肥胖检出率,Detction rate of obesity
1)Detction rate of obesity肥胖检出率

1.Trends in Body Mass Index and the Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among Students in Shandong from 1985 to 2000;山东省中小学生1985~2000年体质量指数及肥胖检出率趋势研究
2.Study on the Fat College Students P.E Copability and Their Body Performance;大学生肥胖检出率与体育能力和身体素质关系的研究
3.Uygur and Han Workers Detection Rate of Obesity and Its Related Factors Analysis in Shenxin Company Urumqi乌市神新公司维汉职工肥胖检出率及相关因素分析
4.Criterion for Evaluation of Obesity in Women on the Relationships between Percent of Body Fat and Clinical Parameters;基于医学指标检查结果的体脂率评价肥胖标准的方法研究
5.Research on Occurrence Rate and Present Health Situation of Obese Middle School Students in Hunan Province湖南省肥胖中学生出现率及其体质健康现状调查
6.And if one adult sibling became obese, the chances that the other sibling would also become obese increased by 40 percent.如果一成年兄弟变肥胖,那么另一个兄弟变肥胖的几率增加了40%。
7.Maternal obesity and risk of macrosomia:a meta-analysis孕妇肥胖与巨大儿出生关系的Meta分析
8.Being overweight and not getting exercise increase the risk of type two diabetes.肥胖或不运动也会增加二号糖尿病的发病率。
9.Obesity also increases the risk factor for strokes and heart disease as well as a diabetes.肥胖还会增加中风、心脏疾病和糖尿病的发病率。
10.Obesity is also linked to higher rates of certain types of cancer.肥胖还与某些类型的癌症高发病率相关。
11.She added that genetics also play a vital role in the growing rate of obesity.她说,遗传也是肥胖率不断上升的一个关键因素。
12.Prevalence of Obesity in Hong Kong Children and Adolescents Aged 3-18 Years香港地区3~18岁儿童青少年肥胖发生率调查
13.Study on Prediction Equation of Oxygen Consumption of Obese Young Man in Ergometry;肥胖男青年功率车耗氧量推算公式的研究
14.Relation between Resting Heart Rate and Masked Hypertension in Obese Patients肥胖患者静息心率增加与隐性高血压的关系
15.Clinical Observations of Electroacupuncture of Different Frequencies on Simple Obesity不同频率电针治疗单纯性肥胖症临床疗效观察
16.Change in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among residents in Jiangsu province江苏省居民超重与肥胖发生率变化的研究
17.Investigation of Overweight or Obesity and Blood Fat Level Abnormality in 246 Children246例体检儿童超重或肥胖与血脂异常调查
18.Analysis the change of serum biochemical indexes in patients with simple obesity单纯性肥胖患者血液生化指标检测分析

Obesity rate肥胖率
1.Objective To investigate body fat content and obesity rate of medical staffs.目的了解医务人员身体脂肪含量及肥胖率。
1.Analysis on Fatty Rate of Students of 7 to 18 years old in Shanghai;上海市7~18岁学生肥胖发生率分析
4)Standardized obesity rate标化肥胖率
1.5-year Trend in Overweight and Obesity Prevalence in Primary Schools of Shanghai Urban;上海市区小学1999-2004年超重肥胖流行趋势及对策探讨
2.Analysis on situation and risk factors of overweight and obesity of residents in Qingdao city;青岛市居民超重与肥胖状况及影响因素分析
3.Analysis of Obesity and Hypertension among the People in Nanjing City;南京市部分居民肥胖、高血压患病情况及其危险因素分析
1.Efficacy of Metformin in Obese and Non-obese Womenwith Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;二甲双胍对肥胖及非肥胖PCOS妇女内分泌的影响
2.Changes of insulin resistance and β cell secretion in obese adolescents;肥胖青少年胰岛素抵抗和β细胞分泌功能的变化
3.Controlling Obese by Appropriate Activity and Diet;浅析饮食与运动控制肥胖

肥胖肥胖 判定肥胖的标准为:①比体重计算法:比体重=体重(kg)〓〓身高(cm)比体重0.25~0.35为正常范围;超过0.35手术较困难;0.4以上预计手术十分困难。②肥胖系数计算法:肥胖系数=体重(千克)+1/2腹围(厘米)〓〓身高(厘米)肥胖系数0.45~0.55为正常范围;若超过0.55,手术较困难;0.6以上,手术将十分困难。