丹参注射针,Dan-Shen dripping pill
1)Dan-Shen dripping pill丹参注射针
2)Danshen freeze-drying injectable powder注射用丹参粉针剂
3)Danshen injection丹参注射液
1.Study on preparing Danshen injection and specific chromatogram;丹参注射液制备工艺的改进及其指纹图谱
2.Study on preparing Danshen Injection by micelle-ultrafiltration;胶团超滤法制备丹参注射液
3.Content determination of protocatechuic aldehyde in Danshen Injection by TLC-UV method;薄层层析-紫外分光光度法测定丹参注射液中原儿茶醛的含量

1.Clinical Observation of the Adverse Drug Reaction Induced by Xiangdan Injection and Danshen Injection香丹注射液与丹参注射液临床不良反应比较研究
2.Application of Danshen Injection on Early Stage of Renal Transplantation丹参注射液在肾移植术后早期的应用
3.Effect of Danseng injection on IFN-γ and TNF-α in the blood of pregnant women with intrahepatic cholestasis丹参注射液对ICP患者IFN-γ、TNF-α的影响
4.Effects of salvianolic acid B on the pharmacokinetics of danshensu in Danshen injection in rats丹参注射液中丹酚酸B对丹参素药代动力学影响
5.Experimental study on matrine glucose injection combined with Danshen injection in the treatment of liver fibrosis苦参碱葡萄糖注射液合并丹参注射液治疗肝纤维化的实验研究
6.Effect of Salvia Injection on Hemorheology of Diabetic Patients丹参注射液对糖尿病患者血液流变学的影响
7.Treatment of systemic inflammatory response syndrome with shengmai and danshen injections参麦、丹参注射液治疗全身炎症反应综合征
8.Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of compound salviae miltiorrhigae injection and astragalus injection on viral myocarditis.目的探讨复方丹参注射液和黄芪注射液治疗病毒性心肌炎的疗效。
9.The Clinical Observasion on Treating Osteoarthritis of Knee Treated by Salvia Miltiorrhiza Injection and Angelica Sinensis Injection;丹参注射液及当归注射液治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的临床初步观察
10.Application of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae Injection and Dopamine Injection in Peritoneal Dialysis丹参注射液和多巴胺注射液在腹膜透析中的应用
11.The Clinical Research on Salvia Miltiorrhiza and Tanshinone ⅡA Infetion Degenerative Joint Disease of Knee丹参注射液配合丹参酮ⅡA治疗膝骨性关节炎的临床观察
12.Comparative pharmacokinetic study of sodium Danshensu and Salvia miltiorrhiza injection in rat丹参素钠及丹参注射液在大鼠体内的药动学比较
13.Clinical study on treatment of cirrhosis by different dosages of Salvianolic acid B and Salvia Injection不同剂量丹参酮ⅡA及丹参注射液治疗肝硬化的临床观察
14.Protective effect of injectio Salvia Miltiorrhiza on gentamicin cochleotoxicity丹参注射液对庆大霉素耳蜗毒性的防护(英文)
15.OBJECTIVE To establish a bacterial endotoxin test for Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection.目的:建立丹参注射液细菌内毒素检查方法。
16.Fructose sodium diphosphate injection plus Salvia miltiorrhiza injection in treating sudden deafness果糖二磷酸钠加丹参注射液治疗突发性耳聋
17.Curative effect survey of compound root of red rooted salvia injection liquid treating sudden deafness复方丹参注射液治疗突发性耳聋的疗效观察
18.Laser Measurement of Blood Flow Variation by Danshen Injection in Microcirculation丹参注射液引起微循环血流变化的激光测量

Danshen freeze-drying injectable powder注射用丹参粉针剂
3)Danshen injection丹参注射液
1.Study on preparing Danshen injection and specific chromatogram;丹参注射液制备工艺的改进及其指纹图谱
2.Study on preparing Danshen Injection by micelle-ultrafiltration;胶团超滤法制备丹参注射液
3.Content determination of protocatechuic aldehyde in Danshen Injection by TLC-UV method;薄层层析-紫外分光光度法测定丹参注射液中原儿茶醛的含量
4)Danshen injection注射用丹参
1.Study on the stability of Danshen injection in two transfusions;注射用丹参与输液配伍的稳定性考察
2.Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of Xiyanping injection and Danshen injection on epidemic parotiditis.目的:观察喜炎平注射液联合注射用丹参治疗流行性腮腺炎的疗效。
3.Objective:To observe clinical curative effect of hepatic fibrosis of type B hepatitis in plateau region by the treatment of Danshen injection.目的:观察注射用丹参联合肝病治疗仪治疗高原地区慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化的临床疗效。
5)Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection丹参注射液
1.Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection relieves peritoneal dialysis solution-induced injuries of peritoneal structure and function in rats;丹参注射液减轻腹透液致大鼠腹膜结构和功能损伤
2.Study of Angiogenesis and Correlative Growth Factors Effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza Injection on the Ischemic Myocardium of the Rats after Myocardial Infarction;丹参注射液促心肌梗塞后大鼠缺血心肌血管新生作用及对相关生长因子的影响研究
3.Clinical Efficacy of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Injection in the Treatment of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy;应用丹参注射液治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病70例疗效观察
6)Salvia injection丹参注射液
1.Experimental Study on Effect of Salvia Injection in Protecting Kidney from Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy Induced Injury;丹参注射液对高能冲击波致肾损伤保护作用的实验研究
2.Clinical Study on Treatment of Liver Fibrosis by Different Dosages of Salvia Injection;不同剂量丹参注射液抗肝纤维化临床研究
3.Prevention of Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats by Pretreatment with Salvia Injection;丹参注射液预处理对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的影响

丹参粉针剂药物名称:丹参粉针剂汉语拼音:Danshen Fenzhenji主要成分:丹参。性状:棕黄色粉末。药理作用:经动物实验,显示本品具有抑制血小板聚集和增加冠脉流量的作用。另外,本品还可增加动物对缺氧环境的耐受力。功能与主治:活血通脉。用于胸痹血瘀证候,胸部刺痛,绞痛有定处,或有心悸。可用于冠心病心绞痛见上述证候者。用法与用量:静脉点滴,每支用10ml注射用水稀释。一日0.4g,7天为一疗程,可连用2个疗程,或遵医瞩。不良反应:偶见皮疹,停药后可自行消失。禁忌症:注意事项:不宜与Vc配伍,与其它化学药品配伍使用时,如出现混浊或沉淀,禁止使用。本品请勿静脉注射。规格: 0.4g/支贮藏:密闭,置凉暗干燥处保存。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是