不同糖耐量,Different Glucose Tolerance
1)Different Glucose Tolerance不同糖耐量

1.Study of Correlations between Plasma Apelin and Relevant Factors in the Population of Different Glucose Tolerances;不同糖耐量人群血浆Apelin水平及其相关因素研究
2.Changes of Plasma Neuropeptide B and Resistin Levels in the Population with Different Glucose Tolerances;不同糖耐量个体血浆NPB和Resistin水平的研究
3.Changes of Fasting Plasma Preptin Levels and Relevant Factors in the Population with Different Glucose Tolerances不同糖耐量个体血浆preptin水平变化及其相关因素
4.Relationship of free fat acid and diabetic retinopathy in people with different glucose tolerance不同糖耐量人群游离脂肪酸与糖尿病视网膜病变的关系
5.Plasma homocysteine and serum C-reactive protein levels in patients with different glucose intolerance不同糖耐量患者血浆同型半胱氨酸与血清C反应蛋白的改变
6.Changes of Plasma Visfatin Levels and Relevant Factors in the Population with Different Glucose Tolerances;不同糖耐量个体血浆Visfatin水平变化及其相关因素的研究
7.Plasma Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 and Serum C Reactive Protein Levels in Subjects with Various Glucose Tolerances and Relations with Body Fat and Insulin;不同糖耐量状态下PAI-1、CRP水平及与体脂、胰岛素等的关系
8.Study on Serum Adiponectin Level and Its Gene Polymorphism in Different Glucose Tolerance Humans;脂联素基因多态性及其血清水平与不同糖耐量人群的相关性研究
9.Antibodies to Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Levels in Subjects with Varying Glucose Tolerances;氧化低密度脂蛋白抗体在不同糖耐量水平下的比较
10.The Comparison of Radial Augmentation Index in People with Different Glucose Tolerance Status and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors不同糖耐量人群桡动脉增强指数比较及其影响因素分析
11.Changes in plasma obestatin levels in non-obese people with different glucose tolerance血浆Obestatin在非肥胖人群不同糖耐量状态下的水平变化
12.Expression of visfatin mRNA in adipose tissues of subjects with different glucose tolerance内脂素基因在不同糖耐量个体脂肪组织的表达差异
13.Relationship between Plasma Interleukin-18 Levels and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Different Glucose Tolerance不同糖耐量人群血浆IL-18水平与胰岛素抵抗的相关性
14.The activation and significance of NF-kappaB in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from subjects with various glucose toleranc不同糖耐量者外周血单核细胞中核因子-κB的活化及意义
15.Discussion about the features of pancreatic β-cell function and insulin resistance in different glucose tolerance subjects不同糖耐量受损人群胰岛β细胞功能和胰岛素抵抗的特点探讨
16.The Study about the Expression of NF-kappaB in Subjects with Various Glucose Tolerance and Diabetics of Oral Antidiabetic Drugs Failure with Intensive Therapy核因子-κB在不同糖耐量者及口服抗糖尿病药失效强化治疗患者中表达的研究
17.Serum Resistin, Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecules-1 Level in Different Body Mass Index with Different Glucose Tolerance Status;不同体重指数不同糖耐量人血清抵抗素和可溶性细胞间黏附分子水平的变化
18.Relation between plasma homocysteine and insulin resistance and islet beta cell function in individuals with different glucose tolerance不同糖耐量人群血浆同型半胱氨酸水平与胰岛素抵抗及胰岛β细胞功能的关系

