肥胖相关因素,Relevance of obesity
1)Relevance of obesity肥胖相关因素

1.The Study on the Obesity Related Factors Among Students of Jing an District in Shanghai;上海市静安区学生肥胖相关因素分析
2.Obesity Related Factors Among Students in Jing an District;静安区中小学生肥胖的相关因素调查
3.An Analysis on Obesity-related Behavioral Factors of Overweight and Obese Adults in Beijing City Proper;北京市城区成年超重/肥胖人群肥胖相关行为因素分析
4.Association of Insulin Resistance of Obesity and Its Relative Factors;肥胖的胰岛素抵抗及其相关因素的研究
5.Expression of visfatin and its related factors in obese subject of Uygur维吾尔族肥胖患者内脂素的表达及其相关因素
7.A case-control study on association between obesity and dietary and relative factors in university freshmen大学新生肥胖与饮食及相关因素关系的研究
8.Investigation and Study on Obesity of Adolescent in Changchun;长春地区青少年肥胖调查及相关因素研究
9.A Cross-sectional Study on Obesity and the Influencing Factors for Students in Primary and Secondary Schools in Beijing;北京市中小学生肥胖及其相关因素分析
10.Analysis of Plasma Obestatin and Ghrelin Level and Related Factors in Obese Children肥胖儿童血浆Obestatin和Ghrelin水平相关因素分析
11.A followed-up survey of diabetic risk factors in the simple obesity肥胖2型糖尿病发病相关危险因素调查
12.Correlation of polymorphism of leptin Gene G-2548A with obesity in children瘦素基因G-2548A多态性与儿童肥胖症的相关性
13.Clinical Investigating on Acupuncture for Serum Leptin Level in Simple Obesity Uigur;针刺维吾尔族单纯性肥胖瘦素抵抗及相关因素临床研究
14.Study of Association of +299G/A Polymorphism of Resistin and Its Plasma Level with Abdominal Obesity;抵抗素+299G/A基因多态性及血清抵抗素水平与腹型肥胖相关性研究
15.Homocysteine Changes and Its Influence Agents in Simple Obese Children;单纯性肥胖儿童同型半胱氨酸变化及相关因素的关系
16.Conclusion Hypertriglyceridemia,adiposity,drunk and lack doing sports are the main factors for fatty liver.结论 高甘油三酯血症、肥胖、酗酒、少动是脂肪肝的主要相关因素。
17.Effect of Electroacupuncture on the Hypothalamic Obese Rats Leptin Level and Relevant Factors;电针对下丘脑性肥胖大鼠血清Ieptin及相关因素的影响
18.The Analysis of Serum Leptin Levels and Relative Factors in Obese Children Aged 6-13 in Different Ethnics;不同民族6-13岁肥胖儿童血清Leptin水平及其相关因素分析

factors related to obesity肥胖相关行为因素
3)obesity related glomerulopathy肥胖相关肾病
1.Establishment and evaluation of rat model of obesity related glomerulopathy;肥胖相关肾病大鼠模型的建立及评价
4)obesity related glomerulopathy肥胖相关性肾病
1.Analysis of clinical,histological and ultrastructural characteristics of obesity related glomerulopathy patients;肥胖相关性肾病临床和病理特点分析
5)obesity-related behavior肥胖相关行为
1.On the base of reading numerous reference, interview, investigation, questionnaire investigating and physical fitness testing, this dissertation has bring forth the conception of“obesity-related behaviors”.本研究按照2005年北京市国民体质监测抽样方案,采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法;从北京市城7区26个监测点抽取2374名成年人(男1098人,女1272人)作为调查样本,从中筛选出1062名超重/肥胖者作为实验组,1220名体重正常者作为对照组;通过查阅文献、专家访谈和调查、问卷调查、体质测量等方法,提出并定义肥胖相关行为的概念,对相关因素背景下的人群超重肥胖状况和超重与肥胖人群的肥胖相关行为因素进行调查和研究,得出如下结论:1社会人口学因素和肥胖家族史等对超重/肥胖状况存在不同程度的影响,以年龄和受教育程度的影响作用尤为重要,其对超重/肥胖状况的影响以肥胖相关行为因素为中介变量。
6)Obesity-linked diseases肥胖相关疾病

肥胖肥胖 判定肥胖的标准为:①比体重计算法:比体重=体重(kg)〓〓身高(cm)比体重0.25~0.35为正常范围;超过0.35手术较困难;0.4以上预计手术十分困难。②肥胖系数计算法:肥胖系数=体重(千克)+1/2腹围(厘米)〓〓身高(厘米)肥胖系数0.45~0.55为正常范围;若超过0.55,手术较困难;0.6以上,手术将十分困难。