不升高相关因素,Factors predisposing
1)Factors predisposing不升高相关因素
2)Hypertension associated factors高血压相关因素

2.Correlation Analysis of Morning Blood Pressure Surge in Patients with Hypertension原发性高血压患者血压晨峰的相关因素分析
3.Analysis of the Factors related to Hypertension induced CHD高血压病导致冠心病相关因素的分析
4.The Study of Influening Factors of Hypertension in Urban of Change City;长葛市农村高血压病及相关因素分析
5.Relevant factors of hematoma enlargement in patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage at acute stage高血压脑出血患者急性期血肿扩大的相关因素
6.Correlation factors to early haematoma enlargement after hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage高血压性脑出血早期血肿扩大的相关因素研究
7.Related Factors That Influence Death of Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrage Shortly after Surgery;影响高血压脑出血手术近期死亡的相关因素
8.Analysis of deterioration related factors refer to hypertensive intraeerebral hemorrhage高血压性脑出血早期病情恶化的相关因素分析
9.Correlation of TCM Syndrome Types in Hypertension Pationts with Risk Factons of Cardiovascular Disease高血压中医证型与心血管危险因素相关性研究
10.Onset Age of Hypertension Related to the G/G Genotype of Resistin Single Nucleotide Polymorphism at-420抵抗素基因420G/G基因型与高血压发病年龄相关
11.The Analysis of Correlated Factors of Intradialysis Hypertension and Hypotension in Maintenace Hemodialysis Patients;维持性血液透析患者透析中高血压和低血压相关因素分析
12.The Effect of Serum TXB_2 and CGRP on Essential Hypertension with Huatanhuoxue Decoction;化痰活血汤对高血压病患者血栓素和降钙素基因相关肽的影响
13.Studying of Relationship between Essential Hypertension TCM Syndromes and Classification of Cardiovascular Danger Factors;高血压病危险分层因素与中医证型相关性研究
14.The Study of NOS and Related Factors in Testes of Dah1 Hypertensive Rat;Dah1高血压大鼠睾丸组织NOS及相关因素研究
15.Some risk factors of atrial fibrillation in patient with primary hypertension with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation;高血压病阵发性房颤部分相关因素研究
16.The Study on Arteriosclerosis of Esstial Hypertension and Related Genetic Factors原发性高血压动脉硬化及相关遗传因素的研究
17.Survey on Hypertension Patients' Understanding of the Disease and Medical Compliance and Analysis of the Influencing Factors高血压患者认知与遵医行为相关因素调查分析
18.Predisposing Factors for Hypertension in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Nephropathy乙型肝炎病毒相关性肾炎发生高血压的因素

Hypertension associated factors高血压相关因素
3)relevant factors相关因素
1.Analysis of relevant factors affecting the visual prognosis of traumatic optic neuropathy;影响外伤性视神经病变视力预后的相关因素分析
2.Logistic analysis on relevant factors of abandoning drug habits voluntarily in drug addicts;吸毒人员自愿戒毒相关因素Logistic分析
3.Analysis of relevant factors in perimenopausal syndrome;围绝经期综合征的相关因素分析
4)related factors相关因素
1.Prevalence of fatty liver and its related factors among administrative cadres working in Shaoxing county;浙江省绍兴县机关行政人员脂肪肝患病率及相关因素分析
2.Analysis of related factors of posterior capsular opacification;后囊膜混浊的相关因素分析
3.A Study of Related Factors Between Negative Emotion and Acute Myocardial Infarction;急性心肌梗死患者与负性情绪的相关因素探讨
5)Relative factors相关因素
1.Analysis of anxiety and relative factors in senior college students;毕业班大学生焦虑状况及相关因素分析
2.Relative factors and preventive countermeasures of elderly depression in community;社区老年人抑郁症的相关因素及其预防与控制
3.Study on syndrome characteristics of Chinese medicine and relative factors in patients with DM;糖尿病患者中医证候特点及其相关因素探讨
6)Correlative factors相关因素
1.Investigation and nursing countermeasure about the correlative factors of nosocomial infection in old dementia patients;老年痴呆患者发生医院感染的相关因素及护理对策
2.Epidemiology analysis of correlative factors of congenital heart disease in Chengdu regions;成都地区先天性心脏病相关因素流行病学研究
3.Correlative factors of positive margin in breast conservation;乳腺癌保乳手术切缘阳性相关因素分析

恶性高血压恶性高血压 又称"急进型高血压病"。占高血压病的1%左右。其表现基本上与缓进型高血压病相似,但病情严重,病程发展迅速,舒张压常持续在17.3kPa(130mmHg)以上,伴有视网膜病变和肾功能迅速衰竭等特点。最后多因尿毒症而死亡,但也可死于脑血管意外和心力衰竭。治疗应选用降压作用强的药物,如可乐宁、长压定等;如出现肾功能衰竭,则降压药物以用甲基多巴、肼苯哒嗪、哌唑嗪等为妥。但不宜使血压下降得太显著,以免肾血流量减少而加重肾功能衰竭。