Glucose intolerance葡萄糖耐量不良
3)lactose intolerance乳糖不耐
1.Objective: There were indicates that colon fermentation might play an important role in the development of lactose intolerance.目的 :了解肠道细菌发酵产生短链脂肪酸的情况 ,为乳糖不耐症状的发生提供依据。
4)Impaired glucose tolerance (Glucose intolerance)糖耐量低减(葡糖耐受不良)
5)sugar tolerance糖耐量
1.to mice and using this method to determine the sugar tolerance and toxicology of the high,middle and low dose of the complex,respectively.采用小鼠灌胃给药法分别测定了在高、中、低剂量时D860-Y的糖耐量和急性毒性。
2.The rats in different groups were fed with propolis for 9 weeks continuously,then the fasting blood glucose(FBG) and 2 h postprandial blood glucose(PBG) were determined every two weeks,and the experiment on the sugar tolerance of rats in ninth week was made.将大鼠随机分组后连续9周灌喂蜂胶,每2周测空腹血糖和餐后血糖;于第9周进行糖耐量试验;处死大鼠后,测定其血液中甘油三脂、胆固醇、尿酸、肌酐、尿素氮的含量;解剖大鼠后分别称取其肝、肾重量。
3.Objective:Research the effects of Lentinan(LNT) on the levels of blood sugar,sugar tolerance and serum insulin of experimental rats,aiming for new methods for treating diabetes.目的:研究香菇多糖(Lentinan,LNT)对实验性高血糖大鼠血糖、糖耐量和血清胰岛素水平的影响,旨在研究治疗糖尿病的新路径。
6)glucose tolerance糖耐量
1.Effects of Xiaotangyou on the levels of blood-lipid in experimental rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus and the glucose tolerance in normal mice;消糖优对实验性2型糖尿病大鼠血脂水平和正常小鼠糖耐量的影响
2.The effect of medical intervention for the glucose tolerance abnormal patients;糖耐量异常患者医疗干预的疗效观察
3.Comparative research on glucose tolerance betweem black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus and grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus;青鱼和草鱼葡萄糖耐量的比较研究

葡萄糖注射液 葡萄糖注射液【通用名称】葡萄糖注射液 葡萄糖注射液 【其他名称】葡萄糖注射液 葡萄糖注射液 拼音名:Putaotang Zhusheye 英文名:Glucose Injection 书页号:2000年版二部-816 本品为葡萄糖或无水葡萄糖的灭菌水溶液。含葡萄糖(C6H12O6.H2O) 应为标示量的 95.0%~105.0%。 【性状】 本品为无色或几乎无色的澄明液体;味甜。 【鉴别】 取本品,缓缓滴入温热的碱性酒石酸铜试液中,即生成氧化亚铜的红色 沉淀。 【检查】 pH值 应为3.2 ~5.5 (附录Ⅵ H)。 5-羟甲基糠醛 精密量取本品适量(约相当于葡萄糖1.0g),置 100ml量瓶中,加 水稀释至刻度,摇匀,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A),在284nm 的波长处测定,吸收度不 得大于0.32。 重金属 取本品适量(约相当于葡萄糖3g),必要时,蒸发至约20ml,放冷,加醋 酸盐缓冲液(pH3.5)2ml与水适量使成25ml,依法检查(附录Ⅷ H第一法),按葡萄糖含 量计算,含重金属不得过百万分之五。 不溶性微粒 取装量为100ml 或100ml 以上的本品1 瓶,依法检查(附录Ⅸ C),应 符合规定。 细菌内毒素 取本品,依法检查(附录Ⅺ E),每1ml中含内毒素量应小于0.5EU。 其他 应符合注射剂项下有关的各项规定(附录Ⅰ B)。 【含量测定】 精密量取本品适量(约相当于葡萄糖10g ),置100ml 量瓶中,加 氨试液0.2ml (10%或10%以下规格的本品可直接取样测定),用水稀释至刻度,摇匀 ,静置10分钟,依法测定旋光度(附录Ⅵ E),与2.0852相乘,即得供试量中含有 C6H 12O6.H2O的重量(g) 。 【类别】 同葡萄糖。 【规格】 (1) 10ml:2g (2) 20ml:5g (3) 20ml:10g (4) 100ml:5g (5) 100ml:10g (6) 250ml:12.5g (7) 250ml:25g (8) 500ml:25g (9) 500ml:50g (10) 1000ml:50g (11) 1000ml:100g 【贮藏】 密闭保存。