皮下脂肪面积,the area of intraabdominal
1)the area of intraabdominal皮下脂肪面积
1.Spiral CT was used to measure the area of intraabdominal adipose (I) and subcutaneous adipose(S), which are applied to calculate I/S ratio.目的:研究发现胰岛素抵抗与腹型肥胖关系密切,肥胖患者对胰岛素的反应能力比正常人下降一半左右,特别是内脏脂肪增多在胰岛素抵抗方面起着非常重要的作用,并且与心血管危险因子密切相关,本研究通过测量简易体脂参数(体重、体重指数、腰围、臀围、腰臀比)、腹内脂肪面积(应用CT测量)、皮下脂肪面积及两者的比值共同检测体脂分布来评价肥胖程度,并用稳态模型评估1法计算胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA1- IRI),运用相关分析观察各体脂参数与胰岛素抵抗指数的相关性。
2)subcutaneous lipids皮下脂肪
1.The change of subcutaneous lipids during the processing of traditional Jinhua Ham;传统金华火腿加工过程中皮下脂肪的变化

1.subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn新生儿皮下脂肪坏死
2.Surgical excision of subcutaneous fatty tissue.脂肪切除术切除皮下脂肪组织的外科手术
3.Relations Between the Abdominal Fat of Heptacoloured Pheasants and subcutaneous Fat, the Rate of Muscular Fat and the Rate of Hepatic Fat七彩山鸡腹脂与皮下脂肪、肌脂率、肝脂率的关系
5.Study on Near Infrared Measurement of Human Subcutaneous Fat Thickness;红外法人体皮下脂肪厚度测量的研究
6.The subcutaneous fat rate and abdominal fat rate of "Su-mu" duck were the lowest, while these of Cherry Valley duck were the highest.“苏牧”鸭皮下脂肪率和腹脂率最低,樱桃谷鸭皮下脂肪率和腹脂率最高。
7.Objective:[WT5BZ] This study was designed to examine the relationship between fatty acid composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue and age and diet in children.目的 研究儿童皮下脂肪的脂肪酸组成及其与年龄和膳食的关系。
8.Effects of Chromium Picolinate on mRNA Expression of Fatty Acid Synthase in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue of Finishing Pigs;吡啶羧酸铬对肥育猪皮下脂肪组织脂肪酸合成酶mRNA表达的影响
9.Changes of free fatty acids in subcutaneous tissue of chinese bacon during processing腊肉生产过程中皮下脂肪游离脂肪酸变化的研究
10.Effects of Dietary Energy Level on Intramuscular Fat Content,Fatty Acids Composition of Intramuscular Fat and Backfat in Finishing Pigs日粮能量水平对肥育猪肌内脂肪含量、肌内和皮下脂肪组织脂肪酸组成的影响
11.Reconstruction of Tissue Engineered Skin with Epidermal, Dermal and Adipose Tissue Layers;含有表皮层、真皮层和皮下脂肪层结构组织工程皮肤的构建
12.A Study of the Development of the Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue and Body Form of 906 College Students in the Western Part of Guangdong粤西地区大学生皮下脂肪发育与体型的研究
13.Anchored to the skull, and activated by nerves, the facial muscles control the movement of the fat and skin that covers them.颜面肌肉附著在头颅上,并由神经控制皮肤与皮下脂肪的各种运动。
14.Measurement of the Thickness of Subcutaneous Fat and Clinical Applied Anatomy of Cutaneous Perforators Vessels in Anterior Thigh Region股前区皮下脂肪厚度的测量及皮肤穿支血管的临床应用解剖研究
15.A comparative study on the biological characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells来源于大鼠腹股沟皮下脂肪垫与附睾周围脂肪的间充质干细胞生物学特性的对比研究
16.a layer of adipose tissue under the skin皮下的一层脂肪组织.
17.They have a lot of fat under their skin.它们的皮肤下面有很多脂肪。
18.The fatty acids cross the following layers in passing from the endothelium into the adipose cell.脂肪酸从通过血管内皮到进入脂肪细胞要通过以下几层。

subcutaneous lipids皮下脂肪
1.The change of subcutaneous lipids during the processing of traditional Jinhua Ham;传统金华火腿加工过程中皮下脂肪的变化
3)Subcutaneous fat皮下脂肪
4)subcutaneous fat oncoma皮下脂肪瘤
1.A case of innate frontoparietal subcutaneous fat oncoma-callosal dysplasia-intracranial fat oncoma was reported here.报道1例先天性额顶部皮下脂肪瘤-胼胝体发育不良-颅内脂肪瘤综合征。
5)subcutaneous fat depth皮下脂肪厚
1.730 Gushi-Anak crossing generation F_2 chicks were dressed at 12 weeks of age to detect the body weight,carcass weight,addominal fat weight,intermuscle fat width,subcutaneous fat depth,and the activity of biochemical indexes in the serum was determined.以730只固始鸡和安卡鸡F2代资源群为素材,12周龄屠宰测定体重、屠体重、腹脂重、肌间带宽、皮下脂肪厚,并检测血清17种生化指标,分析生化指标与体脂性状的关系。
6)subcutaneous adipose tissue皮下脂肪组织
1.Methods Total RNA was extracted from 12 human subcutaneous adipose tissues, 12 perirenal adipose tissues and 9 periadrenal adipose tissues.ACE、ACE2mRNA在肾周脂肪组织中的表达显著高于皮下脂肪组织(P<0·05)。
2.The subcutaneous adipose tissue below the dermis has a gerater effect on thermal insulation than the skin does.皮肤真皮下面的皮下脂肪组织具有比皮肤更强的热绝缘作用,使机体内部的热不易传导到皮肤表面而散失,这对在低温条件下保持体温不致于过低是很重要的。

橙皮脂肪橙皮脂肪|英语解释:Cellulite 由于增大的脂肪细胞及缔结的组织压迫着血管,导致水份和废物积聚,阻碍脂肪燃烧而形成的凹凸不平橘皮纹。