波动葡萄糖,fluctuated glucose
1)fluctuated glucose波动葡萄糖

1.Intermittent High Glucose Enhances Mitochondria Oxidative Stress in HIT-T15 Cells in Culture;体外波动葡萄糖对HIT-T15细胞线粒体的氧化应激损伤机制的初探
2.Primary Studies on the Relationship between Advanced Glycation End Products,Glucose Fluctuation and Diabetic Nephropathy;糖基化终产物及葡萄糖浓度的波动与糖尿病肾病关系的初步研究
3.The Impaired Effect and the Expression of RAGE for Various Concentrations of Glucose and Fluctuated Glucose in Rat Mesangial Cells不同浓度葡萄糖与葡萄糖波动对大鼠肾系膜细胞损伤及RAGE表达的影响
4.Involvement of Chronic Stresses in Rat Islet and INS-1 Cell Glucose Toxicity Induced by Intermittent High Glucose;慢性应激与波动性高糖诱导的大鼠胰岛及INS-1细胞葡萄糖毒性
5.Role of Fluctuated Glucose on Diabetic Mice Livers and Cultured Human Hepatocytes;葡萄糖浓度波动对小鼠肝脏及人肝L02细胞影响的初步研究
6.The Effects of Intermittent High Glucose on the Expression of Adhesion Molecules and Production of NO in Cultured HUVECs;波动性高浓度葡萄糖对HUVECs粘附分子表达及NO分泌的影响
7.Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress was Enhanced Due to Fluctuated Glucose in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells;波动性葡萄糖加重人脐静脉内皮细胞内质网应激
8.The Effect of Intermittent High Glucose of Inflammatory Factors Producted by Monocytes葡萄糖浓度波动对单核细胞表达炎性因子的影响
9.Effect of glucose fluctuation on IL-6 produced by Monocytes葡萄糖浓度波动对单核细胞表达白介素6的影响
10.Effects of glucose variability on NADPH level and ROS production in healthy human peripheral white blood cells葡萄糖浓度波动对人外周血白细胞NADPH及活性氧产生的影响
11.Effects of glucose concentration fluctuations on oxidative stress in peripheral blood endothelial progenitor cells葡萄糖浓度波动对人外周血内皮祖细胞氧化应激的影响
12.Burley found labeled glucose and fructose in equimolar amounts.波里发现等克分子量的示踪葡萄糖和果糖。
13.glucose - 1 - phosphate葡萄糖- 1-磷酸
14.glucose - 6 - phosphate葡萄糖- 6-磷酸
15.glucose - 6 - phosphatase葡萄糖- 6-磷酸脢
16.Dextrose (grape sugar) An outdated name for GLUCOSE.葡萄糖(右旋糖):葡萄糖以前的名称。
17.Research on the Effect of Glucose Fluctuation on Diabetic Mouse Organs and Bovine Blood Vessel Cells;葡萄糖浓度波动对糖尿病小鼠各脏器及牛血管细胞影响的实验研究
18.Kinetics of Glucose Decomposition Catalyzed by Dilute Sulfuric Acid/Salts;稀硫酸/盐催化葡萄糖降解反应动力学

glucose fluctuation葡萄糖浓度波动
1.To explore the effect of glucose fluctuation on vascular cells and kidney cells.探讨葡萄糖浓度波动对体外培养的原代大鼠血管细胞和肾细胞的影响。
3)fluctuation of glucose concentration葡萄糖浓度的波动
4)Intermittent Glucose波动性葡萄搪
1.Ethanol fermentation with xylose and glucose mixtures and Pichia stipitis;葡萄糖对树干毕赤酵母发酵木糖的影响
2.Comparison between extrusion pretreatment and spray liquefaction of glucose production;挤压预处理与喷射液化生产葡萄糖的对照研究
3.Study on astaxanthin fermentation by adding ethanol and glucose into the effluent from tofu squeezing process;豆腐黄浆水中补加乙醇和葡萄糖发酵虾青素的研究
6)grape polysaccharide葡萄多糖
1.Optimization of Production Technique of grape polysaccharide;一种功能性成分—葡萄多糖制备工艺的优化
2.Comparative study on the inhibitory effects of different kinds of grape polysaccharides on tumor cell lines in vitro;不同葡萄多糖体外抗肿瘤作用的比较研究

波动波动Wave motion  7以V V(18)声源的声辐射作出数学描述。在这种情形下,声波从声源向四周扩散,其波阵面总是呈球面。式(24)右端的算子可写成球坐标形式。 假设在所有方向上辐射都是相同的,则在球坐标系中,一维波动方程可写成 一一dP一尸其中尸是气体的总压,y是气体定压比热与定容比热之比。令P与V由式(19)确定: 尸~尸。+P, V=Vo+r,(19)刁ZP。2 aP_1日ZP二尸下,厅—二丁一一一百二一万。k乙O/Jr‘r dr“dt‘其中P与r是随时间变化的量,值。如果不等式(20)成立: p《尸。, r《Vo,则方程(2l)成立:而尸。与V。是平衡通过微分可以证明,式(28)也可以写成刁2(Pr) a tZ_:2型业丝 沙r‘(29)(20)了口rVo日t。(21)些叔1一P0为满足质量守恒定律,可写出 r=Vodiv歹,(22)其中泞是盒的平均位移矢量。 式(22)对t求微分,然后代人式(21),得aP_,DJ:___,又万一一I诬ouiv甘。口L(23)从式(17)与(23)消去q,可得波动方程a ZP__:。2-下下一‘V尸,口i一(24)式中按定义有产一y尸。/P。。(25) 一维平面波设在介质中可取出一族平行平面,其中任意一个平面上,各点压强相等,且各点速度大小相等方向相同,那末这一声波就称为平面波勺 由于P与q在任一波阵面上都是常量,它们对y或z的偏导数必须等于零,所以在式(23)中有 式(29)与式(27)有着相同的形式。因此,同样形式的解对二者都适用,只不过在一个情形下因变量是P(x,t),而在另一个情形下的因变量是Pr(r,t)。 式(29)对应于单独一个向外移动的波(自由空间)的解可由式(30)给出: ,一告Fl(一‘)。(3。)注意,和平面波一样,波动在传播中形状不变。但是,声压的大小与距离成反比,因为在传播过程中波不断扩展。