织形态计量学的影响(英文)

Bone morphology骨组织形态学
3)histomorphology of bone骨组织形态
1.The effects of cow-milk and calcium-fortified soymilk on histomorphology of bone in ovariectomized (OVX) rats were investigated in this paper.研究牛奶与钙强化豆奶对去势大鼠(OVX)骨组织形态计量学及组织学的影响。
1.Histomorphometry of implant-bone interface remodeling around nonsubmerged and submerged dental implants in dogs;非埋植型与埋植型牙种植体骨界面改建的骨组织形态计量学研究
2.Methods: From the bone mineral density,the content of mineral element,biomechanics,bone morphology,histomorphometry,we fed different concentrations of chitooligosaccharide to three-month old ovariectomized rats and study its function.收集骨组织标本,分别进行骨密度、骨矿元素含量、骨组织生物力学、骨组织形态学、骨组织形态计量学的测定。
5)bone histomophormetry骨组织形态计量学分析
6)Bone histomorphometry骨组织形态计量学
1.Effects of exercise training on bone histomorphometry of ovariectomized rats;运动对去卵巢大鼠骨组织形态计量学的影响
2.Effect of osteopractic total flavone on bone mineral density and bone histomorphometry in ovariectomized rats;骨碎补总黄酮对去卵巢大鼠骨密度和骨组织形态计量学影响
3.The effects of cyclophosphamide on bone histomorphometry in rats;环磷酰胺对大鼠骨组织形态计量学的影响

骨组织    骨组织  bone tissue  由大量钙化的细胞间质及数种细胞构成。钙化的细胞间质称为骨质。细胞有骨原细胞、成骨细胞、骨细胞及破骨细胞四种,其中以骨细胞最多,位于骨质内,其他的几种细胞均位于骨质边缘。